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Once we got there, I found the entrance and we walked in. It looked really small on the outside, but it was a decent sized room on the inside. We went to a desk and I gave the person who I assumed was the manager my name for the reservation thing. He found it and then gave a backstory to the room and made us watch a video explaining the rules. Most were common sense, but knowing me, I would break something.

The manager guy, we found out his name was Nathaniel, led us to the room. We went inside, was given a notepad, a key, and a duffel bag. Then the door was immediately locked. Fun. We have exactly one hour to get out. The first thing I did was look around at all the walls, it was pretty dark but our eyes adjusted pretty quickly. 

I found a hatch on the bottom left corner of the back wall that looked like it would open. I wasn;t strong enough to move it so I let Max try, and continued looking around. There was a door, that wasn't the entrance, on the other side that looked like an elevator door but was made of wood.

Max got the hatch open to reveal a really small crawl space that was pitch black. He then looked up at me. "I get it, I'm short so I have to do that," I said, self-aware. He nodded and got up. He also felt around the room and found another hatch. I don't know how we missed it, but it revealed a puzzle that looked solved. So it was the answer key. It also had a stack of the puzzle pieces inside. 

I put two and two together and realized there's probably a puzzle at the end of the maze that I would have to solve in complete darkness. I  got down on my knees with the pieces in my left hand and found where to go. My instinct was to use my phone's flashlight, but then I realized we weren't allowed to take phones or anything inside, so I didn't have that ability.

Max called out what pieces had to go where, but I wasn't even to where the puzzle was. I quickly figured out that this crawl space was a pitch black maze. I kept accidentally hitting my head on the dead ends. I kept going until I found the puzzle. I got most of it put together with Max's help but soon came to the realization I lost a piece along the way.

I retraced my steps, or crawls rather, and felt around until I found it. I put it in its place and made my way back, getting lost a couple times. I made it out and was finally able to stand up, we found that getting the puzzle completely done opened a latch for a key. We didn't have another key.

I was worried that it was back at the end of that maze, but I checked inside the duffel bag first. And there it was, Thank god. The door opened and it revealed a hallway with a long horizontal window on the opposite side of the entrance, which showcased the next room over, and the exit door along with the timer above it. 52 minutes left. We weren't doing half bad.

There were lockers at one end of the hallway and a computer at the other end. Next to the lockers was a locker door. I checked all the locks and realized one was open. Inside was a paper with what looked like a password on it. I guessed it was the computer password and it was. 

There was an open browser that just said unknown page. Max was on the other side of the hallways looking at the rest of the lock to see any patterns. I studied the other room to see if there was any help over there. I looked back at the web page and realized the URL to the website was numbers, with an R at the end. 

I ran over to the lockers and there was one with the name "Rachel" on the name tag. I told Max to go over and read the numbers to me so I could put them in the lock. Sure enough, It opened, and inside was another key. That's becoming a pattern.

I instinctively tried the rest of the lockers, there were three more of them. The lockers didn't open, but the door did. It revealed a bathroom type of thing. It was dark and the light turned on once I flipped it. To my surprise, there was a dead body on the floor, but my eyes adjusted to it and it was a mannequin. I didn't scream, but I did squeal, which probably scared Max more than the mannequin.

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