F O R T Y - S E V E N*

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For some reason, this chapter was AGAIN deleted and was not saved by wattpad and I am just UGH! I HAD TO DO IT ALL OVER OVER OVER AGAIN! #saveMia the angurrrr!

But anyway, fam, congratulations! You have earned your reward. 😚😉

Min Ashton

My eyes widen as soon as I saw Taehyung on top of Do Kyungsoo.

I gsaped, "TAEHYUNG!"

He froze before he could give sunbae a hard punch on the face. He turned his head around and my heart fell. I wanted to cry. His face was full of bruises and in violet color in different places. Tears stung my eyes and dropped to my cheeks, "Taehyung..." I whispered his name in pain.

Don't. Please stop.

I shook my head at him slowly, begging him to stop with just my eyes.

With a low growl, he stood up fast and ran towards the open window and jumped.



Police cars were everywhere, red and blue lights roaming around the entrance of the hospital.

Officers were in troops, each nook and cranny of the place searching for Taehyung. Yet the couldnt find him.

My heart was relieved hearing that. Why?

I cursed under my breath as I thought of my foolishness. HOW COULD A DOCTOR EVEN SLEEP INSIDE HIS PATIENT'S ROOM?! THAT'S ABSURD!

I stopped, closed my eyes as I swallowed a lump on my throat, before I turned to the wall and hit my forehead on the hard cement.

*THUG*... *THUG* "Stoopid... stoopid...!" I kept on scolding myself, feeling the horrible pain in my chest as if it was being poisoned.

"ASHTON!" Both Seokjin and Kyungsoo said in unison, their voices loud.

Before I could hit my shiny forehead once more, Seokjin's long arms caught up with me and took my shoulders, while Kyungsoo's speedy hand was able to slide on the wall to protect my forehead. "NO!" They sang together.

Having touched by these two made me cry. (Wait, that didn't sound right. Wait, what?!)

My heart burned in pain, why does this things have to happen to me? WHY THE HECK DOES IT HAVE TO?!

I spun around and immediately shoved my embarrassed face on Seokjin's broad chest, crying my lungs out. "IT'S ALL MY FAULT! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" I was too much in agony that it affected how I cried, I couldn't breathe too much.

Seokjin sunbae said nothing but sighed, he wrapped his long arms on me and rested his chin at the top of my head. "No, it's not your fault. It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay." He caressed the back of my head.

I shook my head real hard, "NO, IT'S NOT OKAY!" I pulled away and crumpled my hand on his coat, "HOW COULD YOU TELL ME IT'S OKAY IF IT'S NOT?! HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME?! WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TOLD ME THE TRUTH IN THR FIRST PLACE! AND I MEAN, ALL THE TRUTH!" I was so angry that I began punching his shoulders and chest without noticing.

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