46. Sail

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I slowly make my way up the stairs and fall into my bed.

"Do you want some real food?" Embry asks. "I know the food they gave you is shit."

"Not right now." I reply cuddling a pillow.

"I have muffins!" He smiles.

"Maybe one, warm and smothered in butter. And some milk." I smile back weakly.

"Coming right up, Kiki." He nods before turning and leaving. I inhale the scent on the pillow and my heart drops.


The bond broke but I still need him.

My body shakes from many emotions and I dig my claws into the mattress before screaming into the pillow.

"I got your... Are you okay?" Embry asks setting the muffin on my nightstand.

"No." I shake my head and sit up. "No I'm not okay." I drag my hands down my face. "I died, Em, I was dead. The imprint broke, I can't feel Jake anymore, he doesn't even know I'm alive. A few weeks ago Peter killed the one thing that kept me sane in that place, he killed Harper. Ripped her heart out, she had a husband and a three year old daughter. Then I just stopped eating, I wanted to die so fucking bad. Jasper and Tinkerbell, they tried to get me to eat. I couldn't. I fucking lost it all. I lost it all Embry. Look at me! I'm fucking crazy! I have nothing!" I sob.

"Kiki, no, you have me, you have dad, we're gonna take you to Sam's tomorrow, Seth and Jake and Emily and Leah and Paul, they'll all be there. Everyone's gonna be there to see you. They think that it's just gonna be like a wake, but we're gonna surprise everyone. You can go see everybody. You and Jake will imprint again. It'll be okay." He soothes.

"Will you order a pizza?" I sniffle and wipe my eyes. He smiles.

"Yeah, I'll order you a pizza. I'll even get bread sticks with it." He nods before hugging me.

"I missed you asshole." I whisper.

"I missed you too, cunt." He laughs.

"You know what? I'm not even going to hit you for that." I slightly laugh before grabbing my muffin and taking a big bite out of it. "Is this one of Emmy's?"

"Yeah, it's one of Emmy's." He nods then scratches the back of his neck. "I'll go order your shit and bring back a few more muffins." He gets up and walks to the door.

"I love you brother." I state. He smiles and me then goes downstairs.

"I love you too sister." He whispers from downstairs, thinking that I can't hear him.


Short chapter, I know. But kinda wanted to throw this out there before continuing on what happens next.

Yes- she is alive

No- the pack does not know that she is

Yes- her and Embry get along again

No- I will not tell you if anything big happens in the next few chapters, however I will say this-

You fall in love more than once. The first time certainly won't be your last, or the next, or the one after that. You can fall in love a thousand times with a thousand different people, it happens more than once.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now