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~Magical time skip of two weeks~

I woke up to a normal day that wasn't so normal. It's actually the day I graduate university. Holy frick frack I made it. No more dying, no more suffocation in piles of projects, no more sadness. Just happiness, hopefully. 

I drove to campus and hour earlier than usual because it was going to get crowded real quick. I found someone from one of my classes walking, so I decided to follow them since I had no clue where to go. 

All the students are sitting in one big area so I find my friends or anyone I know and sit down. I look around at everyone and realized everyone is sitting in different categories. It's the jocks and athletic kids, The art kids where I am, The Medical students, The Science and technology kids, the writers and English kids, The fashion and prep kids, and then the quiet and mixed kids. It's exactly like high school.

The ceremony started and everyone was seated in long rows. One person went up, got their degree, and sat down. Over and over again. I realized they were calling kids in alphabetical order by last name. Which means I'm going to be called in the beginning. I heard my name get called. Or next.

I stood up and walked up to the stage. I shook hands with my professors, who I will and will not miss. I took my degree and walked back off stage. I sat back down. I looked at the paper. This paper was all I got for working so hard for 6 years. And everyone who gets one just accepts that it's only a paper. Seems legit.

I heard my friend Ashley's name get called and I snap back into reality. I clap for her and she turns back and smiles at me. When she goes to sit down again, she finds me and sits in the empty seat next to me. 

We congratulate each other on our accomplishment. "So, Ashley, where are your parents? I want to go say hi." I say. She gestures to the other side of the area. We walk over together, not knowing if we were allowed to get up or not.

I say hi to her parents and they greet us with a "Congratulations!" We sit down and talk for a bit. "Where are your parents? I want to meet them finally!" Ashley asks. "Oh, they weren't able to come. They couldn't buy the flight out here, so they are back at home in Canada." I reply. "Dammit! I still haven't met them yet!" Ashley exclaims. "I know, I know. I should bring you to Canada with me sometime." I offer. "Oh, Hell yeah!" 

After the graduation ceremony was over, everyone split apart with their families and friends. I was standing with my friend, Lucas, and his sister, Jewel. It was getting very boring just standing around with the people I knew so I decided to leave a bit early. 

I walked back to the parking lot and got in my car. I made sure I didn't forget anything and started driving. I was getting  bit thirsty, and I didn't have a water so I decided to stop at a boba place on the way home. 

When I got home, I realised there was a car in my driveway. I made it out to be Adam's. Why was he here? I got out and so did he. He walked over to me, hugged me, and congratulated me. 

"I'm going to bring you to the offices to welcome you. You start tomorrow." Adam said. "Oh! Hell Yeah!" I said excitedly. 

We got there and Adam started to show me around. He didn't need to since I watch his vlogs and almost know the place inside and out, but he did anyways. I got the extra empty office that was right next to the editor's area. Adam told me I could bring my stuff in today, or tomorrow. I decided to do it today.

When he was done showing me around, we walked back to his car so that we could get my stuff. I was so overly excited that it was crazy. 

Adam dropped me off at my house and drove back to the offices. I started taking everything out of my office in my house and putting it in extra boxes that I had. I carefully unplugged my PC and put it in a separate box and put that box in the passenger's seat of my car.

I saw Adam pull up again. "I brought help," he said simply. Then Max and Tim hopped out of his car. "Thank you so much, Adam," I said. He nodded and they followed me into my house.

We finished packing all the decorations and extra stuff into boxes and I sat down on the floor. The room was so empty and it looked really clean. The only thing inside the room was an empty desk and an empty bookshelf. I stood back up again, preparing myself to carry the heavy boxes to my car. I pushed them with my feet into the hallway and then picked them up one by one. 

Once they were in my car, we all drove back to the offices. Max and Tim had finished up everything, so they helped me set up everything. 

Once we got all the boxes in, we took everything out. I started by moving the desk out of the way. Then we put the bookshelf in and all the other pieces. Max started putting up all the sound foam and Tim helped me take everything out of the boxes. I put up the dozens of posters and filled in the top levels of the bookshelf. 

Tim left to go edit a last minute video. Max finished the sound foam, and now I am going to put up the fairy lights. "Hey, do you mind helping me here?" I ask. "Oh, sure," he said. "Grab the other end of this string, and wrap it around the push pin that's over there," I said.

We finish the fairy lights and Max starts plugging in the PC. I continue to decorate the bookshelf. We start having a completely random conversation. 

We finish at almost the exact same time and I stop and look at everything. "It. Looks. Amazing," I say, "Holy shit." 

"Yeah it does. Especially with the lights." Max adds. I nod, "Yeah. And now we are free to go home and sleep." I say.

"Yep. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Max says and walks away. "Bye," I say. 

I take one last look at my new office and start to head out. 


If you guys didn't know already, I also write my story on Quotev. 

And, someone by the name of Gwydion asked to be an editor for this book.

So, I think what I'm going to do is I am going to have the edited version on Quotev and keep the raw version here on Wattpad. 

But don't worry, the storyline will still be the same on both sides, it's just probably a better version over on Quotev because they do their magic on the chapter on there.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed,

Stay Creative! :D

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now