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For the sake of this story, I decided to skip a few days of the trip. Reasons being, a. I didn't want to bee too repetitive and write about Disneyland again and I didn't feel like writing it again either, b. I have to keep this story moving, and c. I have new ideas. I guess if you guys are waiting till you guys finally have a relationship, hang in there. So, yes. Enjoy.

I woke up to the alarm on my phone, finally able to actually sleep in. Today was out last day in Paris, and we all planned on resting and staying home. We've done all the sight-seeing and done everything. Might as well savor the day and rest, as we are all tired anyways. 

About an hour later, everyone was awake. We were all doing our own things. I was reading, Max was scrolling through Twitter. "Thanks for helping my sister out with me. That was fun." I said looking over at him. "Of course," he replied, smiling.

About an hour later, Max and I were talking. We were laughing about the pun I made and all of a sudden the ceiling fan started spinning. We looked up and a few seconds later it stopped. "WHAT the fuck," I said. I nearly screamed. "What was that?" Max said, completely still. "Why are you asking me. What the hell?" I said, right after that there was a knock on the window. There was nothing there. "Fuck that." I ran out of the room and down the stairs. Max came down right after me. I looked back up at the stairs and heard the door slam. I screamed and ran out of the house. "What the actual fuck," he said. "Agreed."

"I'm not going back in there," I said. He nodded. I got out my phone and called Adam. As soon as he picked up he screamed. Moments later he was also out of the house, standing in front of us with wide eyes. "What happened?" I asked him. "I swear to God, something tapped my shoulder and then tapped on the window," he responded.

"That's why we are down here. Our ceiling fan spun on its own." Max added. "What the fuck," I starting breathing rather quick. Just then, everyone else came outside as well. "What the hell is going on?" I said. "I have no clue," Adam added. "Rhetorical question, but alright."

Red came running up, "Did you guys hear it too?" he asked. Max nodded. "Yeah, it looks like everyone did," Adam replied.

"Well, I know I'm leaving this place. Right now." I said. Max nodded in agreement. "Can you get our stuff? I'm already packed and I can call and Uber to take us to the airport. The rest of you guys can stay, I'm just gonna sit at the airport for a few hours more than I expected."

Max nodded and Adam went back with the rest of the group to figure out what they're gonna do, follow us or wait it out. Max ran back into the house and I called the Uber that was closest. Max came out a few minutes later with both of our suitcases in each hand. I helped him put them in the trunk of the Uber and we got in. Max told the Uber to drop us off at the airport.

The guy looked at him strangely, "Oh," I said. "Pouvez-vous nous déposer à l'aéroport?" I asked. The guy nodded and started driving. I was still a little out of breath from running down all those stairs. "Man, that was really weird," I said. "Stuff like that never happens to me," Max adds. "Maybe, I'm bad luck cause it happens to me whenever I travel," I reply. He shakes his head, "I think the place was just haunted. It had an eerie feeling from the start, like how when we got back on the fourth night all the lights were on but Adam swore that they were all off when we left. Just small things, until that." "Yeah, that's true."

We just got through security at the airport and found food when Adam called me and said that everyone else was leaving because the cops came to the house saying someone called from the backyard of the house, but no one was ever in the backyard, nonetheless even called the cops. So we went and found a place near our gate and saved everyone seats near us if possible.

~timeskip-a-roo brought to you by Google Translate because im too lazy to translate myself.~

We just got off the plane and now we have to get out of this mess of an airport. Since I travel a lot to Canada and back I knew that we had to go down a floor and then take two lefts to find the exit. So I acted as a leader and found the nearest elevator. We got on and once we went down to the main floor, the elevator door didn't open. 

"Are you fucking kidding me." We all said almost all in sequence. I pressed the emergency button and someone called 911. I could hear people on the outside, meaning the door was jammed and we weren't going to fall, hopefully. I sat on the floor and put my head in my hands. "Do you see why I'm afraid of elevators now?" I said. Everyone nodded.

Soon enough we got out after about 45 minutes and we all ran to the exit, not wanting to be in the damn airport anymore. We found a tram to the parking lot we had our cars at. We all went to the offices and took our own cars home, and then it was time to finally rest. Tomorrow we have to go back to work, but since we left early, we'll have extra prerecorded videos to put up, so we won't actually have to do much tomorrow.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, and that this is a pretty short chapter, the next one will probably be longer and funnier.  

And im more inspired for this story from my own experiences, so yes.

Stay Creative!


Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now