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The next morning, I woke up to my alarm. Rather, we both woke up to our alarms. Once I opened my eyes, I realized my face was about 3 inches away from Max's. I quickly scooted back and nonchalantly rolled over to turn my alarm off. I think he did the same thing. 

We both got up and did our usual morning routine. I heard Jenna talking from her room, I didn't hear anyone else's voice though, so I went and checked in. She had earbuds in and was looking at her phone. Im guessing she was face timing, probably Abbelina who was her best friend, or Ollie. She looked over and gave me a smile and I did the same. I walked back to my room and checked my phone.

After a few minutes I hopped downstairs and made myself a cup of tea and then went back up. I hesitantly took a sip of the tea after accidentally burning my tongue two times while being impatient. I sat back down on my side of the bed and stared out the window. I reminded myself that today was the day we go down to the pumpkin patch and then carve them.

 I stood up and figured out something to wear and then went downstairs to change and get ready in the downstairs bathroom, leaving the other one to Max. I heard my mom get up as well, "Good morning," she said. I gave her a smile and said, "Morning." 

I heard her go into the kitchen. I finished getting ready and found her making breakfast. Waffles. I sat at the table and scrolled through my phone. Everyone was awake by now, Josh was still upstairs, Jenna was sitting across from me, Max was next to me, and my dad was helping my mom make breakfast. I realized I had forgotten my tea in my room and raced up the stairs, hoping it wasn't too cold. It was still sort of warm, but I finished it anyways.

Once everyone was downstairs, we ate and talked about when we should leave. We decided on 11:30. Once it was time, I made sure my phone was fully charged just in case and we started driving. 

~toime skoip broight to you by YEE~

We arrived and it wasn't too crowded which meant we didn't have to park that far. That would be helpful because carrying heavy pumpkins really far isn't fun, learned that the hard way last year when I volunteered to go by myself to get the pumpkins for everyone since everyone else was sick. 

We got in and everything was orange. There was occasionally patches of grass everywhere but everything else was orange. It was everywhere. My first instinct was to stand on one, but I didn't because I knew I would fall. Instead, I picked up the biggest one I could find. I then forgot pumpkins were actually decently heavy, and dropped it, leaving a deadpan expression on my face. I don't know exactly why, but we all started laughing. 

We sort of split off to find our own, but I was also sort of following Max. We were headed in the same direction. Maybe he was following me, I'm not sure. 

I noticed a really small baby pumpkin that was sitting on the top of another larger one. I picked up the really small one and turned to Max to show it to him. He was already walking towards me and when he was close enough, he said, "Don't drop it." I laughed and pretended like I was going to drop it and then put it back down.

Eventually, Jenna came over to me carrying her two and we walked and talked. I looked down next to where she was standing and found one I liked. I picked it up and brushed the dirt off, "His name is Jimmy." Jenna laughed and replied, "Find him a friend." I nodded and walked around a bit more. Max came back with one of his. I pointed to it, "That's his friend."

"This is Green. He's orange," Max said. Jenna and I laughed and my mom came over and into the conversation, "Hey kiddos, this is Timothy. And why are we personifying pumpkins?" I shrugged. Jenna said her usual, "Because we can." Max and I picked out our last pumpkins, then I took a crazy aesthetic Instagram picture and we left.

I was walking with one pumpkin being balanced with my hand on my head and the other rested against my hip. We were all in one big group, sort of like a family. I loved it. And I appreciated it while I could. 

I layed down a blanket in the trunk and put all the pumpkins inside. We drove back home and Josh came up with the idea that we make it into a competition and whoever wins gets the extra Halloween candy. We all agreed.

Once we got home, I put towels down on the table and Josh got two really big bowls to put the pumpkin goop and stuff in. We all decided that one of the pumpkins would be whatever you want, and the other would be scary or like a traditional face type of thing.

We set it all up and began. I started with the traditional type of one. I decided to make a really big crooked grin with a lot of sharp points as teeth, then sort of squinted evil eyes. I made a sketch first because, let's be honest, it had to be perfect and I really wanted that candy. 

The sketch was super rough but it gave a good idea. I started to try and use the actual pumpkin carver that came in the kits but it wasn't cutting and I decided it wasn't good enough. I casually walked to the kitchen and opened the drawer to find a knife. I brought a couple over just in case anyone else had the same problem.

I chose my weapon, the biggest knife and started going at the pumpkin. "Are we allowed to use fake blood or paint or anything like that?" I asked. Josh shook his head, "That's cheating." I nodded, "Fine then. I won't be creative."

I continued until I finished the carving. I picked out a smaller knife to fix the edges and stuff and looked over at everyone else's. They were all really good, but I want to stay confident so I win. I'll share the candy anyways. 

Max started on the second one, and I did the same. "Do I want to make this a meme or actually something?" I thought aloud. Max responded, "Knowing you, you would make it a meme." I nodded and thought about it for a bit.

I decided I wanted to make Jack Skellington. That's when I got an idea. I grabbed my phone and started playing the soundtrack from the movie. "What's this? What's this?" I said, singing along and also referring to my sketch because I wasn't happy with it. I erased it and changed the position. 

Our quiet singing along turned into full blown belting the words. I started laughing again. Then, I suddenly stabbed the middle of the pumpkin to start the carving. Max looked over at me, "Go ahead and stab him, but just don't drop Jimmy." "No promises," I said. Max took his knife and poked Jimmy with it. "Hey! Don't poke the Jimmy," I said and did the same thing to his pumpkin. We laughed and continued what we were doing. Once the soundtrack was over, I switched it to spooky scary skeletons.

Today has been really fun so far. Can't wait to win that candy. I smiled from my thoughts and continued jamming my knife through Jimmy and cutting a circle. I wasn't murdering anyone, I swear. Except Jimmy.

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