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I woke up to a flashback to the previous events from yesterday. It was a feeling that something bad was about to happen. I looked at the time and it was 11:56 AM. Then, I looked over at Max, who was still asleep. Or at least he was because he woke up the next second. I explained the feeling and asked if he was okay and he said he was thinking the same thing. 

We both fully woke up and did the usual morning thing. I quickly realized how much pain we both were in, but we toughed it out. Everyone else was already awake, but I checked in on everyone always. Everything was fine, at least in the house. I looked outside and the world surely wasn't up in flames or underwater. That's good.

I went back upstairs and grabbed my phone. Then I remembered I had the woman's phone number. I texted her and asked how she was doing and if there was anything I could do to help. I changed the contact name to Victoria, as that was her name that I just remembered, and didn't really expect a response. But to my surprise, she replied in about a minute.

Obviously, it was in French, So I translated and read it aloud to Max.

"I'm alright, could be better, but I'm recovering. 

All I can really do, even though it doesn't even give it justice, is say thank you. So much. Both of you. I don't know if I would even be alive right now if you guys didn't do something. So I am very thankful for that.

Just to maybe make this make a tiny bit more sense, this isn't the first time this has happened. If you heard him yelling about something that happened last week or whatever, that's one of the other times. Last time was the 2nd time and yesterday was the 3rd and final, hopefully. By far, yesterday's was the worst. So thanks for keeping me alive.

I hope you guys aren't too hurt. You definitely made yourself a shield. Thank you, but watch out for your own safety too? Im so sorry you got dragged into that, but I'm glad it was you guys, not another bystander that doesn't do anything or doesn't even try to help. 

The main point is, thank you."

Max and I started at each other and back at the text. I guess we were trying to understand everything. Yesterday, all of it. 

Max helped me make a response, "Say something about like we are glad we did what we did and we wish we could have done more and then more, what do you think?" Max said. I took those ideas and typed it. I kept forgetting about the whole French thing, so I tended to switch in and out of languages. I typed both of our ideas out and double checked it, then sent it. We had a conversation with Victoria for a little while until she said she had to do something. 

We both got ready and tried shaking away all of the bad thoughts and memories from yesterday.

I went downstairs, Max following, and had breakfast. My mom reminded me that today we go to that trampoline park.

Max and I both made a vlog out of it. Mine would mostly be timelapses with cool music and random portions of actually talking. I brought a GoPro, though, so maybe that would be interesting?

Since I changed my whole channel around, I changed my editing style too. It's more of a dark aesthetic type of thing. I started trying to do a transition between clips unless it was a timelapse. It wasn't too special when filming, but I'll do something in editing too, maybe a glitch or something similar? This is a whole process. 

Once we got there, they made us sign something and read the rules. Let's hope no one breaks something. There were lockers for each group that we all had to put our shoes in. I noticed the place was pretty empty for the time being so now it's time to take advantage of that. Once we were all ready to start doing things, I ran straight to the foam pit. 

I half slipped into the foam pit but I laughed it off and no one knew. We all ended up in the pit, struggling to move and get out. I got out last because I was practically buried in the foam cubes. 

Once I managed to get un-stuck and but to the actual ground I wanted to try to actually do something. Or at least I was going to until I got distracted and started just jumping on the trampoline in front of the foam pit. Jenna joined and Max stood there, then couldn't help but do the same.

Jenna left and went over to find the rest of our group. "Hey, Max?" I asked. He looked up to me, "Yeah?" 

"I have a question," I replied. "Okay, what's your question?" 

"Did the bee die?"

"You better jump into that foam pit before I tackle you." He replied. I took that as my opportunity to run and jump as far as I possibly could. He jumped after me but didn't nearly get as far. Then I realized I have to somehow pass him or go around him to get out of the pit. I tried going deeper and then trying to like swim through the foam cubes, but that only got me so far. It did hide me, and Max didn't know where I was.

Or so I thought. I felt his hand poke my arm. I screamed and jumped forward while trying to run. Running in foam doesn't work very well. He tried to get closer to me and start tickling me, but I got out faster. But I was extremely out of breath.

Once, he got out I accepted it and just layed on the floor. We both ended up lying on the floor, one hand over our quickly rising and falling chests, trying to catch our breath. "Okay, I wanna try to do something cool now," I said, slowly working my way up into a standing position. I started jumping on the far end of the trampoline when Max replied, "I wish I knew how to do something cool," 

"I mean, I could try to teach you," I responded. He nodded and agreed with that idea. "How about we don't leave here until we learn something new that would be something really hard for us." Max nodded and agreed.

"Uhm, this is level 1 then. It's really difficult to hut yourself in foam, so try here first. Start with this, or do your best," I said while jumping up and down on the trampoline, getting enough height. Then, I ran forward and did a regular front flip. Once I made it out, Max was following the strategy and jumping up and down.

He shot forward and actually did the flip. We both laughed at his reaction and how proud he was and then I moved to something harder. Backflip.

"It's basically almost the same thing, but tuck more and it's backward, obviously," I said, then demonstrated. Jenna came over and also attempted the backflip with Max. She got halfway through the flip and landed while Max landed on his neck and back. "Guys, please don't break your necks," I said once their heads popped out of the sea of foam. "That's the equivalent of a bellyflop in water," Max added. I nodded.

We all worked on it together, but Jenna left randomly once she got frustrated. After demonstrating a couple times and just explaining it, Max just practiced on his own repeatedly. While he was doing that, I was trying to figure out something new I could learn. Double gainer maybe? Or try perfecting an Aerial? Hmm.

First, I tried doing a double front flip and it was successful. I got out and looked over and Max finally landed it perfectly. I high-fived him and a few seconds later my mom called me. We walked over and she said we were gonna play a game of trampoline dodgeball. 

Game on.

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