Chapter Thirty Five: I'm going to have trouble with this one!

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Luke's POV

I walk through the attic door to find the Doctor and a stranger in the attic standing just outside the Tardis that yet again is here in the attic.

"Doctor?" I say to get his attention.

"Luke how great to see you. I know my last visit didn't end too well but I rushed off quite quickly after you came around from your Trance. I don't feel too great when I can't keep an eye on you," he says.

"I am going to be totally fine Doctor. You really don't need to worry yourself," I say.

"I can't quite believe how much alien technology is in here and what is that hiding in the wall and oh my don't tell me that is a K-9 what version is it," says the young man looking too excited for his own good and I can't help but stare at the long tail hanging out his trousers.

"Ah Luke this is Paul Tribal. I never know if bringing an alien to earth is such a good idea. Don't touch K-9 he means a lot to me and a lot to Luke," the Doctor tells him.

"So he works? I haven't seen one in a long time and the last one I came across wasn't this great," says Paul taking a closer look at K-9. Paul is a bit taller then me, a tad bigger in weight size and generally would have no trouble in finding a girlfriend. He may not be human as what the Doctor suggested he isn't from earth but he could easily pass as one. Most of whatever race he happens to be is much similar to a human.

"Master Luke," says K-9 going around Paul and coming up to me.

"It's okey K-9. I think. Doctor what up you up to? Why is he here?" I ask him.

"I can't always be around to keep an eye on you Luke and you do attract trouble a lot and even more so since your mum passed away. I brought Paul here because I want him to keep an eye on you. He is brilliant Luke. I really think you and him will get along," the Doctor insists.

"So what? You brought him here to babysit me? I don't think I need someone babysitting me," I begin.

"I wouldn't be babysitting you. I mean I rather much be exploring this planet on my own or carry on with my project back home but I met the Doctor and well he seems to have this grand plan that you and me will get on greatly and that he believes we will be good for each other. I have my doubts but the Doctor is brilliant so I thought I give it ago," says Paul coming towards me now taking a better look at me.

"You look human but," I go to say.

"But my tail right? Well its just one feature. I am really strong and I am able to teleport with this little device on my wrist and I can fly. My home planet is called Eurasia and we all walk around with tails its normal. Yet I can easily hide it which I believe I have to do on this planet. Yet you can talk Luke Smith. Your not any normal human are you?" Paul raises his eyebrows.

"I get your point," I say to him.

"When the Doctor told me I couldn't help but be impressed. I mean ten thousand people, ten thousand different types of DNA within that small body of yours. Quite impressive I must say and it takes a lot to impress someone like me trust me on that," says Paul.

"You promise you will behave yourself. I'm already having second thoughts," says the Doctor.

"You can trust me," Paul smiles.

"Hold on who said I was agreeing to any of this," I begin.

"Luke I much rather know someone like Paul is around when I'm not. I know your brilliant and you are amazing but Paul is too. Trust me when I say you need him and I think it be good for Paul too," the Doctor says to me.

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