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When I got to the offices I turned on my computer and set everything up. I looked at my schedule and saw I had a while until I have to actually do work. I decide to watch back my first video, rather the first video I was in.

After I finish watching and laughing at my miserably unfunny jokes, I look through some of the comments. I scroll through and the first one I see reads, "Who is this new chick? why u always add these dumb fools to the offices?" I laugh at how unoriginal the comment is, but my laugh slowly turns quiet as I read through the rest of the comments.

"More new people? ugh!"

"why is everyone in the offices so unfunny, especially the new girl"

"this fucking dumbass thinks she's funny enough to be in the offices? smh"

"tbh why is this bitch here, her jokes are so lacking"

Those are some examples of the comments. I felt tears threatening to come out, but I pushed them away. It's not that bad. When everyone started out they get these comments, don't they?

I don't think they do.

I took a glance at my schedule. I have to start editing a video. I shake the thoughts away and start.


"Hey. Y/N are you okay? You usually can edit pretty quickly." I heard someone say after opening my office door. "Yeah, sorry I'm just... distracted," I say turning to see Max.

"You seem off. Are you sure? Do you want me to finish up the video?" "No, I got it," I respond sounding more confident than I am.

"Whats that youtube tab open for?" he asks curiously. "I was just watching the first video I was in while working here," I say, only half lying. He seemed to have a moment of realization.

"You looked at the comments didn't you?" he said. I nodded. "It's normal. Everyone get's it," he says empathetically, opening the youtube tab and scrolling down through the various hate comments.

I could tell he was trying to think up some cliche and motivational speech. And I was right, "If I offered you $20, would you take it? How about if I crumpled it up? Stepped on it? You would probably take it even though it was crumpled and stepped on. Do you know why? Because it's still $20, and its worth has not changed. The same goes for you; if you have a bad day, or if something bad happens to you, you are not worthless.If someone crumples you up or steps on you, your worth doesn't change. You are still just as valuable as you were before, and let me say, you are worth a lot more than just $20." he said.

"I was not expecting that," I say simply. I look up at him and smile. I thank him and give him a quick hug. "Now, get back to work, you psychopath!" He says while walking out. "Creative!" I yell back. I could hear him laugh from down the hall.

I turn my chair back around and continue editing after I close the youtube tab.

I finish quickly, in under 10 minutes. I take a glance at my schedule and see I am right on time, and next is another recording. Skywars with Adam, Red, and Barney. I go into skype and see the call has already started. I join in and we all join the server. 


I turned around momentarily to check the time, but to my surprise I see Adam's face smashed against the glass window of my office. Instead of questioning it, I stared at the camera in his left hand awkwardly, waiting for Adam to come inside. As he busted through the door he said, "Y/N YOU HAVE SEVEN SECONDS TO DO A CARTWHEEL." I saw some people who were challenges first following Adam. "MOVE OUT THE WAY THIS IS MY TIME TO SHINE."

Trying not to hit anything in the room I do my dare, managing to do a round-off or whatever they call it. "What the hell did I just do. That wasn't a cartwheel but close enough and I'm dizzy." I say finding a seat on the floor.

"Y/N was in cheerleading too," Adam says explaining. "I'm just gonna go with the fact that she has done everything," Red replies. "Hey, don't judge my mad skillz!" I yell. Adam continues, "Are you ready for the next challenge?" 

"Sure," I say preparing myself. Adam looks down at the app before yelling, "Scream the most embarrassing thing that happened to you!" I think quickly and cream the first thing that came to mind, "When I was 15, my mom came to pick me up at school and she saw my crush and yelled, 'YOU BETTER TEXT HER BACK' at him."

Everyone in the room either laughed or clapped. "Your mom is amazing," Ross said. "The thing is that person is most likely watching this video," I say. I turn towards the camera and wave, "Hi Charlie." I laugh and follow Adam to the next person, along with everyone else.


It was around time to leave so I grabbed my bag and said bye to anyone who was still there. I got in my car and drove home. 

*Max's POV*

As I was walking out of the offices I heard a phone buzz. I checked mine but I didn't have a notification. I saw a flash of light in Y/N's office but she left a while ago. I peeked inside and saw that she left her phone on her desk.

I decided to just stop by her house on the way home and give it back to her. I left and drove to her house, trying to remember the way there. I managed to figure it out. I parked next to her driveway. I looked up and saw someone sitting on the roof. That's odd. They didn't notice me so I walked closer. The closer I got, the more it looked like Y/N. How the hell did she get up there? I went around to the back where I saw a tree.  Maybe I can climb my way up. 

I realized that it wasn't too difficult, and got up pretty quickly. "Hey," I said, trying not to scare her. "Hello. And why might you be on my roof?" she said. "You left your phone at the offices." I handed it over to her. "Thank you. That's why I couldn't find it." She smiled. 

"Why are you up here?" I asked curiously. "One, it's quiet, and two, look at the sky." She said pointing upwards. While coming up here, I didn't even notice how bright the sky was, lit up with all the stars. "Do you come up here often?" 

"Yeah, most days."

We stayed in the same position looking over the neighborhood and at the sky. After a few minutes, I decided it's time to leave, "Bye Y/N, goodnight."

"Night, see you tomorrow."

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now