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I looked at what I was going on. What have I gotten myself into? We just got in line, the wait said 15 minutes. Adam and Tim stayed behind. We got to the front fairly quickly after having random conversations. Im glad im not going alone at least. I sit on the left side and pull down the chest and lap bar. This will be interesting. My heart was racing because, obviously, I'm not a fan of roller coasters or rides in general. Maybe this will help me get over my fear.

We start moving around a small corner. "I'm going to die," I say nervously. "You will be okay." He says and extends his hand. I smile and hold it in mine. "This became chiche very quickly." We exchange one last glance before the ride pushes us forward, picking up speed very quickly. At this time it was getting dark, and all the lights were on. 

We go up a large hill with a tunnel at the top. It goes dark for a few seconds before we go straight down. We go around a big banked turn and it becomes straight again. Not for long, though, We start going up again and down one more time. We went through a bunch more turns, ups, and downs. We can around what a thought was going to be the last turn, but, we go forward a bit and I see a loop. 

"Shit," I exclaim. The cart goes forward quickly, and I can feel it start going up. Since we were in the back of the cart, we could see the front of it go upside-down before we did. I held my breath and held on. We came back down to where gravity was normal again, and then turned and went up again. After that, we were pulling up to the end. 

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding, "That wasn't half bad. CAN WE GO AGAIN." I said. I released my grip, realizing I was holding onto Max's hand the entire time. My face flushed a light pink and Max chuckled. "Do you actually wanna go again?" He asked. I nodded enthusiastically.

We went again. Two more times, actually. Best time of my life.

We got off and met up with Adam and Tim who were sitting at a restaurant. Max and I sat down with them. "OH MY GOD I DID IT. I WENT ON EVERYTHING!" I exclaimed. Max and Adam clapped, "Golf clap," Tim said.

It was 10PM and we decided that we would just leave an hour early. As we were leaving the park, behind us, I saw the same lady and the same man. "Hey, it's them again," I whispered to Max. He turned around and acknowledged that they have been following us the entire time. 

"Uh, Hey Adam," Max said, "The two people behind us have been following us since we got into the park." He turned around, "You guys noticed that too?" He asked. "So... what do we do?" I said in a concerned tone.

Adam turned around. "Hey, guys. Why have you been following us this whole time?" He confronted them. The woman glared at him. The man said, "I apologize, sir. If you have noticed we were following you, we take full responsibility. Sincerely, Samantha and John." Adam gave a puzzled expression, and walk back to us. I glanced over at the man and watched him reach into his back pocket. 

"ADAM!" I said and pushed him to the side. The man pulled out the knife and grazed Adam's back, and into mine, in the process of pushing him. The man and the woman ran away into the parking lot. I just got stabbed.

I sat down next to a car and so did Adam. "What the hell just happened?!" Tim questioned. I look my backpack off, trying not to panic. I opened the zipper and pulled out a med kit. "I'm gonna go get help!" Max said while starting to run. 

"No! I got it. I'm a trained EMT." I yelled to him. He quickly walked back. I poured water over a cloth and gave it to Adam. "But that over any wound," I said. I looked down at my waist where the knife hit. I got a piece of gauze and pressed really hard on the area. It should stop the bleeding. 

I took out a small container, the same one from earlier, and picked out two Advils.  I put one in Adam's hand and gave him the water bottle. He swallowed hard and I took the bottle back. The pain started to hit me and I realized I was bleeding too much. I pressed on it harder and just taped the gaze down. I washed the blood off of my hand and stood up. 

"Adam, are you okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"I think the bigger problem is, are you okay?" Max added.

"I should be. After I stop panicking." I said and tried to steady my breathing. "Hey, Red, Barney, Ross, And Shelby are coming back to meet us in the parking lot," Tim said. I nodded.

The pain wasn't as bad for the next hour or so. Before I knew it we were calling an Uber. "Are we gonna get a hotel or just fly home?" I ask. "We are going to a hotel and then flying home at 6am." he said. 

We pulled up to the hotel. We all shared the biggest room there. The only problem was that there were only three beds. After playing rock paper scissors, we came to the conclusion that Adam, Red, and Tim each got beds. "That's cool. I'll just have an existential crisis on the floor until I fall asleep." I say casually. 

I flop onto the floor in the corner. I'm glad the floor was carpet. Soon enough, the lights were off and I was dreading actually sleeping. I put my phone on the lowest brightness and start to read. After, a little while I realized it was actually 11:30 and I had been sitting there for almost an hour. 

I get my earbuds out of my backpack and put the volume on low. I listen to a few songs before I hear a whisper, "You can't sleep either?" I recognized the voice as Max's. "Nope." I replied quietly. 

Everyone was asleep except the two of us. I perked up when I remembered I had my old laptop in my bag. I took it out and opened it, immediately putting it on a lower brightness. I opened YouTube and looked at the uploads. Nothing interesting. I went to the Trending tab. Nothing.

I went to my music playlist on Youtube. Sick Of Losing Soulmates. I played the video after putting my earbuds in and started listening. I quietly hummed along. 

I created a new tab and opened Tumblr. Max shifted and sat next to me, leaning against the wall. I look out an earbud and offered it to him. He took it and started listening. I scrolled through Tumblr. Random Cat Pictures. Shower thoughts. Random memes. Awesome. 

The song changed to After Ever After 2. I mouthed every word unconsciously. He faced me and looked at me confused and surprised. I shrugged and tried not to laugh. I went back to focusing on Tumblr. I quietly squealed at a picture of a Corgi. Adorable.

We got to the point in the song where the lyrics were just yelling of "I AM. SATAN." I couldn't help but laugh at Max's expression. Thankfully, I didn't wake anyone. I went back to the youtube tabbed and skipped to the next song. To Good cover by Conor Maynard. That's better?


I turned my phone over to see it was 6:45. We are going to be late!

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