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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Love Interest:
Clint Barton

Face Claim(s):
Gal Gadot as Reba Murdock

Face Claim(s): Gal Gadot as Reba Murdock

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Civil War

Reba was a warrior in Asgard until Odin banished to Earth where she learnt to live on it through centuries fighting in wars till she found out about Loki's attack where she helps the Avengers to then vanish again then reappeared when Ultron attacked the planet... finally when the attack to U.N. happened, Reba knew she had to step in and that's what she did.

Extra (To help you out):
It's understandable she is from Asgard, she met Clint for the first time when he was still under Loki's control, after the attack the archer encountered her months later, Clint promised to not tell anybody about her location or anything for the matter; when the attack of Ultron happened, Clint knew the only one that could help them was Reba so he took the Avengers to her location knowing she would help (instead of the whole wife and kids thing, Clint takes them to her secret location) after that, in Civil War, Clint and Reba appeared to fight together and they fall in love, blah, blah.


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