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Teen Wolf

Love Interest: 
Scott McCall

Face Claim(s): 
Cameron Monaghan as David Mallon

Face Claim(s): Cameron Monaghan as David Mallon

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Season 2

In which the Kanima and the Argents are not the only things Scott has to worry about. In which a certain incubus starts to change and doesn't only care about himself any more thanks to werewolf with puppy's eyes.

Extra (To help you out): 
At first David and Scott were against each other because David was a demon and he didn't use his abilities for good only to please himself but both started to work together because both knew the Argents, the Kanima and possibly Derek's pack were going to come after them... specially David for being a different supernatural creature, so as both work together David realize Scott is a good guy but manages to still have hope and Scott manages to see that David isn't that bad.



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