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I woke up to my phone buzzing at 6 am. It was a text from an unknown number. They seemed to have the wrong number so I just left it. They didn't respond after that.

I turned off my alarm for 6:30 since I didn't need it. I got up to get ready and since I had an excess amount of time. I decided to put my hair in a fancy braid. Because why not. I changed into something fairly nice so that I can make a good impression on my first day. 

I sat around for a bit and made some coffee until it was around time to leave. I got in the car and made my way to work. (MAKIN MY WAY DOWNTOWN)

Once I got there, I realized most of everyone was also there. I walked up to Adam and asked, "Are we gonna do the Kindergarten, sit in a circle, say your name and your favorite colour, or are you going to introduce me to the people I haven't met yet?"

He laughed and gestured for me to follow him. He showed me the rest of the people here, the ones you don't see much in videos, as well as a better tour of the place.

~timeskip brought to you by my dog Honey who is currently licking my elbow as I type this~

As I finished studying my schedule, Max walked into my office.

"Hey, remember when we first met and I asked if you could teach me how to animate?" he asked.

"Well, you came at the right time because I have a bunch of extra time and I was gonna work on an animation anyways," I responded, gesturing for him to sit down.

He moves the chair over so he can see what I'm doing and then sits down. "Obviously, first you have to come up with an idea or topic for the animation. Any ideas?" I say and open Adobe Animate. "Not really, do whatever you want."

I started randomly drawing the first character. I get interrupted, "Woah, Woah. How do you draw so well and easily?" I think for a second before replying, "You went to my panel at Vidcon right?"

"Yeah but I only remember some parts. I'm not saying the style of drawing, though. Like you just kinda make lines and it's perfect."

"It comes naturally I guess?" I say not quite understanding how to respond. "But that looks amazing!" Max says rephrasing what he said a few seconds ago.

"Do you think I came out of the womb drawing fucking Picasso? It's-" I say but was cut off by Max almost dying of laughter. "What's so funny?" I ask. He shrugs back but continues to laugh.

He finally gets the words "Keep going" out and I continue drawing. When he finishes his fit of laughter I say, "You good there?" He nods in response and I continue explaining. So this is what it feels like to be a professor...

~timeskip brought to you by it being almost 11:30 PM but that's fineeee~

Once I finish explaining, I continue the animation since I have to get something done to upload for this week. As max was about to leave he says, "Hey I've known you for about 2 weeks now and I don't know much about you." That is a very true statement. "You wanna play 5 questions then?" I respond.

"Sure." He says. I nod and he sits back down. "Who goes first?" he asks. "You may go first, good squire," I say putting on a squeaky British accent.

"Alright. What's your favorite movie?" He asks.

"Bee Movie," I said without thinking. He gave me a smile and I laughed at my own response.

"If you could date a celebrity who would it be?"

I thought about it for a few seconds. "I don't have an answer to that so Chris Pratt causes that's the first person who came to mind."

"What would you wish for if you had one wish that came true?"

"I would wish for more wishes. or is that illegal?" 

"Nope, it's definitely illegal." 

"Then I don't have a wish in mind."

"Alright, If you could meet a fictional character who would it be?"

"Tracer from Overwatch because why not."

"Last question for you. What's your biggest pet peeve."

"Probably when people have no god damn common sense."  He nods. "Now it's my turn," I say.

"Shoot," he says.  I thought about my question, "What's your favorite meme?"

He laughs, "Rickroll" I nod, "good answer."

"Who's your favorite artist, as in music artist."

"Nickelback," He says laughing. "I approve of that answer" I reply.

"What's your favorite day of the week?"

"Oh, that's easy, Friday."

"Uhmmm." I thought about my next question. "Oh, I know, what's your favorite two-legged creature and why?"

"Ducks because ducks."

I laughed and finished it off with an easy question. "Okay, and favorite colour?"


"Finally someone who agrees!" I reply. 

We both laugh and continue our work. That was fun I guess. Seems we have a lot in common.

I look at my schedule and see I have two minutes until my first ever recording. I quickly add final touches to my animation and add in my outro. I start to render it. I guess it's time to record while I wait for that. Then I can get back, edit, and record an intro. Perfect.

I get a message on Skype to join the call and I do so. We are recording a do not laugh. I look at skype and see who's in the call. Me, Adam, Ross, Max, and Red. I join the server Adam sent me and then I realized I don't have a Minecraft skin. I quickly find one and download it. Then I rejoin the server. 

I set up my jokes and Adam starts his intro. "Alright, Hey guys Sky here and welcome to another episode of do not laugh. Today I am with youtube sensation Redvactor, Mithzan, RAWS, and a new special guest. Would you like to introduce yourself." Adam said. "No I will just be the mysterious person and you shall never know my name," I replied. "Alright then, But you are going in the center so," He says. "I'm aware." I move my character to the middle of the block in the center.

I turn around so Red can set up his joke.

~Timeskip cause Author Chan is too lazy to come up with jokes.~

After the recording was finished I decided to record an intro for my animation. "Hey, what's up you internet addicts, Y/N here and today I have another animation for you guys!..."


It was also time to leave and Adam came to ask me a question. "What's up Adam?" I asked. "Oh hey, would you mind being a backup editor? We have a bunch of extra videos and neither Tim or Max has the time." He said. "Yeah of course!" I responded.

"Thanks, Y/N!" He said and walked back to his office. "No problemo," I said back. 

I grabbed my bag and everything else and headed home.


Hey, guys! It's been a while since you've seen an update from me, huh? Well anyways, I hope you have enjoyed! 

Stay Creative!

(side note: I have had a few comments saying that this isn't a x reader story, and I am fully aware of that. I made it so that you can put in your name or use your own character if you would like. You can change some pieces of the story to make it an x reader but this is how I decided to write it.)

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now