SHOCKED to See Me? (Chptr.7)

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~One month has Passed~

"Ma 'am, I have good and bad news." The doctor said approaching mom, "What is it?" My mom stood up "We are happy to say that the therapies have been improving Y/N's health status, the only problem is the disease is catching up." The doctor said, my mom had a change in expression; from happy to shocked, "What do you mean by that?" My mom smiles weakly "I mean that the therapies will soon no longer serve a purpose in treating her, we can stabilize her health but survival rates may decrease." He states "How much has it decrease." I asked "From 50% it has now dropped to 45%. It may increase or decrease depending on the disease and effort." He responded leaving the room. My mom sat beside me, sobbing. "You're so young my child, you've grown to be strong. Why does it have to be you? Why is it not me." My mom cried over me.

"Mom, don't cry." I asked "She's right Mrs.Rosevelt." Jay said "How did you get in here without opening the door?" I asked "I did opened the door, silently." He said "I'll leave you two here, I have to talk to the doctor." My mom said exiting the room. "I can't believe we have to cut this short huh?" He said "I know." I said "No matter what happens, I'll be there for you." He said forcing himself not to cry.

"When I look into your eyes. It's like watching the night sky or a beautiful sunrise. Well, there's so much they hold." I sang to see if he can follow, "And just like them old stars, I see that you've come so far,To be right where you are,How old is your soul?" He continues "Well, I won't give up on us, Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up." I continued "Y/N, it's time for your therapy." The doctor said, "See ya tomorrow Jay." I said farewell until tomorrow.

~Time Skip~

Jay's POV
"I have to stay strong no matter what comes in my way, I'll be there for her, I don't want her to feel the pain that we felt last month.", "Jay are you alright?" Lloyd asks, "Peachy." I smiled weakly "Jay, Behind that smile is not what you mean, you're in pain, you're afraid." He said sitting beside me, I stared at him and bursted into tears, "Everything will be alright." He said "'Everything will be alright?', Heh, how do you know that 'Everything will be alright'. Tell me Lloyd, explain how everything will be alright!!!" I yelled at him, "Can't you see I'm in something you guys aren't, I don't want it to happen all over again. I just want everything to be alright in a way that it will never change." I said, he hugged me and said that; "You are strong along with her, both of you experienced and struggled the same odds. You both can get pass this obstacle. Never put yourself down." He said with a confident smile, I hugged him back saying; "Thank you....Lloyd.."

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