Prompt #13 (Tate Langdon [AHS] x Reader)

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"Kiss me."


That eventful school day started off like any other, Tate coming over very early to have breakfast with you. He had seemed as he always did: happy & a little distant. He was smiling & laughing at your lame jokes as usual & thanked your mom repeatedly for the meal. Every thing seemed so normal & you didn't suspect a thing.

Your ignored phone calls should have been the first clue. Tate never ignored your phone calls, no matter how busy he was. He always picked up by the third ring. You had called him just as you were getting ready to make the small walk over to his house. You two walked to school together every morning, getting there several hours before school started. You did this because it gave you both some quiet time to read in the library, your guys' favorite part of school. By your Sophomore year, you both had read every book in the library at least once & had become very close to the librarian; close enough to let you both in way before the library was open to all students & way before the school allowed students onto campus.

You made the short walk over to Tate's house & knocked, his mother, Constance, answering it.

"Good morning, Constance. Is Tate ready?"

"I'm afraid you just missed him. He left just a few minutes ago."

You frowned, both in confusion & sadness, "Oh, alright, thank you," you left her door step & started walking to school, alone. Your mind drowned itself with an ocean of possibilities as to why Tate had left without you. He had never done that to you before & you knew that he would never have done it. Well, at least, that's what you thought, but evidently, this morning was proving you wrong. Nothing made sense. First, he ignored your phone calls, now he completely ditched you. This was so unlike him. Furthermore, not even an hour ago, he had joined you for breakfast & behaved as he normally did. Something wasn't adding up. You must have missed something.

You played back this morning's events in your mind as you neared the school. You recalled his actions, how he twiddled with his fork nervously as he dug into his eggs, how he never quite looked you in the eye, &, probaly the most damning of all, how he could never quite return your smile fully. You didn't know what was wrong, but now, you were convinced that there was something wrong.

When you finally made it to school, you immediately started making your way to the library. As you walked in the hallway, you noticed a student in a large, black trench coat at their locker. You didn't recognize them at first & didn't think much about them, except for the fact that they would most likely get into trouble for their choice of clothing, "Hey, they're going to hound you about the dress code if you wear that coat when school starts," the student turned to look at you, their blonde curls now evident. A smile grew on your face, "Tate!" you gently hugged him, "I was so worried about you. Is everything okay?" you looked up at him, nervousness radiating from his eyes. He looked off & out of it & it worried you. Your eyes wandered towards his open locker & they widened in shock. A large shot gun, along with a revolver & a ton of bullets, were in it. You looked at Tate fearfully, "What are you going to do?"

He sighed & pressed a hand to your cheek, "I can't take it anymore! The way everyone treats us, so many years of pain...they need to pay."

"So what? You're going to just kill them & be on your merry way?"

"No," he looked at you sadly, "I'm going to kill them all."

"Tate, you can't do that! You can't just take so many innocent lives over some sick revenge plot!" you stared at your Tate, the light & sparkle suddenly gone from his brown eyes. This wasn't the Tate you know. That Tate, your Tate, was sweet & gentle, not vindictive & revenge-driven. You knew he had been bullied so badly his whole time here because so had you, but it would never make you want to shoot up your entire school. It seemed as if something changed him & he finally snapped.

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