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I went back downstairs. Max followed. I quickly got excited, remembering that the last time I visited I left my favourite tea here. I checked the cabinet where I would think it would be and found it. I got really happy and practically ripped the box open. I also found my tea mug and started making tea the faster way. I filled my cup with water and put it in the microwave until it was hot. Then I stirred the tea bag around and left it in the cup.

I impatiently waited for it to cool off a tiny bit and happily took a sip. I walked over to Max who was leaning on the counter and giving me an amused look. "I'm happy now, let's go invade my sister's privacy now," I said walking past him and heading up the stairs, Max following right behind. 

I went into my sister's room and found her on the top bunk reading on her phone. "Mind if we join you up there? Actually, you don't get a choice," I said and started walking for the ladder. I climbed up, skipping a step in between. I went in the middle of the bed and sat cross-legged against the wall. Jenna moved to the other corner, making the ladder shake. It caused Max to lose his balance and I quickly grabbed his wrist before he started to fall. "We don't need you dying," I said helping him up. "Thanks," He said.

"So what're you reading?" I asked Jenna. "It's called The Fall. I found this author names James Preller from something and now I've read two of his other books, Before You Go and Bystander, and now I'm starting this one and I'm pretty sure this is my favorite book ever," She said. I nodded. "Wait, James Preller. Is that book the one about the water tower?" Max spoke up. Jenna nodded with a smile. Max gave her a thumbs up.

"So, were you the one that was therapist 2?" Jenna asked. Max stopped as though he was trying to remember, "Oh yeah, I remember that now." I nodded in agreement.

We sat and talked about a mess of random things. Jenna was usually decently quiet, but also really talkative when she's enjoying the conversation. She's 16, and a half, also adopted, at 6, since our mom doesn't have the ability to get pregnant, but our family has always bonded the same way. I like it. 

I decided to start a new topic, "What's something that you can only do in Canada?" I asked, to no one in particular. "Aren't you going to all your favourite spots tomorrow, though?" Jenna asked. I nodded, "Yeah but I wanna do something."

"Well from what I've heard that's only special here is Tim Horton's," Max added in. Jenna and I looked at each other and gasped. "Get ready kiddos, we're going," I quickly said while practically jumping off the top bunk. I picked out an outfit and went across the hall to the bathroom.

I changed quickly, tied my hair back, put my black converse on and grabbed my phone. I walked out and Max and Jenna followed me. We went downstairs. 

"Bye, mom. We're gonna go get Tim's. I'll get you the usual," I said walking to the door. 

"Bye, my children... Uhh, sure. Yeah, I've adopted you too now I guess." She responded acknowledging Max. I walked out the door. "Mom, you 'adopt' all our friends," Jenna responded, grabbing the keys from the hook next to the door. "Oh yeah, you finally have your license," I said. "Yeah but I don't wanna drive," She said tossing me the keys with a smile. "Fine then, you're lucky I don't trust your driving," I said getting in the driver's seat. 

Fortunately, I still remember where the closest Tim Horton's was. Not too far, but still a drive.

Once we all got there, we went inside. There was a short line which gave Max time to decide what he wanted to get. We got to the front and I repeated my Mom's order and mine, "Regular glazed Timbits, 1 chocolate glazed donut, 1 Canadian maple donut, two medium original blend coffees," then let Jenna and Max order their own. 

Max and I volunteer to pay, but I got to it first. I gave him a smile for trying. We waited to get our order and then sat at a table in the corner. I saw Jenna take a sip of her decaf coffee and then her face fell when she looked to her left. 

There was a guy, about her age walking in our direction. Jenna looked at me quickly and then turned back around with a serious and intimidating expression. That's my sister following after me. I gave the same look. 

The guy looked like a jock. One of those ones you'd see in TV shows that go to the principal's office as a hobby. Very tall, midnight black eyes, and white-blonde hair. He stood a few feet from Jenna. "So I've heard you're in love with Ollie, are you trying to be a whore?" He said. 

I was half ready to punch this dude, but Jenna looked like she was able to handle it. "So I heard how you're treating Steph, are you trying to be an asshat?" She responded. "Where'd you hear that from?" He asked. "Alright dude, go trip over a knife," Jenna replied simply. "I didn't do shit to Stephanie, you lying bitch," He said slightly stiffening.

Jenna looked at him like he was stupid and stood up, "Alright, then explain why she came to school with scratches on her thigh and a bruise on her face and shoulder." His eyes slightly widened and he took a threatening step forward. "That little slut had to learn her lesson somehow," he replied. 

Jenna's mouth opened and she gave him a look that said 'are you serious'. She made one final statement, "Alright well have fun talking to the police and Mr. Carranza tomorrow. Now leave before I stick a flute through your trachea and hide your body in a tuba case," She said with a smile and sat back down. His friend ran up next to him and pulled him away saying, "That's why you don't mess with the band nerds." I nodded in agreement to his friend's statement and looked back at Jenna.

"You handled that well, who was that?" I asked. "My best friend, Steph's, boyfriend. He's becoming abusive and we had to tell the school about it because it was starting to get really serious. You probably gathered that" She explained. Max added in, "I can tell you get your sass from Y/N."

I laughed, "I don't know if I should be offended or not, so I'll take that as a compliment." He explained that it was a good thing and we all just laughed. "Anyway, Let's eat our donuts in peace now," Jenna said.

And that's exactly what we did. Max ended up loving Tim Horton's and I predicted that we would come back before leaving. 

Once we got back home I handed my mom the chocolate donut and the other coffee which was surprisingly still hot. "Thank you, love," She said. I nodded and smiled. 

We went back up to Jenna's top bunk and continued our random conversations. I like this.

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