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I woke up and it was the next day. We actually have to go to work today, and I already knew that there was going to be a lot of filming. I quickly got ready and went straight to the offices. I figured I would get there a bit early, maybe work on something and be productive while I wait for everyone else to come in. 

Adam is, obviously, the next one to get there. He starts walking towards his office and he sees me. "Oh! You're back! Heyyy, Y/N" he yells. I smile, "Hi, Adam. I'm glad to be back." He laughs. "Oh, just a warning: There have been a lot of comments recently asking for specifically you and Max back in videos and asking where you've been. So you cool with a lot of filming today," he asked. Just as I thought. "Sure, Adam. Text me when you need me," I said. "Oh, and do you mind spreading the news to Max? I have to start a recording and I don't know when he's coming in," he said. 

"Oh, yeah. Of course," I said. Just another excuse to talk to Max, and I'm okay with that. "Thanks, Y/N. Also, you guys have a really big ship going on," He said and walked away with a chuckle. I yelled back to him, "Yeah, Adam I know," I said with a laugh, but mentally, that made me so happy. Even the fans ship us, it isn't just me. Wait, did I just say I ship myself with Max? Oh, no.

A little while later Max came in, and I went up to him. "Heyy, you're probably tired of me by now, but Adam told me to tell you that the fans have been asking where we have been and want us back in videos, specifically together?" I said in a fake-confused tone. He smiled, "Alright, so I'm guessing a lot of filming today?" 

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind," I say, genuinely worried that he's starting to think im annoying. "I don't mind. I'm actually excited. And if you're wondering, no, I'm not tired of you," he responds. I give a wide smile and add in something else, "Good. Also, Adam says we have a good ship going on." I wink and walk away. I could hear him laugh behind me and I just smile and walk to my office. 

I wait anxiously for a text from Adam. I actually really want to film, especially with Max, and I'm excited. Soon enough, Adam texts me to come to the Office Antics area. I over and already see Max over there. I smile, but it's also only him. Interesting.

Once I make it over, Adam says, "Okay so, remember how I said you guys have a big ship going on? Okay so, the others in the office had the idea of you two playing Innuendo Bingo. So... Good luck." He smiles and walks away. 

We sit on opposite ends of the table, as we are told. There are two laptops on the table, facing opposite directions. I'm assuming we both watch the same videos and try not to laugh or make a dirty joke. I see two bottles of water on the table. Correction, I'm assuming we both watch the same videos and have to try not to spit out the water or make a dirty joke.

"Question, does winking count as a dirty joke?" I ask. One of the people in the background nod. "Alright so, I guess I'm gonna lose," I respond. Right after, Max intros the video. This is going to be very interesting.

The video turned out to be not as uncomfortable as I thought. Though, I think we both lost. We are both very dirty minded and I know I'm definitely randomly flirty at times so that didn't help. There were a lot of winks and jokes and laughs, But it was still very entertaining. 

Once we ended the video, Adam came in and told us he's joining for the next video and it's the Urban Dictionary challenge. He explained it, "Basically I found some random-ass words on urban dictionary and I'm gonna read the word to you guys. You both have to guess what it means and write it down on these whiteboards. You get a minute to write and then after, you reveal what you wrote. Who ever's was the closest get's a point. First to five points wins." He hands us whiteboards and the two of us move onto the couch, Adam sat across from us. 

The video was similar to the one before, a lot of jokes and laughs, and it was honestly really fun. Also, there's a shit ton of weird words on Urban Dictionary. It's scary. And another thing, I won. 

Adam said there was only 1 more video to film, but this one wasn't as fun. The last one was Truth or Warhead. This time, it's Ben, Adam, Ross, Red, Max, and me. There was a bowl of warheads on the table along with a bowl of strips of paper, which I assumed have "truth" questions written on them. 

By the end of the video, we had answered a lot of embarrassing questions and learned stuff about each other that we probably didn't want to know. There was also a lot of pain, for others at least. I actually really like sour candy, so the warheads didn't bother me as much as they did for everyone else. All of the videos today have been quite interesting.

Afterward, we are all left to go back to whatever we want. I decide to go back to my office and work on the animation I started this morning. After a while though, I started feeling a little sick. My throat hurt pretty bad and I got really congested out of nowhere. I decided, to help with my throat, I would go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of green tea. 

I go back to my office and after an hour and a half, I finished up the animation. It was pretty short, so that's why it didn't take too long. I started uploading it and sat there in silence as I watched the bar slowly move across the screen.



so remember how I said i would get back into writing? hAH

yeah... its been 2 months and I am genuinely sorry. i shouldn't make any promises, but i'm gonna try to be better about updating. i'm just so excited about future chapters that its hard to write the short/filler chapters. but i'll get there. 

also, for those of you that care, the reason for me not updating isn't because im in a bad place or anything. i'm actually the happiest i've ever been in my life. I mean, my life still isnt perfect, but i've gotten into a more positive place and i focus on the good things, like my bestfriend and my boyfriend, etc. anyways. i've been really distracted, with all this good, so i'm gonna also try to start writing, as that's also another good and can help keep me in a good place.

so yea !!!!

Stay Creative 

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя