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After talking for a bit over a half an hour, we started playing Mario Kart. If was the last lap of the second game and Max was winning. I saw I had a booster and I used it which caused me to pass him and go right through the finish line seconds before him. He turned to me and I held one finger out towards him, "Shhh. No words." He inhaled and turned red. He then sighed and chuckled, turning back away from me and staring at the tv screen. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. He practically ragequit, so I switched it back to the TV. It went to commercials, one was a back to school ad. "Wait. 1, school just ended and 2, that makes me sad and happy," I said. I can tell it left both of us confused, so I changed the channel.

There was nothing on, so I asked, "Do you wanna film something with me? Cause I just had an idea." Max looked at me, "Sure, what is it?" "Well, it's not my idea, but you call random places you don't work at and call to take the day off. Basically calling in sick to places you don't work at," I explained. He excitedly nodded and I went to my room to get my camera and tripod. We sat on my bed and started recording. I started with my new and improved intro, "What's up internet addicts, Y/N here and today Max and I are going to be stealing the idea to call in sick to places we dont work at." We decided on calling Walmart first. He called, "Yeah, hi, this is Donovan, I just wanted to call and say that I'm not going to be coming into work tomorrow." The voice spoke, "Okay, give me one moment....Are you Donovan Kent? Do you work in the garden department?" The lady made this very easy for us, "Uh, yes. I'll see you on Wednesday Barbara." Max said and hung up. "Was her name Barbara?" I laughed. He shook his dead dying of laughter.

My turn. I decided on calling Panera. "Hey, this is Patricia. I was wondering if you could like, tell my boss that I won't be going into like, work tomorrow. My hamster just like, died and my little sister and I are very emotional, so like thanks," I said with my best white girl voice. The lady responded, "Oh, okay. Can I have your last name?" Without any creativity and comedic intent, I spoke, "Matricia." I muted myself quickly before I started laughing and then hung up.

We laughed for about 15 minutes straight because Max kept repeating the word, "Matricia." I was on the floor laughing until my stomach hurt and Max almost fell on the floor as well. We continued the same thing, for example, we called Starbucks and use the excuse that we ate too much taco bell. It was a very interesting video. 

It got really late and Max decided he should probably head home. I walked to the front door with him to say goodbye. "Bye, Max. See you tomorrow."  He nodded in response, "Bye, Y/N." I shut the door, "Love you." I locked the door and then stared at the wall. "Did I just say that? Was that habit? Did I mean that? oh fuck." I quickly changed and plopped myself face first on my bed. I found myself thinking about the entire night over and over and questioning myself on my final words of the night.

~timeskip brought to you buy love interest??? aha im sorry~

I just got to the offices and Adam almost immediately come up to me. "Hey, so we are working on hiring some new people here at the offices. Do you by any chances know any small YouTubers that would like to work here?" I thought about what he said for a moment. "I do. My friend Ben. He's a decently sized YouTuber, his username is PureBen. He's rebranding though, so it could be perfect," I said. Adam nodded, "I will look at his channel." He walks away, so I used that as a cue to walk to my office. 

About an hour later, I just finished editing something and Adam walked in. "I looked at Ben's channel. Do you think you can describe him more, and maybe we can give him the job?" I looked at him excitedly. "Sure. Think of like a stereotypical gay guy. Like the people that say "honey" and "darling" a lot. Like the "No, no honey" and "slay bitch" type of person. He's good at making people laugh. I met him in one of my video making classes, so he is educated. He's good at editing too, but only in his style, which is more of an aesthetic, music in the background of everything, type of thing." Adam nods, "I got most of that from his videos. Do you think you could call him and ask him about it?" I'm very excited now. Adam leaves the room and I call Ben. 

~Max POV~

I was walking to Red's office when I heard Y/N talking to someone on the phone. I walked slower, what can I say, I can't help but snoop. Her voice was loud and excited, "Hey! Do you think you could come out to Washington in a few days? There's a job opening here and Adam came to me if I knew anyone and I suggested you. Would you want to take it?" There's silence for a few seconds. Y/N's voice comes back, this time more excited, "Yay! Okay, I will see you in a couple days then! Bye, Love you!" Her voice stopped and she ran out of her office to go tell someone, Im assuming Adam. From the last words, I immediately got the suspicion that Y/N had a boyfriend and he's getting the job opening. I didn't know how to react, but instead, a wave of jealousy rolled over me and I put on my angry demeanor again and walked quickly to Red's office. Everything would have been fine if I wasn't such a snoop. 

~Y/N's POV~

For the rest of the day, Max seemed off. Which made me sad. But the thing that made it worse was that he wouldn't talk to me, but he would with everyone else. I tried asking him about it, but he would just walk away.

~time skip a couple days brought to you by Miss Jackson~

It was time to go pick up Ben from the airport. I was going to ask Adam to come with me but I saw that he was busy. So I went to my other best option, "Hey Max, can you come with me to the airport?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. I forgot he wasn't talking to me. He said words this time though, "Why are you asking me to go to the airport?" I paused. "Because I get lost at the airport. I'm sorry I forgot you weren't talking to me. I'll go." I said and looked him in the eye. There was a flash of guilt and we both turned to Ross who said, "Oh my God, Max. Just let it go and go with her to the god damn airport." Max glared at him and I walked away. I looked behind me to see Max following me. I smiled, 'Thanks, Ross,' I thought to myself.

It was silence most of the car ride, but he did help me, because like I said, I get lost at the airport. One we got inside I saw Ben's flight just arrived and went to his gate and waited. I stood for about two minutes until I saw him walking and looking around. He saw me and half ran towards me and hugged me. I introduced them to each other but I could tell Max was still upset. He seemed more angry at Ben then he was at me. 

We got in the car and after a few minutes, it was time to get it out of him. "Okay, seriously. What's up with you?" I asked. He looked up at me and then back down again. "I just have a question, Are you two together?" He responded. Ben and I laughed, "No, No. Honey, I'm gay af," Ben spoke. Max looked confused. I gasped and added, "Wait, are you jealous?" Max turned a bit red. "N-No, I don't know. Wait, but I overheard your phone call and you ended with I love you?" I laughed at his stupidity, "Yeah, because that can't affect him coming from a female, you dummy." Max turned even redder and I just continued laughing. "Speaking of relationships, I do ship you too, ya'll would be a cute-ass couple," Ben said. "Thanks for making things awkward!" I yelled at him. We all laughed, including Max. That made me happy, it was the first time I saw him laugh in 3 days. Soon enough, he was back to his regular self. 

We got back to the offices and I brought Ben to meet Adam and I walked back to my office. While walking through the editor's area I said, "Guys! Max is talking again! I cured him!" They started laughing, including Max who turned around and smiled at me. I continued my adventure back to my office and got back to work. 

While leaving, I got a text from my mom that she was inviting me and anyone I wanted to bring, if I wanted too, back home for Halloween. I took this as a perfect opportunity to invite Max back to Canada with me, so I texted him and asked him. 

"Hey, would you like to go with me to Canada for a few days for Halloween? My mom invited me and said I could invite a friend."

~Max's POV~

I got a text from Y/N saying that she was inviting me to go to Canada with her for a few days. I took that as a good opportunity and responded, 

"Oh, hey! Sure, I'd love to go. Just give me the days"

"Yay! I will respond to my mom and I will give you the days when I know them, See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Y/N"

~Y/N's POV~

This got me so excited, once I layed down in bed I fell asleep immediately, thinking about all the good times we can have in Canada. This trip is going to be amazing.

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant