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I started scrolling through Twitter to distract me from liftoff, and because I was bored. There was also a screaming kid in the back of the plane and I was tempted to put my earbuds in, but we couldn't take our phones off of airplane mode yet. Finally, we passed the point of the clouds and the child stopped screaming and sat back down.

I was still looking through Twitter and I started reading one, and before I knew it, I was uncontrollably laughing. Max chuckled and looked over at me, "Okay, you're doing your classic scream-laugh. What the hell happened?" I shook my head in response because I couldn't physically say anything. I could tell it was contagious because Max started laughing too, but not as hard because he was just clueless.

Max started questioning why I was still laughing. I moved from my position with my head in my hands to almost laying down with my head back and flailing like a seal. At this point, I was wheezing and I couldn't breathe. Max was looking at me, half amused and half concerned. I kept trying to explain why I was laughing, but every time I would try to keep a straight face, I would just melt back into laughter. 

I end up not being able to function and I let my phone go. Max immediately reaches for it and opens it. It goes straight to what I read. It was a funny story meme type of thing that Jenna Marbles retweeted. Max read it and started laughing pretty hard too, but he didn't understand why I was struggling this much to stop.

"It's like when... you laugh too much... and then... there's no reason.... to be laughing... so hard... so you feel... stupid... so you just... keep laughing," I say in between breaths. He looked so amused at this and I was sitting here with tears running down my face, my stomach cramping from laughing, and my throat in a whole lot of pain. Oh, and I still couldn't figure out how to stop laughing.

Max finally speaks up, "Breathe, please. You need too," and puts his hand on my shoulder. I take a deep breath when I could and finally calmed down. "Damn, I really needed that. I'm done with laughing for another week," I say with a smile. Max responds, "Yeah, I agree." 

~Max's POV (ooooh shit)~

"You did seem kinda off, to be honest," I said. She gives a half smile and nods. "And still do," I add. She nods again. I might as well try to be helpful. "Do you wanna talk about that or anything? You know I'm here for you," I say. Her face lights up and she smiles at me. I love her smile- I mean. I'm glad I could help her...

"One. Yes, I do. Two, I like how you always ask someone if they wanna talk about something instead of forcing them into it. It makes sure they can handle talking about it. So thanks," she says. I give a light smile in response. "I'll let you do the talking," I add.

"Well I don't really know how to word this, so I hope you can understand my rambling. But, uhh, I guess its just a bittersweet feeling. I don't know. I guess it's just that seeing my brother so in love makes me feel kinda like I don't fit in. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him and all that, but he's always had luck with relationships and all that, and I've never been the same way," she says. 

I so badly wanted to tell her to just pick me. To choose me and her worry would be gone, but I held it in. I just looked into her eyes instead. I could tell she was thinking about something because her eyes could tell stories that she couldn't. Reality escapes her and she stares down at her leg.

~POV back to Y/N~

 My friend spoke, "I just feel like he's manipulated you into thinking you deserve to be treated so poorly"

"He doesn't treat me poorly."

"Oh really? are you that naive? Cmon, I can't remember a time this month that he hasn't treated you like shit."

"I guess I dont notice it?"

"He's abusive."

"He hasn't hit me, ever."

"He doesn't have to."

I come back to reality and look back up at Max. "You okay?" he asks. I smile and nod, "Yeah, sorry." He starts soothing me and supporting me because he could see through my lie. " "You just have to find someone you can have a good friendship with and you can trust with your life, then its your job to fall in love," he started. I drifted into my own thoughts, kind of zoning out. Can't he tell that I like him?

I continued thinking until I heard, "It's all about finding the right person, Someone like me." I turned my head to face him again and gave him a confused look, while also holding in a smile. I could tell he didn't mean to say that, or he slipped up because he was quite red afterward. We both laughed at it and it seemed like he forgot about it after a while, but of course, I didn't.

~Time skippo~

I got a call from one of my friends from Uni, Nicole, and somehow managed to accept it even though there was barely any service on the plane. I heard her voice through my phone, "Where are you??" I got confused, "What do you mean?" 

"I'm at your house. I wanted to swing by to say hello and catch up. Plus, I brought you your favourite tea," she said. I laugh, "Dammit. I happen to be 35,000 feet up in the air, love." "How do I always manage to come by whenever you aren't home?" 

"I don't know, but you really drove all the way to my house?" I asked. "Yes, of course, love. It's really not that far." I smile, "And tea? God, I wish I was there." "Ahh, me too."

"Okay, well. Do you need anything? Anything new?" I ask. "Not much... Oh! Actually, Liam and I just got a doggo and she is the bestest puppo I have ever seen. How about you?" she replied. "Awww, I need pictures of her please," I laugh, "And as for me, I'm currently flying back home from Canada for the season." 

"Ohh! I remember when I went with you a couple years back, that was the best trip of my life. I know you always bring a plus one, so who did you invite this time?" She asks. I smile, "Yeah, it was great. My best friend Max came with me. I honestly don't know how he puts up with me." Max laughs in the background. "Ah! You've talked about him before," she says. I smile and start to blush. She continues, "I need to meet your friends sometime, they seem like some good people." 

I laugh, "Yes, we do need to do that. Soon. Come visit sometime, maybe?" "I will, I will. I just have to work up the courage and put in the effort to drive out here sometime soon," she says. I laugh. "Alright, well I hope you guys had fun, I'll leave you two to your plane ride. Oh, and I'll see you soon," she adds. I smile, "Okay! Bye!" We hang up. 

Old friends are great. I mean, I'm really glad I've met all these great new people and made good friendships, but I've known Nicole for decades and she's great. I really do hope she meets Max sometime soon, though. She's the one that always tells me if I should go for it and take the friendship further, but I have a good feeling she will say I should. 


Ayyy hello!

long chapter, long chapter.

I need to do more of these. It feels good to write again.

and a little life update for those of you who care: I'm doing amazing and life is great! I've been really happy recently, and I hope you guys are feeling the same. And if not, you will. Trust me.


Stay Creative! c:

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