28. Animal Instincts

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I climb a tree and sit at the top looking down at everything. It's been two days since I last saw anyone and everything just feels wrong. I've only seen the people from Eichen once, and they were dragging some kid out of their house. I don't even know if they're looking for me. Sure enough when I stop hiding they'll get me. When I feel like it's over, they'll be waiting for me. They want me to give myself up. Nobody is safe. An army of newborn vampires is on the rise and they'll be here soon. Jasper told me the last time I saw him, and I'm not entirely sure that I'll fight with them. I'm not entirely sure that I have that kind of time. So much has been going on these past few days and I'm just barely surviving day to day. I got more muffins the last time I was out, and a shower, and real food, but I feel myself becoming more and more of an animal. I sleep in a den instead of a tree like I did when I first started, I'm more active in the night, I hunt for food now. It's almost like instinct. I just hope that it doesn't consume me. I have to fight myself just to stay me. How am I going to keep going if I can't even really fight myself? Sierra finally shut up, I don't have to listen to the annoying sound of her voice anymore, but something replaced the sound of her voice, screaming. That's another thing driving me off the edge, constantly hearing screams. I hate it.

The sun slowly starts to come up and I look around before jumping to the ground. I slowly walk around and listen for any visitors. I sigh and walk to the den where I buried food. I dig up my pillowcase of muffins and pull one out. I bite into it and close the case before burying it again. I eat my muffin and inhale sharply. Nothing. I crawl out of my den and walk toward La Push. Maybe the others will be there. I run a hand through my hair and take a deep breath. I look down over the hill before taking a few steps back. I pop my neck before running and jumping. I land in the sand in a crouched position. I flip my hair out of my face and I feel my eyes glowing. I switch them back and sit on a log near the water. The tide slowly starts to rise and I smile slightly. This is normally when I start finding somewhere to sleep, but I need a break from what I normally do, otherwise the animal will take over.


I slowly stand up and look around. It's later in the day now, I must've fallen asleep. I have sand in my hair and the tide has drawn back. I walk out into the water to about knee deep and look back into the woods. I climb up onto a rock and sit down on my knees. I flip my hair down into the water then back up, water flying everywhere. The coolness against my skin is a relief and the corners of my mouth tug up slightly. The sun shines down on the rock I'm on and my hair starts drying. I glance back toward the woods and watch for someone or something to appear, anything to appear. I pull my hair over my shoulder and step off of the rock. I walk back on shore and into the woods. I climb into a tree and sigh heavily. I braid my hair and leave it all just hang over my shoulder in a mess. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the tree. Twigs snap in the distance and I furrow my brows.

"I don't know. No one's seen her in a few days."

"That's unusual, she normal tries to see you guys as much as she can."

"She was at Sam's the other day, mainly to restock on supplies and shower. She gave Emily a note but she won't tell anyone about it. Then she just left without saying anything to anyone."

"She's afraid then. She must've saw them getting close and she's trying to survive and not get caught." There's a pause. "Fear can change a person very quickly. And it doesn't take much to do."

"So she hid completely out of fear?"

"She's not really hidden, she's in plain sight, just in away that you can't see." I open my eyes and look around. "It's how most things survive in the wild."

"That makes no sense whatsoever."

I smile at the two faces walking through the woods.

"It makes perfect sense once you think about it." I speak from my tree. I swing my legs over the side if the branch and jump down. "The closer you look the less you see." I smirk.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя