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We were trying to decide on where to even go, but since I Yelped it, we chose a classic restaurant right down the street. We started off a little fancy I guess. 

Once we got there, we got a table and looked over the menu. Then I realized, nothing is in English. "Am I going to have to act as the Mom and translate everything?" I asked. They all looked at the menu that at me and nodded. "Fantastic," I add.

I went through almost everything and most of them still had no clue. It got time to order and some of them just got what I got because they trusted me to make a good choice. I got a niçoise salad.

When we got the food, they seemed fine with it so I took it as a success. 

Once we were done, I looked at the menu while waiting for the check. I saw the back of it was desserts and that reminded me, "Hey if we ever go to this place for dinner we need to get the  Crème brûlée for dessert because it's pretty amazing." I showed them the picture of it and they agreed. We left a few minutes later and walked back to our temporary home.

On the way back, we took a detour and went to the Notre Dame Cathedral. We heard someone talking about it and then asked someone for directions. It turns out it was quite close by. We walked for a few minutes and came across the majestic building. It was the tallest structure I have seen in real life, and we haven't even seen the Eiffel Tower yet.

It was about 2 when we left and after that, we actually went home this time. Once we got back Adam randomly asked, "Do you guys wanna go to the Disneyland Park that's in Paris tomorrow?" I thought about it, "Is that a question?" I ask. "Alright, anyone who buys their own ticket can go, y'all are on your own, I paid for the house. Also, if you plan on going, get some rest, we are all jetlagged." Adam said and went to his room. "I love when you just decide in two minutes to go to Disneyland for no reason because that's normal," I added.

I went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and then went up to my room. "God damn these stairs. Time for sleep I guess." I got my laptop and earbuds out and layed down.  Max sat down next to me. I went on the Disney website and looked at ticket prices. "Wait, what? Tickets are $60 less here." I said. Max looked at me, "Only $50?" he asked. "Yeah." I nodded. "That's different," he replied. "Hey, I'm not complaining," I said and bought my ticket.

~timeskip a few hours brought to you by blueberry lemonade~

It was the first night and we all got ready for bed, very excited to actually get some sleep in our really messed up sleep schedule. I changed into something more comfortable and plopped myself on my side of the bed. Max did the same. "I'm already falling asleep," I said. "So am I," Max added. That was the last thing I heard until I actually fell asleep. It was about 9 since we all fell asleep early.

I woke up a few hours later to my phone ringing. I looked at my phone and realized my little sister was calling me. I took the call and quietly got out of bed and sat in the closet so I wouldn't wake anyone up. I closed the door until it was barely cracked open, "It's 12:15 AM, what do you need, Jenna?" I said. "Sister advice?" she asked. "Sure, therapist here at your service," I replied. I heard a noise outside the door and looked up to see Max peek in. I looked at him and he sat down next to me and closed the door. "Sorry I woke you up," I whispered. "It's alright," he said. "Would you like to be therapist number 2?" I asked. He nodded. I put my phone on speaker.

"Okay, Jenna so we have a therapist 2 here as well.  I know you can't see each other but, Max this is Jenna, my little sister. Jenna this is Max, my best friend, and roommate for the time being." I quickly explain. "Hi! Nice to meet you, I never knew my sister had friends. And I love ranting about my problems to people I have met 2 seconds ago." Jenna replied. Max chuckled, "Nice to meet you too, I'll just pretend you are my sister as well and everything will be fine," he replied. "Good plan," I added.

"So what did you want to talk about today?" I asked. "Well, I have two problems. One is our normal problem so let's start with that," she replied. "Okay, the one with Marissa?" I asked. "Yeah, and Alina is now a part of it. Do I need to give a quick run down of what happened for you, Max?" 

"Sure, that'd be helpful."

"Alright so, basically this girl, aka Marissa, who is my friend, or used to be, started being really focused on boys. Now that's fine and all but she got a boyfriend and completely ditched me and her other friends. I understand it's a relationship but it's not okay to completely cut out your friends for a boy. She started getting really judgmental and self-centered so I slowly started avoiding her and dropping her from my friend group. That makes me sound like a bad person but it was my best option. Now, in the beginning, those friends did the same as me but then went right back o being friends with Marissa. And that's what I don't understand. So I went off on my own because I didn't want to deal with it anymore, and I decided to sit alone at lunch instead. It was actually a lot better. I would do homework and get all my work done, which really helped me. Sometimes my friends would come over and do homework too and other times I would be alone or with a friend that didn't mind sitting with me. I continue to do that to this day. But about a month ago, one of the people who are in the group that always sit right next to where I sat came over and started talking to me. His name is Ollie. And now at this point, we talk all the time. And this is where the new stuff comes in. Alina now has a boyfriend and is falling into the same place as Marissa. Also, Marissa is practically taking my happiness from me. She is taking all my friends away by manipulating them and making them think she's better. Its like they were all brainwashed somehow." Jenna finished. 

"Wow," Max said. "Yeah. Uhm, so what should I do now?" Jenna asked. "I think that if you let it happen, the real friends will eventually come around to realize that she isn't a good person and then come back to you," Max said. "Yeah, and then if they don't, then it will be them in the wrong and you'll find that either they are fake friends or easily manipulated. And those aren't the people you want as friends." I added. "That's a good idea, so I guess I'll just go back to sitting on my own then. Thank you, guys. But I'm also going to mention that this created another problem," She continued. 

"And what is that?" I asked. "Well now I'm starting to think Marissa likes Ollie, and that's an issue because 1. she has a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend, 2. if they start dating, which I doubt, I won't be able to be his friend or talk to him because that's how Marissa is, 3. I think I'm getting jealous of it. Not because I like him, which isn't possible for the feelingless me, although what do I know, but because she just so easily stole his friendship from me. It's like she replaced mine and ollie's friendship with her and Ollie's friendship somehow. And 4. He knows I hate Marissa and I thought he hated her too. I don't understand?" She explained. 

"My god. You really thought this through, didn't you?" I asked. "Have you not met me? I am the queen of overthinking, please bow down." She responded. We both laughed. "It runs in the family," I added. "You guys are so similar it's scaring me," Max said. "What do you mean?" Both Jenna and I said. "Well, that didn't help. But from your ability to make people laugh to your ability to overthink things as you just said. And you both have a sarcastic sense of humor and it's scaring me," He explained. "You should meet our brother then," Jenna said. "Oh, yeah," I added.

Soon enough, we finished our conversation and went back to bed. We talked for about 2 hours, but it was successful.


I finished. my god.

And if you wanted to know, Jenna's problem(s) were based off of mine in real life, just different names, because I was too lazy to come up with something else. Cool 

Stay Creative!


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