Chapter Forty: Outwitted by Humans and a Zert!!

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Luke's POV

Having a plan is always a good thing. It means your not running in or at what your facing with uncertainty of what is about to happen.

By having a plan could easily go wrong too but something is always better then nothing and I have come to learn that quite well. Even though in the past Clyde and I have gone running in with out a plan and sometimes there really isn't time. But if you have time use that to your advantage!

With my ideas and Paul's interesting gadgets we may just have a winning chance at taking this alien down!

Maybe the Doctor had been right about me and Paul. Maybe...

"Luke are you sure about this?" Paul asks me through the ear piece he had given to me.

"I am sure. I need to get Lenny back and this is the only way to do it. Just have to trust me," I say to him.

"I trust you Luke. The Doctor said you are the leader for a reason after Sarah Jane. I believe him, so I do trust you."

"Thanks. So you sure you know what you are doing your end?" I ask him now.

"Of course. I may not have a memory as good as yours but I'm quite good at remembering important stuff or a plan for that matter. Good luck Luke," Paul says into my ear.

"You too."

I slowly slip out from my hiding place into the small corridor of three black doors. I look at the tight space I had myself in and grin. Sometimes its good not being too big so I can fit into tight spaces. There is a gap in the wall, hidden by a huge stand alone cabinet and it wouldn't be something that catch your eye or less you took a proper look.

I walk down the corridor slowly towards the first black door located to my left. I slowly grasp the handle and push open the door.

I slide to the left as I close the door hiding behind a desk as I look over at a huddle of computers and chairs in a circle all watching closely at the computer screens. They are watching the arena live.

Suddenly the door to the room slams open and I have to slip down further below the desk to not be spotted. "Where is he!" Rem shouts charging over to the computers and yanking the first girl closes to him.

"I don't know. He had been in the arena but then an unknown person appeared and shortly after gone altogether," she says to him scared out her life.

"What! How is that possible with our systems!"

She shakes her head, "It was way advanced. It is not human that is for sure," she tells him.

Rem lets her go sighing. "Do everything in your power to find Luke Smith! I will not lose something so unique!" he shouts.

Here we go again! He is really insane. Sooner we deal with him the better.

I watch as he leaves looking very irritated. I slowly move along the outside of the room hiding behind the desks until I reach the door I need. I quickly slip in the key card Paul took earlier for me before going into the room on my hands and knees and closing the door behind me before I get to my feet.

Its a small room with only one computer but a lot of unknown items and as I approach the left side of the room I find my ring sitting in a small holder but the lid is open on show. Right next to it sits my sonic pen and next to that my phone, keys and wallet. I take them all putting them into my pockets before I look back at the ring in the box.

I make sure that its safe before I take the ring out of the box and slid it onto my finger.

"Luke!" Lenny shouts right in my mind making me jump and smile.

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