F O R T Y - S I X*

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Because I love you guys so much and I couldn't wait to update this new chapter, my fingers were faster than my mind so... ugh!

But before you could read, make sure to read my new book "SECURITY | BTS FF" cuz it's gonna be lit fun and chapter one's out! I wish for all of your support and love~

Oh and, don't forget to answer the survey! Just type BTS SURVEY and click the first one and enter your submission! It's up until october 31 and BTS needs us, fam! Le do dis! 

And remember guys, this will be my last 'update-cuz-i-love-you' chapter. In order to get thr next chaoter, fams must finish the requirements or else... *smirks* torture time of not updating. Clear my behbi loves? Mwuahahaha?!

Now, withour further ado, I present to you...

Do Kyungsoo

My eyes fluttered open. I deeply sighed and turned to check the time.

Damn. 3:00 am again. Tsk.

I had this weird body clock years ago and I hate it!

I closed my eyes as I clenched my teeth in anger. When can I have a peaceful sleep?

Suddenly, I heard a deep chuckle echoing through the room. My eyes opened and I shot up sitting. "W-Who's there?" I squinted my eyes, looking around me through the darkness.

When can I have a peaceful life?

"Hmph..." there is was again. I looked behind me, yet no one was there. I can feel eyes looking at me and a smirk was even plastered on its face observing from the way he chuckled. It is definitely, a man.

I growled deeply, "Stop being a coward and show yourself."

"Hmm..." it sounded. The darkness eating him, he slowly walked towards the light. He was tall, hair covering its face and the shadows hiding its identity.

I sat up properly to give me greetings at it. "You have disturbed my humble abode?" I wasn't really scared, I never was.

The tall man crossed its arms and leaned on the wall beside him. He smirked, "You can't sleep well? Maybe because of the guilt when you killed Ahyoung." A deep voice spoke.

My brow cocked up. "Taehyung."

He chuckled deeply, the sound resonating my whole room. He pushed his back from the wall amd walked closer to me. "Took you a minute before you guessed right, Doctor Kyungsoo."

I lifted my chin up. "How'd you bet out of your room? Don't tell me Ashton helped you out?" I chuckled back, agitating him.

By the sound of her name in his ears, he quickly ran close to me and leaned his face on mine. "Don't try to change the subject, murderer." He narrowed his eyes at me.

I tilted my head to the side, "And who are you calling murderer? Me?" I pointed at myself before sharpening my eyes at him, "Or you?"

He turned red, anger fuming up his head. I smirked in return.

"Stop pretending. You killed Ahyoung." I said through gritted teeth. "The truth is out, spit it."

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