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As I walked into work, I noticed that Adam was walking around with the vlog camera. And what was he doing? Calling Max by his nicknames, surprising right? I decided to join in. 

I walked over to where Max was standing and poked him on the shoulder, "Does this mean you are a Mad Max?" He looked over at me and then hesitated before starting to countdown, "3... 2..." I started running so that he wasn't able to catch me. 

Once he gave up on chasing me he said, "You're a bitch you know!" I laughed, "I'm not a bitch, I'm the bitch!" This is when I slowly walked to my office to catch my breath.

I look at my schedule and see we have a Cards Against Humanity video planned in a few minutes. I get excited and go over to the filming area. We all sit down and set the cards down on the table. We decide that I'm going to be the Czar and start the recording. Adam starts his signature intro and we pass out the cards. I grab a black card and read it over quickly before reading it aloud.

"Maybe she's born with it, Maybe it's _______." I laugh. I scan my cards even though I can't put one down. I wait for everyone to put down a card and mix them up. I look at the first one, "Maybe she's born with it, Maybe it's The Ebola Virus Outbreak." 

"Maybe she's born with it, Maybe it's Being Covered In Dicks." I laugh. "Why is that a card??" Red asks. "Hey, we are playing Cards Against Humanity, not Apples to Apples," I add. "Fair point," Red laughs. 

"Oh god, this one. Maybe she's born with it, Maybe it's a 'one in a million" tumor.'" "That one is just depressing," Adam said. "Okay, last card. "Maybe she's born with it, Maybe it's the 'shy kid in the corner.'"

"I think I can relate to this one," I say. They all laugh and agree. "I think I'm gonna pick being covered in dicks." Barney raises his hands in success. I slide the black card over to him. Since Max is next on the couch, he picks up a new black card. "If I am found unconscious, please attempt the following:." he reads. 

I look down at my cards and laughs at the outcomes. I have two good cards to decide between, "Getting Bitchslapped by the Invisible Hand" or "decapitating a sheep and terrifying local children with the severed head." I go with the second one and place it in the pile in the center of the table.

Max picks up all four cards after mixing them up and starts reading the first one. " If I am found unconscious, please attempt the following: Wal-mart Rampage." I laugh at how much the card doesn't make sense. Next card, "If I am found unconscious, please attempt the following:  decapitating a sheep and terrifying local children with the severed head." Max said slowly drifting off at the end and then laughing. "Violent much?" Barney adds. I laugh and wait for Max to read the next card. 

"If I am found unconscious, please attempt the following: a drunken threesome with a teacher from your high-school years," Max says. We all laugh and Max reads the last card, "If I am found unconscious, please attempt the following: a wheelchair death race." We all laugh. Max scans through the cards once more. 

"I think im going to pick the severed sheep head," he says laughing. "Taste the rainbow motherfuckers!" I say in excitement. Max laughs hysterically and handed me over the card. 

We continue playing until one of us gets to 5 wins. Obviously, that was me. Once we ended the recording it was time for me to edit a video. As I was waiting for everything to open so I can start editing, I played some music. It was overly loud so I couldn't hear anything, and that caused me to not notice that Max came into my office to ask me a question. Instead of asking him to repeat the question I pause and my brain comes up with the most random ass word to say, "Pizza."

"What?" Max asked. "Pizza is always the answer," I say laughing. I managed to save myself. "touche." Max said laughing. "What was your question?" I ask.

"Adam wants to know if you wanted to join in on the Smoothie Challenge tomorrow," he repeats. "Oh, yeah sure." I volunteer. "I have to go get the things for the smoothies tomorrow too, do you wanna come? Adam said we have to make it a vlog, and I don't know how to make something funny alone, so," he adds. "Sure, of course," I say. He nods and walks out.

I press play on my music again and start editing. How I can edit and listen to music, I don't know.

~timeskip and Max's POV~

I saw that I got an email from Twitter saying that my Twitter password was changed, I definitely didn't do it so I went into my account and changed it back, As I was trying to think up a new and original password, Adam came over and said, "Hey do you wanna go get sushi with us?" "Uh, sure," I said nodding. "Okay, let's go," he said. Since I didn't have much time to think of something I typed in a bunch of numbers and repeated them in my head so I could remember later.

Since it was the closest office to the exit, I asked Y/N to remember the numbers. She seemed distracted but it was better than me trying to remember on my own. I followed Adam to the door and we left. 

~timeskip and BACK TO Y/N's POV brought to you by Shoosh.~

Once everyone was back, we started my last recording of the day. Another do not laugh. I prepared my jokes and join the skype call. 

After the recording was over, it was my job to edit it. I went over to Adam's office to go get the flash drive. One the way back, Max asked me for the number he asked me to remember. "38213904?" I say. "How the hell did you remember that." He asks and types it in. Twitter was on the screen so I was guessing it was a temporary password. "Because I'm magical?" I say. "And you even got it right too,"  he adds. "Wow, I'm good," I laugh and walk back to my office.

I get back to editing and once I finish that, I plan on working on a new animation. Probably something out of someone's video. Maybe the Do Not Laugh from a few days ago, the first video I was in.



I just decided to split it in half.

ahaha im good at life. 

wow this chapter was all over the place sorry about that

Also, If you are new here, thanks for reading, and favoriting and commenting, I appreciate it. We have already hit 700 reads! Thanks everyone!

okay anyways lol

stay creative!

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