31. Day One

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My next Seven Days were planned with seven or so different people.

Day One: Emily

Day Two: Quil

Day Three: Paul

Day Four: Leah

Day Five: the Cullens

Day Six: Seth

Day Seven: Jake

Even though every night I'd be with him, I figured the last day we should be with each other just us, one last time. Eichen would come on the morning of the eighth day. I'll spend that morning with John and Embry. I'll leave at around four or five, before Jake wakes up and go over. I'll leave him a note or something. The newborns would arrive about half way through the eighth day, around the same time that I'd reach Eichen, everyone would be distracted and wouldn't know if they had actually came for me or not. I'd be in the clear and wouldn't have to actually say goodbye, and they wouldn't have to see me getting drug off by a bunch of orderlies. Then however long it'll be before I return, they'll be left to learn what to do until I return. And when I return, whether that be in years, days, or months, maybe even centuries, everything will have changed. If they know me, if they still love me, if I changed, if they changed, we will be together and it'll slowly go back to how it was.

I shut off the car and get out. The front door opens and Emily runs to me. We wrap our arms around each other and stand in each other's embrace letting the feeling sink in.

"I made muffins, and cookies, and a cake, and cupcakes, and a lot of things." She says.

"Well, today is just me and you. No one else." She slightly pulls back. "Yes you can turn me into the girliest girl on earth." I state knowing what she was going to ask. She smiles at me.

"Come on, let's go inside." She drags me inside with her. "First things first, go get a shower and I'll get everything else ready." She rubs her hands together.

"Yes ma'am." I reply walking toward the bathroom.

"I'll set your clothes on the bed." She states.

"Okay." I grab my towel and set it by the shower before taking my shirt off. I finish getting undressed and get in the shower. I scrub my body and shave. I wash my hair and rinse my whole body off. I shut the water off and get out. I wrap the towel around my body and wrap my hair up in another. I put on what Emily set out on the bed for me. I put on the undergarments then the black skirt and a button up top. I walk out to find Emily moving stuff around on the table.

"You look great!" She beams. "Come sit." She pats a chair and I walk over. Emily takes the towel away and brushes my hair. She blow dries it and plugs in a hair straightener. "I can't believe that you're actually letting me do this!" She squeaks before sectioning off my hair. She sprays something then starts straightening my hair. Once she finishes it she spins the chair around. "Okay, you are probably going to hate me forever but I am waxing your eyebrows. They aren't terrible, but you are going to learn how to be a girly girl for today."

"This is going to hurt isn't it?" I slightly wince.

"Oh yeah." She nods. I close my eyes and let her have her way. It does hurt. "All done, but now it's time for your makeup." She claps then clips some of my hair back away from my face. "Wait, I have a different shirt I want you to wear." She says. "Come on." I follow her to the room and she searches for the shirt. She throws it at me. "Take off that blouse, out this on and tuck it in." I listen then she grabs a belt. "And this goes like this." She puts the belt on where the shirt and skirt meet. "Okay, back to your makeup, let's go." I follow her back to the table and sit in my chair. She does my makeup then turns me away from the mirror. "Are you ready?"

"I guess." I reply.

"Close your eyes." I do as I'm told and she turns the chair back around. "Open them." I open my eyes and stare at the stranger in front of me. I smile and run my hands through my hair. "Do you like it?"

"Em, I love it!" I get up and hug her. "Thank you so much."

"Oh honey, we ain't done yet. I still have to do your nails." She states. I laugh and sit back down.

"Let's do this!"


I get out of the car and walk inside. I take the heels off and toss them in the corner.

"Did you have fun?" Jake asks. I walk over and plop down beside him on the couch then lay across his lap.

"It was fun except for when she waxed my eyebrows and made me wear heels." I reply. He smiles at me softly.

"Come on, let's go to the room." He scoops me up in his arms and carries me in. He tosses me on the bed and I smile. He sits beside me and I straddle his lap. I take my shirt off then we kiss.

I'm going to miss this.

Day one- over

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now