43. Perigee Syzygy

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"Code 526-2190 showers level 00."

"Now it's code 632-6023."


"Showers level 00."

"Which one?"

"The Nephelium."

"Changing this quickly?"

"It must be the super moon."

"What's your 20?"

"632-6023, shower level 00."

"Is she moving?"




"Stay put."

On the floor, while the man wasn't paying attention, Kiara slowly slid into a standing position. Her head hanging towards the floor. The man turned around and she looked up, eyes pure black.

"Code Black! Code black!" The man screams then runs.



My head spins wildly. I can see everything, but I can't move. Yet I'm moving, it just isn't me doing the moving. It's something stronger and darker. Something evil.

"Do we have eyes on her?"

"Yeah, camera 007."

"How bad is she?"

"Not too far yet."

"Keep watch."

"Yes sir."

And everything goes black.

Three Days Later...

My eyes slowly flutter open, the smell of sulfur surrounds me. I look down to find myself restrained to the bed and an IV in my thumb. The door opens and Peter walks through.

"Perigee Syzygy. More commonly known as the super moon. It healed me and seems to have destroyed you." He drags his knuckles across my face. "Oh and we've drained all of the wolfsbane and mistletoe from your system. I also personally disposed of the rest you had stashed." He traces a smile with his claws on my face. "I am not happy with that stunt you pulled last month either by the way, you little bitch."

"Oh rot in hell." I seethe.

"Hmm, you are on the edge of death, I wouldn't insult your undertaker." He digs his other claws into my arm and I grunt from the pain.

"Bastard." I mutter.

"Alright you little whore, if you ever want to see your little mutts again, I'd keep your mouth shut. Otherwise you'll get put down." He smirks.

"What the fuck do you want?" I growl.

"What I want, is what I've always wanted-" he leans down to my ear, "power."

"Use your voice, be a bullet, not a bomb."

I scream and he flies back against the wall as sparks fly around. The restraints disappear and I jump onto my feet. He stands and growls, half of his face burnt and scar ridden. My eyes start to glow and I snarl. He lunges and I flip him over my shoulder. I slam my heel against his throat and push down. He growls and I growl louder. He snaps my ankle and I howl in pain. He jumps on top of me and starts slicing me open with his claws. I struggle against him, trying to throw him off.


I place my feet on his stomach and throw him off. I scream and he flinches. He pins me against the wall and digs his claws into my stomach. His eyes glow brighter and I feel my life draining from my body. I scream and slam my palms against his chest. He flies back but his claws stay imbedded in my flesh. I run out the door and lock it behind me.

Eleven doors, twenty nine halls, four gates, thirty plus guards.

I run down the hall and break through a door before going to another hall. An alarm sounds and I groan. I keep running despite the pain and tear down the main gate to the supernatural level. I break through the mountain ash barrier and dart down another hall. Five guards surround me and I fight them all off. I push myself faster and through another door. An arrow plunges into my shoulder and I howl before ripping it out. I shift and barrel through the building.

A loud scream echoes through the building and everything goes blank.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now