22. Loss of Time

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"Jake, I gotta go. Meet me at the ravine at around midnight, yeah?" I say.

"Always." He whispers. We kiss and slowly break away. I turn and run off through the woods. My feet pound against the ground and I reach the ravine. I look around and catch a glimpse of Peter. I make my eyes glow before taking a few steps back then jumping across the ravine and running toward Jasper's. I shake my head and stop at the tree line. I look around again, making sure he didn't follow.

They're catching on, Kiara. We don't have very much longer.

I'll just have to be more careful, I'll need to learn how to mask my scent and find better places to hide.

I'll mask our scent, but I can't help you with anything else.

"Kiki? What are doing here?" Muscles asks.

"Running, hiding, visiting. I'm alone though." I reply before looking around again.

"They're starting to figure you out, aren't they?"

"Unfortunately, yes they are. Maybe you aren't nothing but muscles." I slightly smirk. I have my own nicknames for the Cullen's, besides Jasper, Carlisle and Esme. Emmett's Muscles, Edward's Mr.Iknowyoursecrets, Rosalie's Blondie to her face, behind her back it's a series of things, then there's Alice, the slightly sane but not totally insane Tinkerbell.

"Come on, if they find you we're all screwed." Jasper appears out of nowhere and drags me inside.

Not so sure how Jake will feel when he smells not one not two, but a whole coven of leeches on you.

Oh shut up, and keep your thoughts to yourself would you? I don't need your commentary.

Edward gives me a strange look, like he's trying to figure out the whole inner bitch thing.

"I see Edward has met my inner bitch, unfortunately. Don't worry she gets on my nerves too." I state.

Oh, okay, I get it. I'm just the inner bitch, got it. We'll see how long this lasts.

I don't need your commentary Sierra.

It could be pretty helpful one of these days.

"Inner bitch?" Muscles raises an eyebrow,

"Shadow self, I just call her my inner bitch even though I can't get rid of her." I say. "It's the whole Nephilium thing, apparently." I shrug.

That's how you explain this? Really?

You know I'd kill you right now if it didn't kill me too.

Ouch. That hurts. Just kidding, I don't feel pain.

"Doesn't she seem fun." Edward scoffs.

"Yeah, well I have to deal with commentary 24/7." I grumble. Rosalie sniggers and I allow my eyes to glow and I glare at her. "You know I could easily set your hair on fire again Blondie, only this time, it'll be your whole body." I growl. She narrows her eyes at me slightly. I allow my eyes to return to brown and I cross my arms.

Ooh, bitch fight. Need me to hold your hoops girl?

"Oh my god! Shut up!" I yell, tired of her shit.

Oh, I'm sorry, am I pissing you off?

Shut the fuck up, now. I don't need your annoying voice occupying my brain.

Boohoo, you'll get over it in about a hundred years.

It'll be sooner than that, because that is just how determined I am to get rid of you.

Hah, that's impossible sweetheart.

I.will.fucking.kill.you. Now.shut.the fuck.up.

No thanks. I like hearing the sound of my own voice.

I clench my fists and I feel my claws start to come out. I grit my teeth and take a deep breath and they go away as I unclench my fists.

"Damn, I don't see how you can put up with a bitch like her." Edward mutters.

How rude!?!

"It might be rude but it's true." I smirk at the comment he made, causing her to stop talking. I shake my head slightly at the strange feeling I get suddenly.


"We don't have very much longer together, Jacob." I state breaking the silence between us.

"I know, Kiki. But we have to keep trying." He replies.

"They'll catch me sooner or later, and whichever it is, I'm not so sure that I'll ever be back. I just want to keep this for as long as I can." I sigh.

"And I don't!?! Kiara it's starting to look like you don't care anymore." He says.

"I never said you didn't. And I honestly don't know how I feel to be able to say if I care or not." I state.

"We're going to have to do something soon." He says calmly.

"I know." I pause. "I think I might be able to play them, get into their heads and mess with them, but I'm not sure." I shake my head.

"It's too dangerous." He states.

"But it's something." I retort.

"It's something."

"I love you." I say quietly.

"I love you, Kiki."

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now