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Once we left, I tried my hardest to just ignore my thoughts and have fun. We were laughing and I looked down at my feet, and I saw something pretty cool. I mean, it was just a flower growing out of the pavement, a daisy. It was something you don't see every day but it was also just a daisy. I just pointed it out, smiled, and we kept going. 

We decided we would stop for ice cream because you can't pass up ice cream, no matter what the temperature was outside. I got cookies and cream flavoured and Max got double chocolate.

 We continued to walk and talk like usual, its a pattern now, with our ice cream cones in hand.

I got a text from my mom saying to pick up a pie. You know what that means. Pumpkin pie. "Since we are in the mood for sweet things, and because im being told too, let's go get a pie," He agreed and I looked at Yelp. I found the closest bakery or something of the sort with the highest rating. It was down a street around the corner. 

We found it. It lied in a small shopping center type of area, but it wasn't stores. More of just hole-in-the-wall restuarants and small places like that. It was really quiet around, almost no people around, but yet it also looked pretty sketchy. 

We went inside and the little old lady came from the back and greeted us. I politely asked what kind of pies they had and ordered two, pumpkin pie and strawberry pie; pumpkin for me, my mom, and probably Max, strawberry for everyone else except me because of allergies and I would rather not have my throat close from a reaction. 

The lady got two boxes and then went to the back and put the pies inside. They were still warm and looked amazing. I was excited to eat it. 

We walked out and started walking back to the beach parking lot where we had left my car. As I was looking over at Max who was talking to me, I heard something like a scream or yell, and my eyes focused on something behind him. We both looked over and then looked at each other. 

There was a man, who I assumed was drunk, hitting a female who looked about 17.

We were witnessing an assault and just standing there. I dropped the pie on the side of the sidewalk and started running over to help, and Max followed closely behind. They were screaming in French which meant I understood, but Max didn't, and I didn't have time to translate. I just told Max to call 911, explain everything, and tell them to get here as soon as possible.

They were arguing, or rather he was yelling at her, about something that "happened last week". I didn't know what it was because the man was barely understandable. All I could do was help her fight him off because he wasn't listening to me.

I made the best move I could do and just stood in the middle of it while trying to push the man back and away from the woman. It was a struggle to get him to let go of her, I ended up getting hit multiple times. The mam just thought of me as another target. He wasn't putting up with any of it and so I turned around to become a shield for the woman while Max came in. 

He was much stronger than me and managed the pull the man away. It didn't last long though because the man got out of Max's grip and ran forward back to hitting me and the other woman. Max Ran back and pulled him off again. This time it worked.

I think the man figured out what he had done, so he tried to run away. Mac grabbed him by the hood and pulled him back. The lady had grabbed my hand and was squeezing it, I let her. It helped with the agony of the pain and struggle. The lady was crying, and I think I was too. 

I turned back to look at Max and the man, who were about 7 feet away and saw the man sit down. He reached into his back pocket of his jeans and pulled out something. I immediately knew it was a blade or knife of some sort. He was ready to stab it into Max, who was still holding him back. I jumped up and ran forward. I managed to somehow hit the blade out of his hand, sending it flying about 14 feet away somehow. 

The police got there and I turned back around to the woman and went back over to her. She was clearly having a panic attack and did all I could to help. I counted forwards and backward from ten and told her to try her best to match her breathing to the counting. Her breathing slowed and one of the police officers came over.

The other officer was pointing a gun at the man, who Max was still holding back. They got the man, who was swearing and yelling in French into handcuffs and brought him over to the police car. 

Max ran over to me and put a hand on my back, while I was leaning down to help the woman. Max couldn't do much because he didn't speak the language, but offered moral support as well as staying quiet so he didn't overwhelm her. The policeman walked away and left me to help the lady, as he was no help, and asked Max to come over. He didn't understand what the officer so I told the officer to speak English. The officer and Max both nodded and thanked me, but I focused back onto the lady.

I continued counting and helping steady her breath while listening to Max explain what happened. The woman was finally calm and started to sit up. She looked like she wanted to stand up but it hurt too much. I asked her if she needed help and she gladly took my hand as I lifted her up.

We both slowly walked over to the officer and explained our side of the stories. Another police car came and questioned us all again and also investigated the scene and taped it off. He put gloves on and looked closely at the knife and the drops of blood that were everywhere. 

I then became self-aware about the pain. I could feel a large bruise on my hip and the other side of my waist right on my bottom rib, along with scratches and bruises on my legs and arms. I then noticed I had a bloody nose when I tried wiping my nose. Max wasn't in as bad of shape as me, at least that what I think. Im not sure though, the man was kicking and fighting back a lot. 

The police made sure no one was seriously injured and asked as many questions as they could come up with. Im pretty sure I was in the same shape as the woman, or maybe even worse. I was her shield for a while and the man only got more violent as I stepped in.

I learned the woman's name, Victoria, and the man's name, Johnathan. The man admitted exactly what he did and was taken away in one of the cop cars. There were a lot of sirens and it was ear-ringing loud. 

The police officers said we were allowed to leave, as there wasn't anything else we could help with. I asked the lady for her phone number just in case she needed something and she gave it to me. I'll check in with her later. I said thank you to the cops, who took my name and information along with Max's, just in case.

It was kinda weird, but we just walked away. We were told to leave so that's what we did.  I grabbed the pies that were still on the side of the sidewalk and then checked with Max to make sure he wasn't too injured or wasn't bleeding out. He said that there were probably scratches and a bruise or two on his legs from the man kicking, along with a big purple and blue spot on the left side of his neck down to his collarbone. 

We quickly walked back to my car which wasn't actually too far away. Once we got there, I started driving home. We discussed everything that just happened and just let it all process in our minds. Nothing had registered until now. All I can say is that I'm glad that we are both okay. Max pretty much saved me. That thought made me happy, he was my hero. And I was his too.



don't worry, I will probably publish the next chapter before I go to bed so it won't be much of a cliffhanger c:

Stay Creative!

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang