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I just got home. I don't wanna study and I would rather not do my project right now. I want to sleep but that would just decrease my production levels. I argued with my internal monolog for a while until deciding to start my project. Can't be that difficult right?

Oh wait, It's a group project. Nevermind, I'm not even gonna try. 

How about studying? But what do I have to study? Let's just draw something.

13 minutes later, I ended up with a sketch of an anime character. Alright, this isn't working.

"Adam I'm bored out of my mind. please help." I text Adam, maybe he's doing something.

I guess not because he hasn't answered me. Really, Adam, it's been 20 minutes. How about I try texting Max? I text him the same thing. He responds almost immediately. "Do you wanna come with Adam, Red, Barney, Ross, and I to Olive Garden?" he asked. I'm free from my boredom! "Yeah sure! which Olive Garden I can meet you guys there?"


We get there and wait a bit till we sit down. We order and continue having a random conversation while we wait. I get a text and I open it. "Hey, Y/N neither me or Hannah can work on the project due tomorrow so It's in your hands now. Sorry" It was from my group for the project for school. That's due tomorrow. I let a groan that was louder than I intended.

"What happened, YN?" Red asked me. "Sorry, Just my group bailed on me for a project due tomorrow and now I have to do It on my own. Why does that always seem to happen to me?" I say, mentally sending a big fuck you too to my group members. 

"What do you have to do?" Adam asked. "Draw five objects using only one line. And they have to be realistic." I say unenthusiastically. "That sounds difficult, especially for one person," Max added. "It's more difficult than you think. I think I'm going to be up all night," I say, "But I'm ready to shove breadsticks into my face." I laugh at how inappropriate that sounds.

The waitress comes to our table with our food. We all start to dig into our pasta.

~Adam's POV~

I look over at YN. She wasn't joking about the breadsticks. She eats like Max. They both fucking demolish any food like it just set their home on fire. Hmmm. I ship it.


We all parted our ways and went home. I started driving back home. When I got there I realized Max was following me to my house. "Hey, why are you here?" I asked him. " I figured I could give you moral support and so you wouldn't have to work on your project alone," he responded. 

"Well thank you, good sir." I smile and walk in my house. He follows me into my bedroom. I flip on the light switch, turning on the fairy lights all over my room. "Holy shit. Your room is so Tumblr." Max exclaimed. "When did you become so good at observing?" I asked jokingly. 

I brought out my sketchbook and my laptop. we sat down on my bed and I flipped through the pages of the sketchbook quickly, avoiding all the cringy stuff and trying to get to a blank page. "Woah," He said, "Did I just watch 4 years of drawings flash by?" I laughed. "Yes. Yes, you did."

I open a drawer and take out a binder of more recent stuff. I handed it to Max. "A lot of that binder is fanart, but some of it is projects. But be aware, there's a lot of dark shit in there too." I say warning him. He opens it and flips through the pages. He seems to be amused so I start on the project. I google ideas for what to draw. I need five objects, that aren't impossible to draw with one continuous line. 

The first one is a desk lamp. I decide to draw it first, and then figure out to do it in one line. "What's this?" Max asks. I turn around and he points to sketches of Adam's logo. "Oh, When Adam first started YouTube, he asked me to make a logo for him," I replied. "How long have you known him?" Max asked.

"As long as you have. I met him the same year as you did, and the same way." I said. He gave me a confused look. "Do you remember anyone with the alias Kaelio?" I asked, trying to make the explaining a bit easier. He nodded. "That was me," I said simply. "So we've known each other this entire time?" Max asks. I nodded, "I thought Adam told you that." We both shrugged.

I continued my project and he continued looking at my binder.

By the time I finished one of the objects, I picked up my paper and got a paper cut. "Shit!" I yelled, not expecting that. I dropped the paper and jumped off the bed. "Aaaahhhh fuck! Paper cut! Paper cut!" I jumped up and down slightly panicking. I couldn't help but laugh at my own stupidity. Max was of no help because he just sat there laughing, trying to ask if I was okay or not. 

I calmed down and walked across the hall to get a band aid. How did I manage to get a paper cut so bad that my hand was covered in blood? I ran back to my room and yelled, "What the hell do I do?! How do I, adult??!" I stopped running and calmed down. I put the bandaid on and cleaned off my hand. I went back to my room and said, "I adulted." 

I sat back down and we continued whatever we were doing. Max finished looking at the binder of stuff, and now he's just watching me and keeping along with the completely random conversation. He asked questions every five minutes, I swear. "Actually, would you like to help me out?" I asked. 

He nodded. "First, can you hand me my glasses that are on the desk behind you?" I said. "Oh, so you have glasses?" He asked reaching for them. "Yeah, It keeps me from getting a headache when I draw or read or do something for long periods of time." I slide them on top of my nose. 

"Second, do you know how to transfer a drawing from paper to a laptop?" I ask. "Yeah, I just need your phone." He responds. I figured he would do the picture method. I hand my phone over to him and in a matter of seconds its downloaded to my laptop. "Thanks. Do you know how to turn it black and white? I figure you do since you edit videos." I say.

"Yeah, and Im guessing you want me to angle it and crop it too?" He asked. "Yeah. Look at you with your technical terms." We laugh. "Now we just need to repeat this process four more times," he added. "The power of teamwork!" I exclaim. "And it fills you with determination." 


It's now 2 AM and I have finished the project. Correction: We have finished. I ended up with a desk lamp, a coffee cup, a laptop, a desk, and a trash can. I took inspiration for these items for the ones in my room.

Right now, We are having an anime binge night. It was my idea...


I might update later

well will see.


Happy Halloween Eve everybody!

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