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I think we both got scared because we immediately started walking to exit the room. I shuddered as we walked out, but it instantly became a couple degrees warmer. "Why do I keep getting the chills so damn much?" I groaned. Max turned to me, "I'm not a thousand percent sure, but maybe because its cold?" He laughed.

"I'm not a thousand percent sure im in love with your tone right now," I sassed back. He playfully punched my arm and I did the same in return. 

We walked outside, it seemed like a back entrance. Everything was muddy and there was really tall grass everywhere. But, built through the side of a hill right next to the building was one of those giant pipes. Almost like a tunnel. "Hey, we should totally do down there," Josh joked. "Yeah, great idea," I said. I walked to the entrance, "You guys coming?"

They didn't say anything but they hesitantly followed. There was graffiti everywhere, slowly getting less and less as we went down. On the ground was a small flow of water which we had to stand on either side of to avoid. We pointed our flashlights toward the opposite end of the tunnel and it was still dark. Nothing was visible at the other end.

Suddenly I heard some type of echo sound. At first, I thought it was one of us but then everyone else stopped in reaction to the sound. I stopped as well, turning around towards everyone. "Was that you?" I whispered. "No, I thought it was you."

We turned back around and flashed our lights forward. Still nothing. We kept going, we were almost half a mile in. "You guys realize if there is anything actually back here that we are gonna have to run a mile back, right?" I said. We hesitated to continue to walk but went anyways. Content, right? The farther we got the smaller the tunnel became.

After a little bit more of walking, we started hearing voices. It could have been paranoia or our minds playing tricks on us, but we were curious. We started walking a little faster to find the end of this tunnel or if there was anything there.

The tunnel ended up being around a mile long and at the end was just a wall. No humans, No demons. It was kind of anticlimactic, but now we have to go all the way back. We started walking back toward the exit, it was very a quiet this time. Only the sound of footsteps and running water. 

That is until we heard voices from behind us. The way we just came from and checked. We all quickly turned on our heels, looked behind, and then started running out. It sounded like there was an extra set of footsteps behind us but we didn't look back, just kept running.

Once we made it out, I swear I saw some type of light in the distance behind the trees, but no one else saw it so I decided to ignore it. While we were outside we noticed it was now dark outside, pitch black actually. We ran into the building again and just hid inside. I don't know what we were hiding from, probably just fear.

"I'm really tired from all this running," Josh said. I nodded. "I could really use a nap right now," Max said. "That's a good idea," I yawned. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. "Yeah, it's 3 AM, I'm gonna sleep until 10 AM," I said. We all agreed and I set an alarm on my phone.

Max pretended to fall asleep and leaned against my shoulder. I laughed and he laughed too, probably at the fact that I accepted it. "Oh, I see how it is," I said and rested my head on top of his. 

I heard Josh and Christina whisper something. Then, Josh said, "Why do you guys act like more of a couple than me and Christina?" Max and I simultaneously laughed. I scrolled through my phone for a little bit until I realized that Max actually fell asleep. I guess I should try to fall asleep too.

~ time-o skip-o ~

I woke up to my alarm. I opened my eyes to shut it off. I somehow found my phone and relentlessly tapped my screen until the alarm shut off. Max was still leaning on me so I lightly nudged him so he woke up. He groaned and sat up. 

I prepared myself to stand up and got up. I looked around and everything was light. It was daytime, finally. Everyone started grabbing their backpacks and getting up. "We have two hours until we can leave, or else we all lose the bet," Max said. "I totally forgot about that," I said remembering the whole deal.

We all agreed on walking around the bottom floor for a while before leaving. We explored a few new areas and didn't find anything. After a while, we decided t head up to the second floor again to start leaving. We found the same hole in the wall and, luckily, the whole tower we made was still there. 

I went first. I made it down until I was around 7 feet above the ground and at that point, I just jumped down. Josh came down next and did the same. Christina followed after him, jumping down little more carefully. Max came down last.

I checked my phone. 12:07. "We made it out just in time," I said. We started walking back through the forest to the car. Once we got there, we set the camera down and filmed an outro. I jokingly asked for a like goal, where if it was hit, we would film more scary videos. That gave me an idea.

"Oh! We should go on a ghost bus tour!" I said excitedly. Max replied, "But why though?" I laughed. A pun came to my mind, "Who you gonna call? Ghost bus tour," I said. Max puts his head in his hands and then laughs. "I'm sorry, that was a really bad joke," I said while trying my best to stifle a laugh. "I don't accept your apology," Max replied

We finished up our outro and started driving home. This is gonna make a very long and interesting video.



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