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I finished up the last of the packing and put my suitcase in my car, along with my backpack. I drive over to the offices where we are all meeting. I see that I was the first one there, Hey I like to be early. The next person that got there was Adam. Right after him, it was everyone else. Once we all decided that we would get coffee first, we got in Adam's car and drove over. "I remember the order from last time. If nothing's different I'll go in." Everyone nodded.

"It's been like 4 months how the hell," Adam asked once I came back. "Why are you questioning me?" I shrugged. "Are you actually a wizard or something?" He added. "Probably not but I'd like to think so," I said. We al grabbed our drinks and Adam drove back to the offices. 

We all chose to leave our cars at the office parking lot and call an uber instead of paying to park our cars at the airport. (that's how it works if you didn't know, I'm actually writing this on a plane, Weird, right?) When we got back Adam called an Uber. We actually got a pretty decent driver. We told him we were driving to the airport and he blasted "Highway To Hell". That's how you do your job.

Once we got there, we found directions to Terminal 4, which was where we needed to go, and were told to go upstairs, through security, and to the right and then follow the signs until you find your gate. I found the closest elevator because stairs are overrated and asked, "Are you up for going down, or are you down for going up?" We all laughed, including the lady that we didn't know who was in the elevator with us.

We found our way over to security and stood in line for a bit. We gave our boarding passes and ID's to the TSA lady and put our bags and stuff in the bag check line. We walked through, and got our stuff and made our way right. We saw the sign that said Terminal 4 and knew we were in the right place.

We followed the signs to our gate, which was 46B. We sat down and looked at the time, 12:40 PM. It was 20 minutes before the flight. I got my laptop out of my bag and charged it fully while I still had the chance. While I had it out I listened to music since we were gonna have to wait anyways.

After a while, they called our group to board the plane. We went on in order of the seats. It was a random teenager, me, Max, Ross, Adam, Barney, Tim, Red, Corey, Jordan, and Tristan. We were all in two rows, but I was confused about the teenager in front of me. We boarded figured out that he got separated from his older brother, who was 5 rows back. That's fine, he seemed nice. Or at least let's hope so. 

Everyone on the plane got situated and were seated and the pilot announced that we are supposed to put our seatbelts on, and then the boring safety video played. It was pretty quiet until we started moving, and then finally took off.

"Tell me why I decided to watch a 9/11 documentary last night," I said. "Why would you do that?" Ross asked. "I dunno, I didn't want to sleep so that I could sleep on this 10-hour plane ride maybe?" I explained. "That's kinda smart, actually," Max added. "I fly home to Canada all the time, so, I'm kinda used to it," I said. They both nodded. 

It got really quiet and I look down at my laptop trying to think of something to do. I heard something familiar and noticed that the kid next to me was listening to music, not to mention it was We Are Numer One. I nudged Max and whispered to him, "That kid is listening to We Are Number One, should we talk to him?" Max looked over at the kid and shrugged. "That's your decision, what are you gonna say?" He asked. "Watch, I got this."

I quickly go to YouTube and go to my playlist and find the same video he is listening to. I play it quietly. He looked over at me and I laughed, "Now that we know this feeling is mutual, can I ask your name?" I said. "I'm Brian, and you?" He said pausing his video. "Y/N, that's Max and the rest of my coworkers."

"Are you two a couple, or what?" He asked. "How did you know?" I replied. I looked over at Max and laughed at his expression. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," I said, "I can't tell if you are embarrassed or you took that as an insult." I laughed. 


We were finally free from the Airport and realized we didn't know how to get to the townhouse Adam rented. Adam asked a random person walking by if she knew where to go. She looked at him confused. "Oh, I can help you!" I said running up to the sweet lady. "Excusez-moi, pourriez-vous nous donner des directives à Diderot Street, S'il vous plaît?" I said fluently. The lady perked up and responded, "Aller en bas de cette route et prendre trois droits et puis à gauche." she pointed to the street in front of us. I nodded, "Merci bien!" The lady smiled and walked away.

I turned back to the group. "What? Im sorry I'm from Canda and I know a different language. Now let's go, It's not that far," They all followed me down the streets until we came upon the house. "Well, It's definitely the right one. Thanks, Y/N" Adam said getting out the key. I nodded.

He opened the door and we all went inside and looked around the three-story house. I went up to the third floor and looked at all the rooms. The second one I went in, I fell it love with. It was the second biggest room and it had a big window seat with bookshelves around it. It had two dressers, an ensuite bathroom, and a Queen sized bed that was super comfortable. "I call dibs on this room!" I said and dropped my suitcase on the bed. 

Everyone else was looking on the second floor. It was a six bedroom, 4 bedroom house. This place is actually giant. I started unpacking a bit, and once almost everyone picked their rooms, I went back downstairs, trying to figure out who I would be sharing a room with. "Why do I have the be the only girl here?" I thought to myself. I guess I don't mind but it would be slightly awkward. 

"Man those stairs are a workout," I said once I got to the bottom. I looked over and saw Max and Corey playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. Max won but he didn't cheer or anything, and neither did Corey. They both simply said, "Alright," and walked away. I was confused so I asked them, "What was that all about?"

"Oh, everyone got a room and Corey and I had to figure out who we were sharing a room with." He said. "Okay. Do I get my own room then?" I asked while pouring a glass of water, planes make you thirsty.  "Nope," he chuckled. "Sorry, but you're stuck with me." I replied, "I don't mind, yanno. It's better someone I'm best friends with compared to someone I'm barely comfortable with." He agreed and picked up his bag and brought it to the room.

"You were right, those stairs are a workout. Damn," he said. I nodded and flopped on the bed. He followed and did the same. "This is actually a really nice room, I'm kinda glad I got put with you." he smiled. I was about to fall asleep because of jetlag and time change, but Max interrupted and said, "Don't fall asleep yet, we have to go to dinner, or rather brunch." I groaned and got up and walked to the bathroom.


wow, we made it.

I wrote this about 2 weeks ago but finished it off and published it now so yeee

And luckily, I might be writing and updating more because I have more time (because I have finished catching up on TV shows) and I have a ton of inspiration.

Anyways, Stay Creative!


Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt