T H I R T Y - O N E

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"Taehyung?" My eyes widen realizing that I lost him.

Damn it.

"Taehyung?!" I called him out loud, tipping my toes to see above the crowd.

But there was too much people and I couldn't see him at all!

I started to worry, "TAEHYUNG!!!" I shouted, didn't care if the people around me looked irritated.

I have to find him. I have to!

I fought against the crowd, "Taehyung, where are you?!"

Because of my small height, I decided to jump little by little as I searched for him.

I walked, looking here and there, not so far from where I had lost him since he might not be that far.

I'm so dead!

"Taehyung-ah!" I called him more until his name rolled over and over my tongue.

How can I find him at this rate? He has no phone, he has no money, how can he go back to the hospital? Where will he go? If I couldn't see him, where will he sleep?

All kinds of different scenarios entered my head and I feel so bad about myself for being so irresponsible.

How could he let go of my shirt?

Dang it, what if someone has taken him?!

My eyes widen.


Let's just hope it doesn't happen.

"TAEHYUNG!!!" I shouted as loud as I could from the top of my lungs.

I don't care if other people look at me in such a bad way, I don't freaking care!

Someone held my wrist so tight so suddenly. "TAEHYU— aghk!"

About to panic because some stranger held my wrist, I stopped because of a familiar voice. "You were calling me?"

My eyes widen. I shot my head up to look at him.

Words couldn't describe how I was feeling when at last I found him.

Tears started to fill my eyes, I could feel my face blushing.

Taehyung raised his brows as he sipped in his coke. "Hmm? What's wrong?" He tilted his head at the side.

Feeling upset and mad and happy at the same time, I shoved my face on his chest which caused Taehyung to be surprised.

"Y-Yahh... Ash—"

"I was looking all over for you!" I said upset as I began to cry.

Taehyung froze in confusion. "What? Why are you crying?"

I looked up at his face letting him see my horrible expression, crying like an ugly duck. "I HATE YOU!" I balled.my fist and hit his chest lightly.

4 Dimensional Him [a Kim Taehyung Fanfic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora