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I came into a normal day of work until I noticed that everyone seems really busy. I haven't been notified to prerecord like everyone else seems to be, and even if we were, why would we need too?

I noticed Red walking by and I decided to ask him. "Why is everyone really busy and rushing?"

He looked at me with a confused glance. "We're all prerecording, remember?" He states. "Prerecording for what exactly?" I question. "Oh, Did Max or Adam not tell you? We are taking an office trip to Paris!" Red explains. "Holy shit, Really? When do we leave and come back?" I exclaim. "We are leaving on Tuesday, so we have three days to get everything ready and prerecorded. We come back next Thursday," he said. "So, we have a week and two days there. Where are be gonna stay?" I ask. "Oh, Adam took came of that, he's renting us a place from his friend who lives there and is out of town for the month." He answers. "Alright, cool. I'm so excited, I better get to work. Bye!" I reply. He waves back and practically runs off because of how busy we are.

I rush over to my station to get started on two and almost a half weeks worth of work. I pick up my schedule and see that it is the longest it's ever been. I guess that makes sense. I look at the first thing and see its a video for Office Antics, Do Not Laugh. I make my way over to the area and we set up. 

I was sitting on one of the chairs before recording until I was greeted by a spider actually the size of my hand crawling towards it. I practically screamed, trying to balance on top of the chair without my legs touching the ground. Max, who was standing right next to me and the spider, looked down and realized it was there too and decided to jump in the chair I was on. We both lost our balance and fell off, scrambling like maniacs to get back on the chair or run away as fast as possible. We didn't go in the area until someone killed it. I can say, it probably took some bravery.

~Timeskip brought to you by RossFwend~

After finishing the recording of two Office Antics videos, It was time for me to get ready for another recording, this time of X-run. We really decided to choose the longest recording, didn't we? I start walking back over to my office, when I get a phone call, causing All Star to start playing. I make eye contact with both people in the room, Max and Tim, and I run away when they start laughing at me while I laugh at myself.

Alright, well, time to get started.

~timesKIP brought to you by me me big boy~

Adam now decided it was a good time for a break and have a quick sushi lunch. We all go walk to the nearest sushi restaurant, which is about a block away. I happened to be in the front so I decided, Hey let's be a good human for once and open the door for everyone. While my brain decides to do that, I manage to pull the push door. "Oh my god I hate myself," I said while everyone laughed at me, or I guess with me since I joined in.

We got a table in the corner because isolation is great, yanno. We go ahead and order our food and drinks, and then sit for a few minutes having a conversation about how good I am at embarrassing myself. "It will happen a few more times today, trust me," I say right before the waiter comes back with our food.

Once we have finished eating, we quickly pay and leave. Once we go outside, and start walking back, my head decides to make me fall. "Just kill me now, mother of god," I say to Max who's standing in front of me laughing and offering me a hand to help me stand back up.

Once we got back to the office I chose to try again. I've opened this door so many times, I should get it right. Apparently not, since I push the pull door. It's backward this time, but still just as funny and embarrassing. I sit down on the wall to recuperate. "Are you kidding me," I say from on the ground. At this point, I just stare blankly at the sidewalk until we all stop laughing. 

We all head back to recording, praying that my bad luck ends because who knows what could happen, footage could get corrupted, could get a random update that restarts a computer in the middle of a video, and anything else at this point.

Luckily nothing happened yet, which is surprising. It was getting pretty late, an hour til midnight and we all decided to go home, still giving us a bit of time to start packing. We all left at the same time, and I came to the conclusion that I would go to the store and buy some things for our trip before I went home. I drove over to the closest store. I gathered all the stuff I needed and got in line. 

Once I finished that I walked to my car getting ready to go home. My car was locked so I looked through my bag to find my key. I couldn't find it. I resorted to dumping out my bag on the floor to try and find it but yet had no luck. Again with the bad luck, this seems to be a theme.

I looked into my car and saw my key sitting there on the passenger seat. "God bless everything that is holy," I say to myself. I determine that calling someone could be smart. I looked through my recent calls and picked the one on top, Adam. I got put on voicemail.  By now I started panicking. Alright next person, my Mom. Well, she's not even in the country so that's not an option. The next person was Max, I dialed and he picked up pretty quickly. I started breathing really quickly but explained what happened to Max and he told me he would come pick me up.

 Once he found me I was in panic attack mode, while laughing at my own stupidity. Weird, huh? He tried to calm me down, which worked mostly. Instead of trying to get me to talk and make sentences, he asked yes or not questions and I just nodded yes or no. "Do you want me to take you to my house?" he asked. I shook my head, I needed to pack. "You need to pack, right." He said like he read my mind. I nodded. "Do you want me to call the car company to  take your car and get you a new key and for now I can take you home?" I nodded. It sounded like the best option right now. "I can take you home and to work every day if needed until your car is back. Yeah?" He asked. 

I nodded and moved over to hug him, "Why are you so nice to me?" I asked. He shrugged, "I don't have a reason to not be." He replied. I smiled, it made me have the strength to stop crying and be back to normal again. 

"Can we stay here until they get here, and then leave?" I ask. "Of course." He smiled. 

We sat there for an hour. A complete hour and I wasn't even that upset about it. Im glad I have friends here, and we all even get to go to Paris.

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now