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I pulled into my driveway and realized I won't be able to bring Max in my house alone. Damn, I feel like a kidnapper. 

I go to the backseat and carefully undo the seatbelt. His face twitches like he is waking up. I tap his shoulder.

"Max?" I say in a quiet tone. "W-Where am I?" he said, his facial expression very confused. "Why, you're in Neverland!" He laughs and I quickly explain. 

I lead him into my home and show him the guest bedroom. He immediately hops into the bed and drifts off to sleep. "Well okay then," I say, in a whisper. 

I walk across the hall to the bathroom. I brush my hair out and tie it in a braid. I wash my face and practically sleepwalk to my room. I change into sweatpants and a black t-shirt and get cozy in my bed.

~toime skip broight to you bui tEMMIE~

I wake up and walk to the kitchen. I start making breakfast, chocolate-chip pancakes and bacon. I take a plate out, and then remember I needed two. I set them down and place the bacon on the plates and resume my making of the pancakes. 'bacon pancakes, bakin' bacon pancakes' I thought to myself.

As I drizzle maple syrup over the plate, I hear a door crack open. I find Max walk down the hall. I slide a plate across the counter and smile. He sits next to me and starts eating. 

I stand and grab a glass from a cabinet. I grab the orange juice out of the fridge and I hear Max say, "Wow. This is great. Are you a professional at cooking or something?" I laugh and pour a cup. "You could say that. I took cooking classes. I haven't used them. I'm an 'I don't know what I'm going to do with my life.' extreme version. I've done so many things it's sad." he looks up at me, "I wasn't expecting you to say yes. But that seems interesting." He continues and I sit down again. 

He faces me again, "And thank you for taking me. You didn't have to do that, Yanno." I smile. "It was no problem. I didn't want to just leave you there with a bunch of drunk guys. And plus, today is the first day of VidCon." I reply. "Yeah, about that. Can you drive me back to my apartment so I can get ready?" he add. "Sure, we can leave in a few minutes," I say and he nods and smiles.

I stand up and put my plate in the sink. I walk to the bathroom and grab my brush. I take out my braid and do what I can with it. 'All you have to do is look decent, Y/N. What are you doing?' I think to myself. I change and walk back out.

"Ready?" I ask and grab my keys. "Sure." We walk back outside, to get blinded by the sun. It was summer and Seattle was surprisingly hot, for how rainy it usually is. I hop in the driver's seat and Max hops in the passenger. 

I start driving and Ask Max for directions along the way. "I said left not right." He says. "Well, shit." I say, "Why is there no U-turn anywhere." I continue looking down the street. I calmly wait for an empty space on the opposite side of the street and slowly make a U-Turn. "That never happened." We both laugh. 

We arrive at his apartment and I say goodbye. I start my journey back home and try not to get lost again. 

~time skip cause author~chan is lazy~

I get back and get ready for VidCon. I change into something more presentable, a red and blue flannel, light blue ripped skinny jeans and vans. I applied some light makeup and curled my hair. I guess that's good enough. I sat on my couch and watched anime until it was around time to drive to Adam's place. We were all meeting up there so we could drive together.

I got there and knocked on the door. At first, no one answered so I screamed, "HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDEEE." I heard a few laughs from inside and Adam greeted me. I walked in and found that pretty much everyone was here already. "Waddup, noodles," I said, not knowing which random word I should add. Noodles was acceptable. I heard everyone laugh and I smiled.

Adam explained who was driving with who. I was forced into a car with Adam, Shelby, Ross, and Max. I walked behind Adam to his car. He's driving and I sat in the passenger seat, the three of them sat in the back seat. And so the journey of VidCon begins....


Watch out

a wild VidCon is here


its the convention in its natural habitat.

anyways, hope you enjoyed

and remember Stay Crealive |-/

(see what I did there, you see. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

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