Ch. 13 Talk to him

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It's been 2 days since we returned to Michael's castle.

He and Gilbert have been acting strange ever since - ignoring and not talking to me. Well, when it came to Gilbert, this behavior wasn't something new, but Michael... he would never act like this! He used to be so talkative and I felt like he was enjoying my company to the point where he wouldn't let me sleep until 3am! He loved talking! He was showering me with his attention, we'd have dinner together, then stroll out in the gardens, but the last few days, when I came downstairs at the usual hour for supper, I would find the table set with warm food for me, however, there was no sign of Michael or Gilbert.

I would dine alone and then roam the castle with the hope to see his eyes but in the end, I'd go to bed after I've grown tired of walking, lie down and fall asleep with tears in my eyes.

The only company I had was coming from all those people in the paintings on the walls, and from the animal statues, which I used to find quite scary, but now they seemed to be my best friends.

What was going on? Why would he ignore me like this? Didn't he want me anymore? Was he going to get rid of me? Did my father say something bad to upset him?

These questions were burning inside me and I couldn't wait no more. I had to find out what was going on, so in the morning, after I got out of bed, I gathered my courage and went up the last floor in his own room to talk to him.

When I first came to live here, I would have never dared do that but now because of the situation, that I could no longer endure, I decided I would take that risk no matter what.

Besides, I was curious to know what was he doing in his room during day time?

I checked myself out in the mirror to make sure I looked decent and made my way to the elevator. I hit the button for the last floor and waited.

The corridors were so empty and quiet. Only the pictures on the walls and the animal statues accompanied me on the way. I had forgotten how cold the air was up here. I was approaching the big door of his room more and more with each step, until I was finally standing in front of it.

I gulped down my fear and knocked. No matter what happened, no matter how angry this would make him, I had to talk to him and find out the reasons for the sudden and unpleasant change in his attitude towards me.

The door was so thick and heavy that I had the feeling the sound of my knock that came from my small, weak hand, couldn't penetrate the stone, so I decided to just push the door open.

I placed my both arms on the stone and used my legs for support and strength to open the heavy door.

I entered the room without windows. It was so cold and dark but in the distance, where his bed was, I noticed a few candles, placed on the floor around his bed, burning. I followed their light slowly and carefully so as to not trip over something.

When I reached it, I saw the thick curtains of the bed were hanging from the ceiling, covering the bed in a round form like a circle... It was already so dark, why curtains too?

I carefully stepped further towards the bed, wondering if he was there,  but I couldn't see because of the thick curtains. Then suddenly, a gentle wind or more like a breeze, blew my hair and the curtains. I noticed Michael laying on the bed with his eyes closed and hands in one another resting on his chest.

I wondered where did the wind come from in a room without any windows?!

I stepped further until I was inside the circle of curtains, right in front of his bed.

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