36. Imprint

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I pull my hair up into a bun and sigh, pulling my legs against my chest. My head whirls and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Are you feeling any better sweetheart?" Nurse Holland asks.

"Kind of, my head still hurts, and the entire right side of my body, but it's gone down tremendously." I reply.

"Well, we can't give you anything for the pain, it doesn't work, and it could actually trigger another seizure, which they're still trying figure out what caused it." She states.

"It'll take a while to do." I say.

"Her father's on his way up." A guard says from the door.

"Do you want me to stay until he gets here?" She asks. I nod a reply before glancing at the guard who narrows his eyes at me.

"He thinks I'm faking it." I whisper to Holland.

"He's not a sympathetic person." She states before glaring at him. "I'll be right on the other side of that door." I nod as she leaves my side then exists the room as John walks in.

"Hey punk." He slightly smiles before sitting beside me.

"Where's Jake? Why didn't he come?" I ask. His face falls and he hang his head before giving me a sympathetic smile.

"He's alright, just, uh, well, he got hurt during that fight with the newborns." He replies. My body heats up and my head whirls even more. "He's fine, he's healing fast." I shake my head.

"Wha-what happened?" I stare at the bed beneath me.

"He was saving Leah, she would've died no doubt. It broke almost every bone on the right side of his body, but he's fine and healing fast." He puts a hand on my shoulder. "He's alright." I shake my head and push his hand off of my shoulder.

"Go." I mutter.


"Go now." I say louder.


"I said go!" I yell.

"Sir, you need to leave." The guard says as John stands.

"Calm down, sweetie, he's leaving. It's okay." Nurse Holland soothes. John and the guard leave and Holland stays by my side. "He's gone, just take a deep breath. Relax, it's okay." I hold my legs against my chest tighter and bury my head in my knees. "It's alright sweetheart. He's gone."


I brush my hair slowly, staring at the floor. The pain in my right side grows stronger and I clench my jaw. Gravity pulls at me as my body heats up. I drop the brush and fall to my knees. The door flies open and orderlies rush to my side. The pain continues growing stronger as my nose begins to bleed. I press my palms against my ears before crying out. My chest heaves as my palms hit the floor. My head spins and my arms give away, my body hitting the floor.


"It's alright sweetie, it'll be alright." Holland soothes. My body continues to heat up and the pain gets worse. I twist and roll from the pain, my chest heaving. "It's alright. Easy, just take it easy, try to relax." The pain continues to worsen and I scream, no longer able to take it.


"He's on his way, they had to get a stretcher."

"Breathe baby, just breathe. The doctor's on his way." Holland pushes my hair back gently. "She's burning up, it's unreal."

"She's part werewolf. That's normal."

"She wasn't like this yesterday." I scream again turning onto my side. "Her nose is bleeding again."

"If she imprinted that might be what's doing this. Something might have happened to her imprint yesterday and what ever happened is still happening."

"It'll be alright sweetie." She rubs my arm and I squeeze my eyes shut. "It'll be okay."


My arm hangs off the side of the hammock along with my leg on the other side. The heat isn't as strong and the pain is next to none. It was the imprint that caused it all. The bond between us is just as strong as it was when I could still phase, if not stronger. He got hurt, and I felt everything he did, and then some. I should've been there to stop it, but I wasn't. He could've died and it'd be my fault because I made a deal. I'm weak from all the pain, and nose bleeds, and especially that seizure. I've laid up in this hammock since they brought me back in last night. I may be weak but I still have to ability to jump up high enough to climb into a hammock dangling eight feet off of the ground. This place has ten foot ceilings and this cell is about the size of a small classroom, 20 by 12, I think. It's a lot of room, mainly because the supernatural level is underground and bigger than building and we tend to need more space.

"Kiki, there's someone here to see you sweetie."


Okay so, leaving you with this for now. I kind of tried to explain why everything was happening to Kiki, even though it see me some of you already knew it had to deal with Jake. I knew when I started this that I wanted the imprint to mess with Kiki even though she's not exactly a werewolf anymore. About the time I wrote chapters 12 and 13 when I planned her having to meet with Marin Morrell, a girl from Eichen, I got the idea to have her end up back in Eichen House. I wasn't sure when I wanted her to go back, then I finally decided to have it right before the fight and to mess with the imprint thing.

Okay so yeah.

You Know Who I Am

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now