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We started off the day with a meeting in the offices to regroup after our trip. There were a couple of us sitting there waiting for the rest. That's when I decided to listen to my ironic playlist. The first song that played was fireflies. I looked over at Max, who was sitting across from me, and said, "You would not believe your eyes." He laughed and responded, "If ten million fireflies." "Lit up the would as I fell asleep," we said together.

The next song started and I immediately yelled, "LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS" Max stared at me. "TO DEFEAT" He looked over, "Oh, no." "THE HUNS" He and I paused for a moment. "I'm done," I said casually. I skipped the rest of the song. I waited a minute for the chorus and then burst out, "IM TOO HOT" I looked over at Max with a big smile on my face and pointed finger guns at him. I waited a few seconds and, with a monotone voice, he said, "hot damn." I started laughing and continued, "call the police and the fireman." I saw the next song was Panda and started laughing and showed Max, but by that time Adam walked in with everyone else we were waiting for. 

"May I share something at the end of this?" I asked. Adam tilted his head, it looked like he wasn't paying attention, but trying to nod. "I remain confused," I said. Adam perked up, "Oh, yes, of course."

He rambled on about how we didn't have to work that much today because, since we left early, we have a few extra videos.

At the end, Adam asked what I wanted to say. "Oh right, I think I might want to start posting more than animation," I said. "I was hoping you'd say that," Adam said with a big smile. "Finally," Max said, grinning at me. Adam asked, "What type of videos are you thinking?" I thought about it, "I'm going to continue weekly animations, but im going to add the gaming videos and maybe weekly vlogs as well." Adam looked at me, "I like your plan." I nodded, "Thank you." After that, we were dismissed until we had to record new videos, but that isn't till later because like Adam said, we have a few extra videos since we left early. 

I walked to my office and Max followed me. I sat down and said, "Oh, hello, good sir. Why art thou here?" He laughed, "That's why im here. Because you're fun and the rest of them aren't. So I thought I'd come hang out with you." I smiled, "Well, thank you."

We talked for a few minutes and then it got quiet and boring. So I picked up my ukulele and started playing. After a few songs, Max started quietly singing along with me. We laughed along with each other when we both sang the wrong verse. After that, I attempted to play Darude Sandstorm. It ended with us laughing for 15 minutes straight and almost breaking on of the ukulele strings. 

I put the ukulele back down and we both went to looking at our phones. After scrolling through Twitter for a while, I started thinking. Not about anything in particular. Just thinking. That's when something came to my mind. I have heard it before, but I wasn't sure where. I gasp loudly, scaring Max a bit. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nod and find my notes app and quickly type in my thought before I forgot it, "Not everyone can be a rose. Some may find roses a bit too prickly. Some may find roses to be a bit too red. Some may find roses a bit too fragile, And many would have a dandelion instead." I slide my phone over to Max for him to read it. 

He looks up and slides my phone back, "You are a very interesting person." "I know, I'm a weird, poor excuse of a person. I've gathered that" I said. He looked at me in a confused way, "No no! I meant that in a good way." I looked back up at him. "Oh...right," I said. Then I heard the familiar line again, "You're a psychopath," Max said. "Again, I prefer creative!" I said. We laugh until Adam came to us and asked us to record an Office Antics video.

We walked over to the recording area and were told we are doing the try not to laugh challenge, the one with water, and if we lose we have to say an inspirational quote after sucking helium. That sounds hilarious, "I'm in." Max nodded along and we sat on the two chairs.

The video ended up being the most laughing I've done in months. It was very fun. We both went back to my office because we had a while still. I got out my sketchbook and started drawing. I mean, I graduated but it's still worth practicing. "I wanna draw too," Max said. I went into my backpack and got out my extra sketchbook. I passed it to him with a pencil. "Im gonna draw you. You draw me. We'll see who's turns out better. Even though that is an obvious answer." Max said. I nodded, "I'm not gonna do it realistically though, just in my own style." We both started drawing.

A few minutes in, I show Max what I made. "I'm not done, but is the hair properly floofed?"  He laughed and said, "Most definitely." I turned back to the paper and added all the finishing touches. Max finished a few seconds before me. We turned our sketchbooks around at the same time and showed each other. "I have good news, the college courses worked. That or you're just amazing?" I laughed and he continued, "I think both." I smiled and looked at his. "Your's isn't half bad, you made it sound like you were gonna draw a stick figure. I like it a lot. Now sign it so you're professional." He looked back down and his drawing and squiggled near the corner and looked back up. I nodded in approval. We both laughed.

-trigger warning v-

In that moment I got a phone call from an unknown number. I answered and put it on speaker. "Hello?" The voice spoke, they sounded very scared and their voice cracked a bit. "Hello, who is this?" I asked. "Oh, I-I'm Peter, is this not the number for the s-suicide hotline?" Peter said. I looked at Max, "No, it isn't. But please do not hang up." I said quickly. "No, it's fine I can go." The man said. "Please don't, are you safe?" I asked. He took a moment and continued, "No. I have a gun in my hand." I heard this and looked at Max. Max looked like he was about to say something, or yell something but I stopped him. He understood what I was doing. "Please, do me a favor. Put the gun down and move away from it. Can you give me your location?" I said in a calm voice, unlike what Max was going to do. I heard him move around and he spoke again, "Okay, I put it down. I am at my home, 729 W Copperfield Avenue, Seattle Washington." He took a deep breath and I started speaking. "Thank you, please continue breathing. My friend is going to send an ambulance to your address."

Max got up and followed my directions. Peter spoke again, "Thank you. You could have easily hung up. It's good to see there are still good people in this world." I smiled, "Of course, It's good knowing that you will be safe soon and that I helped someone." Max walked back in. "Y-Yeah, I'd like to thank you again. And just so you know, you responded the exact same way another hotline I called did." "Good to know. Can you stay on the phone with me until the police arrive?"

"Sure, but they got here just now." He hung up. "Oh," I said. "That was very scary and confusing. And you definitely handled it the right way, thanks for stopping me." Max said. I nodded in agreement, lost for words. I got another phone call form the same number. "Hello, are you the one who was talking to Peter?" A man said, I replied with yes. "This is Officer Jared Bowingham, We'd like to thank you for saving Peter Hallman, he is in a safe condition. Do you mind if we send an officer to your location to understand what happened? And can we also get your name, along with the person, who Peter said was your friend?" He asked. "Sure, I'm Y/N Ashe," I handed the phone over to Max, for him to say his own name and talk to the officer and so I could warn the others there is an officer coming without any panic. 

I walked out of my office and walked through the offices, everyone was in one area which was helpful. "Guys! listen! this is important!" I yelled until everyone was focused in my direction. "There is a police officer coming, no one panic, once he comes I'll tell him what had happened and that's where you guys can listen too because I don't have time to explain it right now." Everyone nodded and followed me to the front of the offices, along with Max who ran up to me. We all stood in the front and Max and I waited for the officer to arrive.

After a few minutes, another man had come and we explained the situation and he left a while later after searching my office just in case. Everyone asked me questions and, for lack of a better word, congratulated us on saving someone's life. Most of us wanted to change the topic, so Adam did just that.

"Well since we need to change the topic, and we are all here, I'm planning a Halloween party and inviting everyone here, along with a bunch of other YouTubers. It's on the day of Halloween so gather your scary stories and be creative with your costumes. Now get back to work!" Adam laughed. Everyone talked for a bit and then walked back inside. "Hey, while you're still here, do you wanna come to my house and play video games and eat and shit?" I asked Max. He smiled, "Sure, but you are giving me a ride. So see you later," He smirked and walked away. I nodded and walked slowly to my office.

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