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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Love Interest:

Face Claim(s):
Dylan O'Brien as The Nogitsune/Alexander Masterson

Face Claim(s): Dylan O'Brien as The Nogitsune/Alexander Masterson

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The Nogitsune may have the appearance of a teenager but he was still very powerful, at the moment he was looking to feed himself and that is when he felt something in Germany, he felt so much pain, anger, and suffering and it was all coming from the God of Lies, Loki. When Loki meets the teenager he just assumes he is that a weak mortal but the Nogitsune being the trickster that he was he pretended to be a human with certain abilities telling the God he would like to be his acquaintance and participate in his plan. 

The Nogitsune and the God team up to conquer the world. Loki was known to be a trickster but the Nogitsune was one too, he was the personification of one... the God certainly was going to fall because you should never trust a fox, they are tricksters, they fool everyone... even the God of Lies and soon the Avengers will fall too.

Extra (To help you out):
In here the Nogitsune is after Loki and he tricks him, you may think how is that possible, well due the age difference the Nogitsune is older than Loki and the Nogitsune is all tricks, Loki still was a kid and had the love of his mother, the Nogitsune never had that, making him pure evil, more than Loki so yes in here the Nogitsune beats Loki. 

And he has the advantage because he can't be killed by anything, neither Loki or the Avengers have the resources to change him into another supernatural creature, he is still a spirit that is possessing someone, a kid (which is long dead) to trick Loki he gives him the name of the kid which is Alexander(Alex) the real Alex is dead so there is no chance of a possibility for him to be taken out of the body, even if somehow the body is destroyed the Nogitsune would only find another. In the case of the Avengers he would know the fears of all of them. 

I think it would be better if the Nogitsune wins in the end but there is the choice of the Avengers to win with Loki and all that but the Nogitsune would just leave them alone. Still the fox wins.



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