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"How... Do you run... so fast?" Max said out of breath. "I... don't know," I said panting. We watched Adam and Tim try to catch up. "What.. The... hell guys. That... wasn't needed..." Adam said. "Oh come on, you're not dying!" I said. "He kinda is," Max added. "Touche." I bowed my head. 

After Adam recovered, which was fairly quickly, we were off to the next ride. Galaxy Hill... or Space Cliff... or whatever it's called. I looked at the sign, 'Space Mountain' Close enough. I looked right below the sign. "An hour wait??" I said. "Hey, It'll be two hours if you keep standing there." Max pointed to the large group that was about to get in line. 

We half walked half ran to the line quickly and got in front of the family. Cool. "Now we sit here for an hour?" I asked. "OOO! We can play a game!" Adam said like a four-year-old. I gasped at an idea of mine. "We can play Sweet or Sour!" I said impersonating Adam's four-year-old voice.

"What's that?" Tim asked. "You wave at people and every time someone waves back you get a point. First to 10 points wins." Adam explained. "Adam, you should go first," I said. He turned around and scanned around the line. He pointed to someone on the other side of the line. He waited till the guy looked in his direction, and once he did he waved obnoxiously. The guy waved nervously and turned away. 

"I get a point!" Adam yelled almost too excited. "Alright, my turn," I said before yelling, "JOE!" Anyone around me named Joe will probably turn around to look at me. Two guys in totally different spots turned around. I waved at on of them and he turned around before he saw me. I waved in the other guy's direction. He waved back. "I did it!" I said turning back around. 

The guy then yelled "BARBARA? IS THAT YOU?" I laughed and we all ignored him. Next was Max's turn, we went in a circle. "Im using your strategy." He said to me before shouting the name 'Samantha'. He looked around. One little girl turned around and so did another woman. He waved at the little girl and she smiled really big and waved back. It was kind of adorable. 

I looked at the other woman and couldn't help but notice it was the same one from earlier and she was five people behind us in line. He turned around and saw the lady too. He looked at me with a puzzled expression and shrugged. 

Next was Tim's turn. He faced forward and tapped someone on the shoulder. He smiled and waved at them and they just gave a nervous laugh and turned back around. "Oh." He said quiet enough so they couldn't hear, but we could. 


"JORDAN" I yelled. I waved at a man who turned around, and he did the same. I didn't realize right away, but when I looked I realized it was a Jordan I knew. "OH HEY Y/N" He yelled back. "OH HELLO MR CAPTAIN SPARKLEZ" I yelled back at him. He laughed and turned back to his group, Tom, Erin, Tucker, and Sonja. 

"That was interesting," Adam said. "But do you wanna know what's more interesting? I WON" I replied. He all laughed for a good five minutes, every time we look back at each other and try to make a serious face, we just dissolve back into laughter.

Later, we all got bored so I looked trough my bag for anything. I found jelly beans. "Hey, do you guys want jelly beans," I asked. We all got super excited over flavored beans. Life goal achieved. The best part was that they weren't Bean Boozled beans, but they were in a Ziploc, so we tried guessing the flavors. "Pear," I said. "No, that's watermelon," Max said. "But guys, it's cherry," Tim said. "GUYS ITS CRAYON FLAVORED OKAY" Adam yelled out. We continued to laugh.

We decided to play another game. "We should see how long we could all keep an accent without dropping it but if we fail, we have to go on a ride of the winners choosing," I suggested. We all agreed on the British accent. It was funny because my British impersonation was the only one that was spot on, especially because I brought Iced Tea in my bag.

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