F I F T Y - F O U R

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Taehyung's POV:

It's dark. So dark, I can't see a thing. The place is so cold, worse than my cell room at the Hospital. I can't touch anything! There's nothing in here! No walls, no furniture, nothing. Someone has locked me up in here. I know someone did.

But who?

I remembered texting Ashton to come and meet me. But then, something from behind covered my eyes and tried to suffocate me, until I fainted.

And here I am now. In a place I am not aware of. I swallowed a lump on my throat.

"H-Hello?" My trembling voice echoed through the place. It might be a room, but where are the walls? Where does my voice bounce back if there are no walls?

My brows furrowed at the sound of a heel gliding on the floor. My ears perked.

"Hello?" I called out once again, "Is anybody there?" I nervously asked, patiently waiting for a reply. Who knows if I'll be killed tonight.

Silence. No breaths. No air. Nothing.

My hands curled into a fist, musterring up my courage to breathe out one last try. I brought my hands at each end of my lips, making a louder call, "Is anybody in here?" I strongly asked.

I gasped, shivers came down my spine.

Did someone just chuckle from behind me?

I immediately turned around to see who it was, but I see nothing but darkness.

"W-Who are you! Show yourself!" I demanded to know. Who would want to take me captive for nothing of their benefit? What have I done wrong?

Another deep chuckle then echoed from the other side, causing me to turn once more.

Who the heck does he think he is to toy with me?

My teeth gritted in anger, courage building up to shout at the one who dared insult me. "SHOW YOURSELF!"

And with one quick second, a sound of a switch heavily opened lit up a bulb. Light then blinded my eyes, my hand immediately covering them.

It was only lighting up one place. The place where a man stood up.

With no more time to lose, I threw my hand back and saw who was the man behind all of this.

My eyes widened. "H-Hyung..."

Hyung had his hands placed on both of his pockets, the head of his tilted to one side and a smirk painted on his lips.

Feeling my body tremble in fear, I made my way towards him, stumbling in the process. "Aghk." My hand went down first, protecting my whole body from slamming against the floor. What's this? Why can't I move?

The sound of heels came clacking on the cemented ground, slowly approaching nearer and nearer until two newly glazed shoes appeared just above my hands. "Oh Taehyung..." Hyung buttered his words, yet no one can hide the fact that he's mocking me.

My neck shot up, facing him with confused eyes. "H-Hyung..." I swallowed deeply, preparing to speak, "Where am I?"

His plumpy lips said nothing, but it smirked.

Suddenly, I felt like eyes are all over the place and is watching over me. I curled myself into a ball. "Hyu-Hyung please..." I sneaked to look at my sides, but there were only darkness everywhere, except the light that was in front of me, shining both of us. "Take me away from this place, I-I'm scared—."

"Why would you be scared inside your own mind?" Then it came to me, Namjoon hyung.

I was surprised, having my eyes wide open as I quickly looked up at him. "What did you say?"

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