F O U R T E E N°

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My eyes widen as I heard her explain her nightmare, still, I hugged her. She cried like a total baby between my arms, hiccupping some tears afterwards.

"Shh..." I tried to calm her down.

My brows furrowed, does that mean she remember?

I swallowed a lump on my throat, nervous with what I needed to know, "W-was it only you and me?" I asked.

She shook her head before pulling away from me. Her eyes were so red and wet, puffy and the first time I'm seeing her cry like this... this close.

"T-there way also another girl standing in front of you, but she didn't help you to come down. She never looked back to me. I kept on shouting at her to pull you, but she just let you fall." She sniffed, mumbling her own words with her own tears. She was a total wreck, and it's really cute-


I shook my head violently, trying to shake off the thoughts of me and her away from my mind.

I coughed to get back to my pace, "W-who was it?" I managed to say.

She pouted her little mouth before wiping her tears with her sleeves and stood up to go back to her own seat across me. She shook her head, "I don't know. All I know is that she's wearing a pink floral dress." She tilted her head and drank some water.

My eyes widen. Ahyoung.

Perhaps, does she remember?


At the sentence I've told Taehyung about the girl, his eyes widen, making me confused and as curious as cat.

"Why?" I asked, wiping my tears more.

Taehyung immediately shook his head and went back to eating his food, "N-nothing."

I pouted my lower lip, "Does it ring a bell?" I have to know. How come a dream made him very sensitive? There must be something from my dream that he remembers.

He shook his head once more and avoided eye contact from me, "No." And continued eating his food.

With this, I felt immediately that something's off. There should be something that he's hiding... Perhaps, was it Ahyoung?

Speaking off...

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the table, "Taehyung." I called ever so gently not to make him conscious.

He shot up his head, "What-why? Why?" He stuttered. There's something really wrong. I have to know it.

I narrowed my eyes, "Do you perhaps... know where Ahyoung lives-."

"NO!" He immediately replied, his sudden reaction made me flinch. Taehyung looked very protective, preventing himself from problems and danger.

He stood up, left his seat and went to his bed before covering his whole body with his blanket.

I, on the other side, left my mouth gapped. What's wrong this time? He got protective all of the sudden.

Something's fishy.

He was very open about Ahyoung yesterday, but... but what happened now?

"Taehyung?" I called softly, slowly taking my time to walk towards him. "Are you alright?" The coldness of the room made me shiver.

4 Dimensional Him [a Kim Taehyung Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now