14. Parasomnia

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I take a deep breath, close my eyes then lay down. I roll over and sit up. I'm at the school. I look down and I'm wearing a white dress and a denim jacket, my feet bare. I stand up and walk toward the bathroom. I look in the mirror and my face is cut up, but everything else looks fine. I turn and go to walk out when the door flies open.

"Kiara, why don't we talk?" Mother smirks evilly before grabbing my hair and flinging me out into the hallway. I jump to my feet and watch her carefully. "Why did you do this to us?" I purse my lips and slightly move backward. "Answer me!" She yells. I shake my head.

"It wasn't me." I whisper, my voice weak and on the brink of tears.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! I'M DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" She screams breaking a mop and twirling the stick. "THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" She moves toward me and I fall back and crawl backwards away from her. "And now I'm going to kill you." She twirls the stick one more time before driving through the base of my throat. I gasp and my hands shake. She smirks at me while everything turns to black.

I shoot up from my bed screaming, when I stop my breathing is rigid. My door flies open and Sam and Emily burst through. My eyes stained with tears and my hands shaking at my sides. I slightly whimper and Emily sits down beside me. She holds my hand while my lip quivers.

"It's getting worse, Kiki you have to start the medication again." Sam states. I slightly shake my head before resting it on Emily's shoulder.

"Sam, it made her sick and she couldn't sleep. If anything it would do more harm than good." Emily says rubbing my back comfortingly. Sam sighs.

"Emily this is the third time this week. We have to do something." He speaks softly.

"Then medication will be a last resort." She states. "Kiki, come on, let's get you fed sweetie."


I step out of the shower and dry off quickly before getting dressed. I brush and blow dry my hair before leaving the bathroom. I grab a sweater from my closet and put it on before slipping into a pair of boots. I walk to the living room and sit down on the couch. Sam slightly furrows his eyebrows at me from his chair.

"You cold?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No, I just wanted to wear a sweater." I reply. I look at the news and roll my eyes. "I'm gonna go for a walk." I state getting up and walking to the door.

"Be careful." Sam says.

"I know." I grumble shutting the door behind me and jumping over the porch railing. I walk into the woods and drag my fingers across the bark of many trees.

"Are you okay?" Jake asks appearing from literally nowhere. I nod and turn to face him.

"I'm fine." I reply. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

"Kiki, I know about this morning, and yesterday, and the day before that. You don't have to hide it from me." He states. "What's going on?"

"Sam thinks I should go back on the medication for it." I sigh.

"Do you?" He retorts.

"Hell no, if anything it makes me feel worse than what I already do." I state.

"What does Emily think about it?" He asks.

"She said that the medication will be last resort." I reply. "But she also said that I'd probably end up having to deal Marin once every week. Which I refuse to do."

"How about I stay with you for tonight and we'll see what that does, okay?" I look up at him and smile slightly.

"Yeah." We kiss briefly before pulling away.

"I love you." He gently ruffles my hair.

"I love you too." I smile before we briefly kiss again.

"Come on, let's get you back before Sam starts worrying." He wraps an arm around me and we walk back to Sam's.


I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes. He wraps an arm around me and I smile. I angle my head upward and we kiss softly before I nuzzle back up to his chest. I sloppily lace my fingers with his and he moves our hands to his lips. I smile and our hands rest by his heart. I take a deep breath before I fall asleep.

Cold air surrounds me and I open my eyes. Mom stands in front of me with a devilish smirk. A warmth pulls me away from her and back to reality. I open my eyes and I'm in bed next to Jake. I take a deep breath and go back to sleep. The cold air fights against the warmth-

"When cold air and hot air collide it creates a loud booming sound that we know as thunder."

A loud noise echoes through my skull- like thunder. The cold fades with the noise and I start to fully drift off. Warmth wraps around me and I smile.

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