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I ran up and we figured out the teams for the first game. My mom, Josh, and I against Max, Christina, and Jenna. And my dad watched and helped my team secretly. I ran to get one of the foam balls first. I quickly went back to the corner. I felt another one of the balls roll up to my ankle and looked up to see that my dad found the supply of the dodgeballs, and he was just slowly rolling them all to me. I took advantage of this and threw them aimlessly to the other side.

I didn't manage to hit anyone until the second try. Christina was out and Jenna almost got out from Josh's throw. My mom got hit while trying to run across to get a better aim. It was 2v2 now. I threw half the balls to Josh who was just rapid fire throwing and I grabbed the last few. I went over to a corner and let Josh throw a bunch so that they were both focused on him. 

I threw my three as hard as I could and one ended up hitting Jenna. Max threw the last dodgeball that was on his side and I dodged it, and it ended up hitting Josh who was behind me. Damn, 1v1 now. 

I threw all of the balls at Max, giving my best attempt at hitting him. It didn't work though. He threw one at me and I caught it. He was too focused on throwing another ball at me to notice I caught it and was about to throw it as hard as I could at him. I jumped up, dodging the one he threw and launched that dodgeball as far as I could. 

It hit his arm as he was getting ready to throw the next one. I win. 

The next game I sat out, secretly rolling extra dodgeballs to Jenna and Max. Max ended up winning and my mom proposed the idea for the next game. The two winners against everyone else. So 2v5. Unfair but I was ready.

Max and I targeted Josh first because he was the best thrower. We both hurled a ball at him at the same time, they both hit him but he couldn't dodge. Nice. 2v4. 

Next was an all-out war. There were about 15 balls and they were flying across the court at all times. There were very close moments where I was about two inches away from getting smacked by a ball, or about 7 balls coming at me at one time. It was a very tense game.

After that, we got out my dad and Jenna at the same time. 2v2. Even game.

Max and I switched off picking up the balls and tossing them to the other person while they throw them across the court and switch off once our arms are tired. Our strategy kinda worked because we got out my mom next. 1v2.

Im proud of myself, and Max. We've gotten out 4 players while we only had 2 players the entire time.

We continued our strategy.

Soon enough it worked. We won. Together. We high-fived and I just continued jumping up and down on the trampolines and laughed along with him. 

I sat down for a bit and asked my mom for her water bottle. That was a lot of exercise. 

After a few minutes, I joined everyone else. It was at the big area of just a bunch of trampolines. They called it the freestyle jump area. Now it's time to have fun.

The first thing I did was just bounce for a while and have fun. I went around in a circle to all the different trampolines. Then we all started trying different things. Luckily its trampolines and padded floor so its pretty difficult to hurt yourself. 

Start off easy. Cartwheel and walkovers. Normal flips. Max jumped over to where I was and watched. I purposely fell backward against the horizontal trampolines and came back to standing and repeated it until I was ready and then ran forward and trip a flip. Almost landed on my head, but I made it. 

Jenna was just messing around and Max was doing the same but also vlogging. That reminded me, so I set up my camera on the side with a view of pretty much the whole area. Timelapse maybe? Sure. 

I turned around and watched as Max continued attempting. He stood back up, "I still can't do it," he said simply. I walked, or bounced, over to him. "Do you want me to demonstrate?" I asked. He nodded and I ran forward. I landed the front flip and turned around. I walked back.

After a while teaching and learning slowly devolved into just messing around. Jenna had the genius idea of linking arms and then trying to do a flip. I don't know how well that would work, so of course, Max and I tried it. 

We stood next to each other, I was on the left, at the end of one of the longer trampolines. We held onto each other's wrists and tried our best. I landed correctly and instantly looked over. I saw that Max was standing and he looked over at me and smiled. "We did it!" he said. I nodded and high-fived him. "Do it again" Josh yelled at me. 

I looked to Max and he shrugged. So, we did. And then continued messing around.

A while later I remembered our goal. I had to learn something new. The only thing im close to that I've never done before is an aerial. I guess I'll try that. 

I got distracted and did a front flip and a half and landing on my back then bouncing up to standing and then doing that backward and repeated it. I called Max over to see if he would try.  "I'll probably break my neck but it does look cool," he responded. I stopped and was instantly dizzy. I stumbled to a sitting position and Max walked up to me. He waited a moment until the dizziness went away and then held his hand out to assist me. I accepted it, "Thank you, sir," I said in my stupid-British-accent-voice. He replied, "No problem, m'lady." I laughed and went back to what I was doing.

"What are you attempting?" he asked. "Aerial," I responded. He looked at me, "I shall stand here and pretend to know what that is." I laughed, "It's pretty much a cartwheel but with no arms." He nodded. "Just don't break something," He added and then sat on the side to watch and get a drink of water from the bottle I brought with me.

I started trying by doing a one hand cartwheel, if that's even a thing. It only took two tries to land it correctly. 

Next, I tried doing the same thing but keeping my arms up as long as possible. That step wasn't as difficult. I think I just have to go for it now.

The first time, I landed on my foot but lost my balance and fell back down. I put my hands down and caught myself. I stood back up and went back to my starting position. I jumped up and down for a couple seconds before trying again. Still no. But I'm pretty close.

13 tries later I landed it. Perfectly, might I add. Once I realized I was standing up and didn't fall back down I literally just ran in a circle out of excitement. I finally did it.

After that, we played another round of dodgeball. Max and I were a team once again and we still won. "Get rekt," I yelled. Max laughed and responded, "We need to make a video playing dodgeball at the offices, we would win that for sure." I nodded and laughed in agreement.

We were all so tired that we decided to go home a few minutes later. That was a very fun and also extremely tiring day. Tomorrow will be the same. Max still doesn't know what we will be doing. Neither does Josh or Christina. Time to get spoopy. 


damn we on chapter 40 bitches

i feel slightly more accomplished

stay creative ;)

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