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We found our seats first, they were towards the front. We put our suitcases in the overhead area and sat down. I got the window seat and Max was next to me, then someone who hasn't sat down yet next to him. Hopefully, it's like the kid we sat next to on the way to Paris. 

I got the window seat which obviously means aesthetic time-lapse. I got my camera out of my backpack and set it up on the tripod which worked perfectly. The last person on the plane was who had the seat next to us. They were pretty quiet, I could tell because the first thing they did was put headphones in. We'll see. Then, there was an hour or two of a mix between normal conversation and silence.

How can I make this flight funnier? Bad pickup lines, of course. I got my phone out and found a list of them. "Hey, Max," I said to get his attention. He looked over at me. I laughed and read from my phone, "If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable." I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my hysterical laughter. He did the same but also gave me a confused look. I showed him my phone screen and he nodded in acceptance.

I read another, "You're hotter than the bottom of my laptop." This continued for a while until Max found a list of his own and it was just back and forth. Some were so bad that the person next to us started laughing. No one was prepared for my last one. 

"Okay, this is the last one. Hey, bab-" I said and was cut off by my own cringe and laughter. "Gimme a moment, prepare yourselves," I managed to get out. I calmed down a bit and continued. "Hey Baby, do you wanna sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up,"

We burst into laughter and Max and I said, "I'm done," At the same time. This created more laughter, which we were stuck in because every time we tried to keep a straight face it went straight back.

After we calmed down we went into a normal conversation. "So you still haven't explained what you have planned," he said. "Right. That's probably a thing I should do," I replied.  He nodded and I organized it in my head and then went in order. "Okay, so. Today: We practically get there at midnight so my mom will be up but everyone else will be asleep so it's almost like we're just gonna break in and immediately go to bed so we have the energy for the next day," I started explaining, letting him nod along or ask questions along the way.

"Then, tomorrow: There's a bunch of people around my neighborhood that go overboard with decorating and usually really scary so we can check out those and maybe a professional haunted house type of thing nearby. But that's all at night, so that morning we can do whatever we want. Probably unpack, stuff like that," I continued. He nodded along and looked like he was taking mental notes.

"The next day: pretty much all that day is really whatever, We're probably all gonna go to the pumpkin patch, maybe carve pumpkins. But I was also thinking about taking you and maybe anyone else who wanted to join to all the places I grew up at and went too. My favourite spots," I kept going. He got excited over the pumpkin carving idea, I could tell.

"The next day: My mom and I paid for all of us to go the nearby trampoline park. It's really fun, just don't break an arm or leg," I started. "No promises," Max added in. I smiled and nodded, "Well you're gonna have to be in one piece for the thing after that, but it's a surprise," I continued. He looked at me with a glare that said, 'You're really not gonna tell me?'

"All I'm gonna say is it's gonna be scary and possibly even illegal, but also really fun," I said smiling and answering his question. He looked at me confused. "Don't worry about it," I said. He playfully rolled his eyes, I'm not very good at persuasion.

"Anyway, The day after that is whatever we want and packing back up, so that's about it, but still exciting," I finished. He nodded and smiled. 

"Actually, you probably deserve to know this since you are meeting my family and all. Ready for a moment of history class?" I asked. He tilted his head, "Sure?" 

"Alright so, I was adopted, along with my twin brother, who you will meet. Uhm, my birth dad was in jail and my mother was really unstable. Because of that, I stayed with my cousins a lot. When I stayed with them we played outside I lot. I ended up falling or tripping or something and getting a bruise on my neck and right arm. Following?" I asked to make sure he was following. He nodded

"So the next day the bruises were pretty dark and my preschool teacher saw it. It led to a full-blown investigation, and then days later my brother and I were taken away and put up for adoption. After, and yes I counted and still remember even though I was 4 years old, 1 year and 2 days, my brother and I got adopted by who are now my parents. I've also been told that I have a younger sister, who I haven't met or seen, but her name is Veronica. Interesting, huh?" I continued. He nodded, "I'm sorry you had to go through that. Do you remember all of it or is it just the story you were told about it?"

"I don't remember anything but the number of days I was in that adoption center. The movies and books are right, they are hell," I added. He nodded so I continued, "This also meant a lot of moving. I lived in Toronto, the house that we are going to, until 7th grade. Then we moved to Seattle. Towards the end of high school, we moved to LA for a year to see if school and jobs were better there, but it wasn't so we went back to Seattle. We stayed there until I went to college. My family went back to Toronto and I stayed here and moved to Bellevue. Except I would always visit them for the entire summer in between college years. Yay family story," I finished.

He smiled. "Okay that's all the talking im gonna do for now, but I have one last question," I said.

"What's your question?" He asked

"Did the bee die?"  I asked.

He put his face in his hands and let out a sigh. 

It was perfect timing though because our flight was just about to land. I watched as the view changed from clouds to a dark city with a lot of lights. It's the start to a great week.


hi, im extremely sick and i want to die 

great cool yay life


boring chapters for a while but next one or after that will be better. 

Stay Creative


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