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Once we had all finished, we looked at everyone else's. They were all amazing. No one could decide who won the candy so I made a twitter poll with everyone's in it. The rest of them retweeted it and we waited.

As the results were coming it seemed to be close between Josh, Max, and I. Jenna set a timer for one minute, so whoever was in the lead once the minute was over won. It was still a race between the three of us, with my dad's catching up.

Once the minute was over, I looked right over at my phone to see the results and Max had won by 1 vote. 1.  I congratulated him and looked at the results again and saw that I took the lead. That one minute. 

He offered to share the candy with me since it was a close race. Josh got butthurt because he was also close to winning so I took a handful of the candies and threw them at him. He looked satisfied, so I turned back around.

~time skiparoo~

Max and I decided it was time to go to all those places I had picked out. My favourite spots. I checked if anyone else wanted to join while everyone was still in the room, "Anyone else wanna join us?" Everyone took a moment to respond,

"Abbelina's birthday party, so I can't," Jenna responded.

"And I have to go with Jenna to help out," Mom said.

"And I'm going to the mall with Christina and her friend," Josh replied. 

"I'm meeting up with your aunt and uncle to help them with whatever they need this time," Dad added in.

That left Max and me. Fine with me.  I grabbed the keys and headed to the door. " Amusez-vous sur votre date," Josh said to me in French, I'm guessing it was so Max didn't understand what he said. I playfully rolled my eyes at Josh and gave him a laugh while closing the door. We got in the car and I figured out where I wanted to go first. 

Max questioned what Josh said and I told him he said, "Have fun on your date." He nodded his head once, I think we've both accepted the ship by now, even though it isn't canon. I wish it was.

I decided that the park was the first place I wanted to go to. I drove there and it was pretty silent. But the good silence. Peaceful, just music. Once we got there, I parked in my usual spot and started walking to the bench and field around the back.

I sat on the top of the back of the bench. Max sat regularly, faced towards me. "This place holds some memories of mine. Some bad, some..." I started and stopped myself, "No. No, no, just bad." Max tilted his head at me. 

"I came here a lot. to watch sunsets or look at the starts. Mostly during fall. I know cliche right? But I mean, look around," I said. I could tell he was appreciating everything around him.

The yellow, red, and orange leaves falling, forming a thin layer on top of the tall and worn out grass from wild kids running around playing tag. It was pretty cold, but not too cold. There were clouds in the sky that occasionally hid the sun, making everything dark. Then bright again. There was a casual breeze that had blown through and it made the air pretty chilly. 

I got up and walked a little bit over towards the playground area. There were a few kids running around, I assume they were playing tag. I went to the right corner of the area and sat on the swing. Max had followed me and sat on the swing to the left of me. I moved my legs in short motions to get enough momentum to swing back and forth really slowly.

We took a walk around the entire park. We rambled about different topics until we got back to where the bench was and I decided it was a good time to leave before it gets too cold. Onto the next place. The beach. 

We didn't stay for too long since it was cold and the water was absolutely freezing, but I definitely put my feet in the sand, so Iw as happy.

But luckily, near the beach was the next place. Or street rather. Queen Street. It's practically a main street but better. I left my car in the beach parking lot and we decided to just walk. It wasn't exactly peaceful, but it wasn't LA busy either. But we walked and talked, saying hello to anyone who passes by, pointing out things around us, you know, the usual.

After a while of walking, we both decided we were hungry and found the closest restaurant. It was a small place I had never heard of but I was excited to try something new. We walked in and seated at a table and I looked at the menu. It was American food. That's alright with me. 

I ordered pasta and Max got a sandwich. While waiting, I scrolled through Twitter. Then, I decided to look at Google Maps and Yelp to see if there was anything around us that would be fun.

I came across an ice cream place nearby and one of those places they do escape rooms at. I've never done one so I brought it up to Max, who was interested as well. We booked a room for about an hour later so it gave us time to eat and then go there.

We made casual conversation while eating, although it was sort of difficult to find a topic we haven't already been over. It was also a pretty quiet restaurant with good food, if I may say so myself. The waitress was super sweet, she reminded me of Jess, Aphmau, and we said goodbye as we left. 

I found the directions to the Escape Room place and we started walking there. We, again, walked and talked. It was interesting because usually with a normal friend of mine I would run out of things to talk about or lack the energy or interest to continue talking. 

But with Max, it was different. We always had something to talk about. Our conversations ranged from and mainly consisted of deep talks, funny experiences, shared interests or stupid things like conspiracy theories. I don't know where I would be without this friendship.

I felt like I could be myself and be witty, sarcastic, and sassy but also not be afraid of embarrassing myself because it was all laughs. I did have a tendency to try to impress him, though, I did that with all guys I like. Oh. I guess that says something.


what do you guys think of the chapter lengths? Most chapters are around 1100 to 1500 words. Comment if you think I should make them shorter or longer, or if you think they're a good length.

Thanks for reading as well, I hope you're enjoying. c:

Stay Creative! 

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