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"Truth," I said. that would save me from at least doing anything I didn't want to do. Adam sighed, "Fine then, have you ever been or have been attracted to someone that is in the room?" I looked down and thought about it, might as well answer truthfully, "Yeah. Actually," I said getting up and walking toward his room. I beckoned him over and said I had a question. He shut the door behind him and he whispered, "What?" I looked down at my feet, "I'll just explain everything. I can tell you know what I'm feeling and I'm also here to say that your assumption is correct, and yes, I do like Max. And I understand the jokes and stuff and I find it funny, but just don't take it too far, okay? Especially because sometimes the shipping draws people apart and I really would rather that not happen," I explained.

Adam looked at me and nodded, "I just wanted this to be a fun experience for you, instead of like the last time. But I fully agree and I won't do anything to jeopardize your friendship with him," he replied. I smiled, "Thanks." He smiled back, "No promises I won't tease you both about it, though. But just let me know if you need anything." We laughed and walked out and back to the group. 

There were a few concerned glances and Adam quickly clarified, "I feel special for knowing who this crush may be," he said. Ross looked back and forth between Max and I and all I did was keep the same facial expression. I was smiling. Why was I smiling?

Adam then pointed out that it was my turn to ask someone,  "Ross, truth or dare?" He answered, "Dare." I thought about it for a moment before getting an idea. "Eat 3 spoonfuls of ketchup or mustard, your choosing," I replied. He laughed and then groaned, "Ketchup, I guess." I ran over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I found the bottle of ketchup and threw it to Ross, along with a spoon. He fake cried and made the first spoonful. He went along with his dare and then asked Corey, "truth or dare?"

Shenanigans ensued, that is, until, Adam decided it was a good idea to play 7 minutes in heaven. I tried to talk him out of it but I could also tell he was borderline drunk. Still able to make rational decisions, but he was just stubborn. A few people were actually asleep on the couch, I think he was just saying this as a joke.

"Y/N, what are the odds you go in the closet with Max?" He asked me, clearly meaning the what are the odds game. I groaned, "1 in 15." He nodded and laughed. He counted down and we both yelled 6. Adam looked at me with wide eyes and mumbled, "Oh shit." I did the same thing as Adam. Max walked over, half clueless. 

I slowly wandered over to the closet and put my face in my hands. I leaned against one of the walls and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. Max followed me but didn't go inside. He turned to Adam and Adam explained what happened. Max shrugged and sat against the same wall but on the other side. "I'll take the blame for this, I'm sorry," I said just as Adam shut the door. I have a feeling he was doing that all as a joke, but I'm Y/N and that means I go along with any dare. I started a timer on my phone for 7 minutes.

"Nah, I think it's Adam's fault even if he is joking," Max responded. I put my ear against the door and put a finger to my lips, telling Max to be quiet. "They're whispering about something," I said to Max. He moved closer and put his ear against the door as well. "So this is what middle school parties were like..." Max said. I nodded in agreement and laughed.

We sat in silence, staring at eachother, trying to decipher what they were saying. All of a sudden I heard a knock or some sort of bang. I heard talking outside the door. Then there was a scream. Maybe they're playing a joke. Then there were sounds of people moving quickly like they hid or ran into another room.

I heard footsteps and heavy breathing. Heavy breathing in the form of anger. Angry breathing. What was going on? Max was about to pound on the door and yell something but I stopped his hand and held it back. His hand was on the floor and mine was on top of his. I didn't acknowledge that for a minute or two of silence and listening, but I didn't move my hand after I did realize. 

I heard another scream, it sounded like Adam's. Then I heard someone running, and then a bunch of people running. Then there was a bunch of groans, someone sounding like they were in pain, but I couldn't tell who it was. Dammit. What is going on? 

I heard someone's voice, it sounded deep. And they were laughing after a sentence of mumbling. Then I heard crying. And another person's voice, that one sounded familiar but I still couldn't make out who it was. I unknowingly squeezed Max's hand.

Just then, Max and I looked at eachother in fright. We saw and heard the same thing. The closet door handle wiggled. 

Then the door opened.

And we saw Adam standing there. 

Then he burst into laughter and yelled, 


I put a hand to my chest to feel my heart beat and just sat there in terror and relief. I ran out of the closet and saw everyone else standing behind Adam. I rested my head in my hands for a moment until I said something, "Fuck all of you guys, that actually scared the shit out of me." Max nodded in agreement. Adam replied, "Yeah, I got everyone in on it, that's why you might have heard us whispering in the beginning. Was it believable?" Max and I quickly nodded in response.

Adam laughed and said, "I got an idea. I DECLARE AN OFFICE MEGA PRANK WAR." I laughed, "You're gonna regret saying that." Adam quickly realized, "OH shit, you go hard on your pranks. How about we do this then, we make videos on each prank and we get points based on the number of views and liked and like the favourite of them all," Adam explained. "Yeah that's a good idea, we can have an announcement video for it and stuff," Red added in.

I smiled, "Few questions. Is there teams or is this free for all? And also, is there a prize for whoever wins?" I asked. "I think it should be free for all but you can team up for pranks if you want too," Ross added in. I nodded in agreement. "They get a trophy as the prize," Adam said sarcastically. "Honestly, I think the prize should be a DVD of the bee movie," I suggested.

We laughed for a bit and kept thinking. "We'll think about the prize when we find out the winner," Adam said. "Shouldn't we have an end date to this then?" Max asked. We agreed that it can't be too close but not too far away. "Uhmm, who's birthday is in the middle then, not too far not too close," Adam asked. I didn't know everyone's birthday but I knew most of them passed and who's was really close. "I think that's me?" I said unsurely. Adam nodded after thinking about it, "January 7th it is then."

Adam took out his vlog camera and made a short video explaining our idea. We explained all the rules and who was involved and then after he made a few edits, he posted it. We all tweeted about it, even though it was really late, or early, however you wanna see it.

"I just realized, You and I have an advantage because we are leaving, which gives us time to brainstorm and not get pranked as well," I said to Max. We laughed. "Speaking of that, you're packed already, right?" I asked him. He nodded, "Yeah, Ross agreed to take me home in the morning and drop me off at your house before we drive to the airport. Make sense?" he explained. I nodded and took a sip of the last of my tea. 

We all got kinda tired so we all started to just play some video games. Adam and Red were playing quietly against each other. I was sitting on the couch next to Max who was watching them play. I looked around and realized that almost everyone else was asleep, except Ben who was leaning against the wall on his phone.

I started to feel really tired so I checked my phone and looked at the time. It was 3:16 AM. That's not too bad, but I should get sleep anyway. I put my phone on silent and put it in my hoodie pocket. I leaned my head and side against Max and he just accepted it. Soon enough I was asleep, and Max was too since I felt his breathing steady. Tomorrow is gonna be pretty great.


HEYYYYY I actually did something productive and wrote this chapter wow.

I have 2 more days until school and I am very not excited. Sorry if there is a slow down in updates, im gonna guess im gonna be busy with homework and projects a lot of the time seeing that I have all advanced classes, but I will be trying my hardest to get chapters out. c:

Stay Creative!


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