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After we passed the no trespassing sign, we knew we were going the right way. Soon enough. we could see a concrete wall in the distance. I think that's where we are supposed to be.

We walked for another 15 minutes and came to a cleared out area and right in front of us was the abandoned mall. To the left was the parking structure and to the right was more forest that looks like it leads to the back fo the building.

We all laugh a the graffiti as we look for an easy way to enter. I looked around and pointed out the shortest wall, "That's one entrance, however, I'm not Spiderman and cant scale an 18-foot wall." Everyone laughed and agreed, "I think that's our best bet," Max said pointing at a hole that's about 13 feet up. There was already a piece of wood and a box underneath the hole, so I'm guessing that's actually how people get in. 

"Who's gonna go first?" Josh asked. I raised my hand, "Me." I walked over to it and realized there were tiny ledges going down the concrete. I steadied myself by holding onto the piece of wood resting against the wall and hopped onto the box. 

From there, the hole was only about 5 feet away from my reach. It didn't help that I was already the shortest one here. I tried standing on one of the tiny ledges and then pulling myself onto the top of the piece of wood. Surprisingly, it was stable and I was able to stand. From there I could reach the bottom of the hole and just pulled myself up. 

I sat on the edge of the hole and turned around, it looks much higher up now then it did down there. "Who's next?" I singsonged. Josh volunteered and started going up the same way I did. He got up and through the hole. There was floor right below the hole so he grabbed a flashlight and looked around. Christina was next and she got up quite quickly, except when she was pulling herself up, the piece of wood fell. I caught her wrist and she got one leg up, pulling herself the rest of the way up on the edge of the hole. She stood next to Josh, wandering and looking around. 

Max was last. I don't know how he was gonna manage this since the wood had fallen, but he started on the box. He was able to use a ledge on the opposite side of where the wood was, but he was still too far to reach. I reached down and offered him a hand. He accepted it. "You're not gonna be able to...Oh," he said as I pulled him up until he was able to get his arm over the edge of the hole. "Don't doubt my abilities," I said to him with a smile. He nodded.

We walked over to where Josh and Christina were standing. I slung my backpack around and grabbed two flashlights. I tossed one to Max and we turned them both on. We shone them across the entire floor since the most of it was just one big room. There was no light in there expect from the flashlights and what little daylight was coming through the hole.

I look to my left and see a wall and two big double doors. They were closed, but I definitely thought I heard something behind it. We start slowly walking forward. 

That's when I realize how absolutely massive this place is. Everything is concrete and graffiti, the rest is scattered pieces of wood, shattered glass, and tile. There were many large round concrete pillars as well. It seemed like something that would be a COD or CSGO map. There was also the occasional piece of scrap metal, rope, or random clutter of paper or cans or bottles or cigarette butts. 

"So do you guys think we should put our backpacks down in a corner or something so that if we have to run or do something we aren't carrying a ton of weight?" Christina asked. "Yeah, actually that's a good idea," I added. Max pointed out a corner that had a ton of boxes. "We can hide the backpacks behind the boxes right there." We nodded and walked over. 

I placed my backpack against the wall and covered it with the various cardboard boxes. I realized the bottom zipper wasn't closed until I reached for it. I closed it while accidentally brushing my arm against the ground. I didn't realize until I stoop up, but I felt a stinging on my arm. I looked down and saw a small cut. I looked where my arm grazed the ground and there was a pile of glass shards. 

"Wow, Y/N. How did you manage that?" Max said seeing the small drip of blood down my arm. I pointed at the glass. "So that's a lesson to everyone. Don't touch the floor and be careful." Josh said. I nodded, wiping the drip off with my side of my thumb. It was a very small cut and it didn't hurt much, so I wasn't worried about it. But, it did bring up a valid point, "Wait, If someone actually gets hurt, what are we gonna do?" 

Max looks confused and responds, "Call the fucking Ghostbusters?" He said sarcastically, "911, duh?" I laughed, "No, we would get arrested cause this is trespassing." "So, everyone just be extremely cautious," Christina added in.

We all started pointlessly walking. "Where are we heading to?" Josh asks. "Exploring, we'll figure that out when its time too," I respond. 

All of a sudden there is a loud crash across the room. It sounded like something really heavy fell. My heart started beating faster and we all took a step back, looking at each other. "I guess I found where we are heading, now," I said with a brave smile. 

I started walking, it was in the front. Max was by my side, and the other two trailing behind. Time to actually explore. 


hows that for a chapter?

actually, its very short- whoops.

I'll be writing more as I have a week off from school and have all the time in the world. Hopefully. but anyways, feel free to leave comments on how you think this story is going for; constructive criticism is welcome. :) Oh, and for those of you who think it's taking too long for a relationship, what a relationship without a strong friendship first? that just ends in disaster. But don't worry, it won't be too long now. To give a perspective, think how in the story it's around Halloween- meaning October. ~love interest~ things happen in December. c:


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