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I woke up a tiny bit earlier than usual. I turned off my alarm on my phone so it wouldn't wake Max up. I got up and started doing my usual routine for mornings. I heard Josh and Christina talking meaning they were awake. I texted Josh to remind them we were doing something today, it was still a surprise. 

He responded, "What time do we leave?" 

I quickly responded, "10:15 if you wanna stop for food, if not 10:30. Or I'll make food, your choice."

He texted back, "We'll leave at 10, there's a lot of traffic. And you make food, thanks :)"  Alright, that means I have to get up and do things. It's still pretty early, So I have some extra time. I made my way over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was practically empty so I don't know what to make. 

I decided to just go to the market a few blocks away. I texted Josh to let him know. I put a hoodie on and quickly pulled on some sneakers. I started walking and once I made it there, picked up a few things trying not to drop it all since I didn't grab a basket, quickly paid, and headed back. By the time I was walking, I was sure everyone must have been awake. 

I opened the door and yelled out, "Honey, I'm home!" Max, who was at the bottom of the stairs responded. "Okay, sweetheart," he said mockingly. I laughed and put the bag on the kitchen counter. I made a quick breakfast to get us all going.

I made my tea and we were all ready to leave. I grabbed my backpack and made Josh drive because I didn't want too, "I will, as long as you drive home," he responded. I nodded and tossed him the keys. Christina called shotgun so Max and I sat in the back.

Josh pulled out of the driveway and realized he didn't actually know where we were going. So, to not ruin the surprise immediately, I set google maps to a place down the street so they couldn't see where we were going.

"Can you please tell us where we are going?" Max asked. "Yeah, I can. But I'm not going to. I'll tell you this though, it's haunted and illegal to go to."

They all turned towards me like I was insane. I mean I am. "You're insane," Max said. "Creative," I added plainly, "And I guess I'll just tell you guys. It's an abandoned mall that's supposedly haunted because before they closed it there were several stabbings and suicides." 

"That's comforting," Josh said. It was quiet for a while and Christina spoke up in a louder tone, "Wait this is an hour and a half drive?!" "Yeah," Josh and I said at the same time. I didn't even notice it since it happens all the time, I think it's a twin thing. "Why do you guys always do that? It's scary," Max added in. Josh and I both shrugged, "Dunno," 



"Oh my god."

"Stop copying me."


We just became silent after saying the same words several times. It gets annoying.

I decided to google the place we are going to to see if I can find any stories to tell them about it. I found an article saying why it's haunted and read that out loud. It was actually very creepy and concerning. Fun.

After that, I might as well keep up the scary mood. I decided to read two-sentence horror stories. I dont know how, but sometimes two sentences can be as scary as an entire movie.

"The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails into my chest, her other hand muffling my screams. I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as I saw my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard my closet door creak open," I said slowly.

We talked about it and freaked out about it for a few seconds before I read the next one,

"I woke up to hear knocking on the glass. At first, I thought it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again," I said and cringed at the idea of it.

I continued reading them from the list on a website I found.

The last one I read got me, 

"I began tucking him into bed and he tells me, "Dad, check for monsters under my bed." I look at underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me, quivering and whispering, "Dad, I think there's somebody on my bed." I shudder and turn off my phone. 

After a bit of silence, and seeing that we are now driving through a very unpopulated area, surrounded by nothing but forest and abandoned houses, I brought back the topic of where we are going. 

"Alright, so how about we make a deal. We do a 24-hour challenge and whoever leaves early gets a punishment?" I suggested. Josh replied, "I like that idea but it depends on the punishment, it has to be worth not leaving." I nodded in agreement. "If someone left they would be instantly punished tho because they would be stranded outside with no one else," Max added in. "True, so we should just stick to the group and not split up," Christina stated. "Yes, but if anyone did decide to leave, I still have that paintball gun back at home," I said looking at Josh. He smiled, "Anyone who leads gets hit with a paintball by each person." We all agreed.

"Oh and by the way, If there was an earthquake or anything, the whole building could collapse. And the whole thing is just a bunch of concrete and they will probably be demolishing it at some point, so," I spoke. 

We continued the drive for a little longer. We had only a half hour left.

*time skip brought to you by ~spoopy times~*

We made it to where we had to go. We weren't at the abandoned mall, actually a mile from it, but it was the closest place we could park. Now it was time to get everything and walk through a forest for almost a mile.

I got my backpack and closed the trunk. We were ready.

I started walking to the slightly cleared path. There was a no trespassing sign, but it was barely readable because of the graffiti. The forest wasn't too dense, but it was just enough to call it a forest. The ground was half dirt and half gravel, making a crunching sound under me. It was so quiet that even that made an echo. It was interesting, I hope no one else is here with us...


sorry, it has been so long, I've been having a tough time with life recently. I'll be back to update more often now. :)

Stay Creative! ~nightmare/kai

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