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Be sure to read the Introduction if you would like to become more familiar with the character 




I swing open the door to my house and plop down on the couch. I just got home from uni and I'm already about ready to fall asleep. I start falling off the couch and catch myself in an uncomfortable position. I sit on the floor for a second and start to stand up. Just then I hear my phone ringing from inside my purse. I dig in out from the bottom of the bag and answer without looking who it was. 

"Hello?" I say. "Hey Y/N!" I recognize the voice, "Hey Adam!" 

"Are you coming to Vidcon tomorrow still? I'd love to meet up with you again!" He said. "I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet," I say in a sing-song voice. 

He chuckles and I respond "Yes, I will be coming." 

"Are you also coming to the before party tonight?" He asked. I thought about it, and replied,

"Yeah, sure. I was invited but I didn't know if I wanted to. I guess I will show up then." I only said yes because I don't have any major projects or studying to do. 

He practically squeals and says, "I guess I will see you soon then! Oh, and one more thing." I become curious and motion for him to tell me but I realize he couldn't see it so I kept silent.

He spoke up and said "How would you like to work with me and everyone at the offices?" he says quickly and excitedly. I squeal and yell,

"Yes! Please!" "I take it your very excited!" How did he know? "No shit, Sherlock! Thank you so much!"

"Don't mention it," he replies calmly, "See you later then!" 

"Bye Adam!" I say and cut him off my ending the phone call. Now I'm super excited.

I took back at my phone and see it's only 5 PM. 

I sit back down on the couch and pull out my laptop. I watch a couple Game Grumps uploads before I decide its time to get up. I walk over into the kitchen and make a cup of coffee so that I don't end up falling asleep on the way to the party. While I wait for that I walk down the hall and change into something decent. I quickly strip down and I open my closet. I grab a floral top off of a hanger and a black pair of skinny jeans. I pull on my converse and stand up. I go back to the kitchen and smell the awesome smell of coffee. I take a big gulp and take it with me. I start humming a song as I head for the bathroom. I reapply some light makeup and straighten my hair. I take another drink of my coffee to see that I have almost finished it.

 I check my phone and see that it's 7:30. I gulp down the rest of my coffee and carefully put the cup into the sink. I grab my bag and head out the door.

I start to drive while listening to some of my favorite music.

"WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!" I yell as I stop at a red light. I get on the freeway as I laugh at myself.


Stay Creative my friends!


Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now