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I woke up in the same position I remember I fell asleep in, except Max's arm was around me. I realized that no one was up except me so I decided to be the mom and make coffee and tea. I quickly moved from my spot and replaced myself with a pillow so I wouldn't wake Max up. I walked to the kitchen and opened the cupboard. I started making the coffee and I heard someone get up. 

Soon enough I realized it was Tim, and then Adam woke up, probably because of the smell of coffee. I handed them both cups. They both said the same thing, "Thanks, Mom." I quietly laughed and continued my job. 

Soon enough everyone was up and awake and had their caffeine. Ross then drove Max home which meant that it was also probably a good idea for me to drive home and get ready and get my suitcase in my car.

I hugged everyone and said my goodbyes since I wouldn't be seeing any of them for a while. I left and drove home. Once I got there I rolled my suitcase outside and put it in the trunk of my car. I went inside and changed into something and got ready for my day. I packed my backpack so technically I can have a backpack and a carry-on without worrying about checking a bag in. Smart.

I made sure I had all my chargers and boarding pass and grabbed my water bottle and went outside. I locked my door and then set up Google Maps because I had a tendency to get lost going to the airport. Ross's car pulled up just then and they both got out of the car. I greeted them and Max put his suitcase in the trunk along with mine.  I hugged Ross and said my goodbyes and Max did the same thing. "You ready?" I asked Max. He nodded and smiled.

We got in my car and started driving. I played my Driving Spotify playlist on shuffle and let Max be in charge of reading the directions to me. 

At one point, we were getting close to the airport and were just trying to find a parking lot. Max said, "It says to take left." For some reason, I thought I heard, "right." So I took a right turn on accident. Max face-palmed and laughed. "Evidence point towards: Y/N is an idiot," I said.

I got back to where we were previously and took the correct turn this time. 

Soon enough we were in line for security. We were also pretty early so we didn't have to stress about not making it in time at all. The line for security was so long that I decided to sit on the floor. I looked through my backpack for something to do without going on my phone so I didn't waste battery. I ended up finding a Rubick's cube at the bottom of the bag. That works. 

Eventually, Max joined me and sat on the floor a well. We haven't moved at all for a very long time and we saw a few security guards pass the line which led me to believe that there was probably a mix-up. I was trying to solve the stupid puzzle cube for a little while now and I got annoyed by it. I handed it to Max because he wanted to try and he ended up in the same position as me. I shrugged and turned around and told him to drop it back into my bag. 

By that point, half the line was sitting on the floor and all of a sudden we moved. The line started moving. Thank God.

~Timeskip brought to you by the fact that it's 2:26 AM right now and I'm barely half way through writing this chapter.~

We got through security without any problems, except for me, which was expected. Every time I go through airport security my arm goes off. What does that mean? It means that when I broke my arm about a decade ago they left a metal plate or screw in my arm after surgery, so after a quick explanation and confirming that I am not, in fact, a robot nor a criminal we got through. We walked down and found our gate. The waiting area near our gate was practically empty so we found a spot near the front and sat down. 

I plugged my phone in while I still could just to get it back to 100%. All of a sudden I got a notification. I looked at it and it was a text from Ben in all caps. I got worried and quickly opened it. I read it and squealed. Max asked what happened and I read it aloud, "Honey, You'll never guess what just happened. I saw Mark back at the same place I met him, the Starbucks a couple blocks down from your house. I went over to talk to him and he just walked away. It looked like he motioned for me to follow, so I did. He went around the corner, where no one was. Then, I sarcastically said something like, 'I'm a likable person, why don't you like me?' and I even made it vv obvious it was sarcastic and even rolled my eyes. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me really close to him. Then he said, 'no idiot, I do like you.' AND THEN HE KISSED ME OH MY GOD IM SHOOK SOMEONE BRING ME SOME HOLY WATER."

I smiled and covered my mouth with my hand and slowly put my phone down. Max smiled at me and then laughed. I immediately responded and said that as soon as we got back I would have to meet him. That made me really happy, happier than I was already at least.

We had about an hour until our flight starts boarding. It was sorta quiet so I brought out my ultimate silence breaker. "You wanna play a mind game?" I asked with a smile. He looked at me confused and then nodded. "Okay, you need to tell me if the bee dies. So listen," I said. I made a buzzing noise while moving my hand in a flying motion. I clap and say, "Did the bee die?"

He looked at me confused and said, "Yeah cause you killed it." I shook my head, "The bee didn't die. I'll do it again," I said and did the same thing as last time and asked the same question. "No, it didn't die then," He replied. I responded, "It did die." He gave me a confused glance and asked, "What was the difference though?" I laughed, "That's what you have to figure out, listen." I did the same thing again.

He started getting annoyed and I couldn't help but just laugh. I couldn't even properly get through the question. "Is it like if you cap louder it dies or like how long you do the buzz?" He asked. I shook my head because I couldn't properly answer since I was laughing.

He got impatient after doing it a few more times, so I just let it haunt him until he wanted to figure it out. He started playing the Impossible Quiz on his phone. Might as well mess with him some more.

He got kinda far and was stuck on a question. He had one life left. "It's C," I said knowing that it was B. He clicked C and lost and restarted back at the beginning. He hesitated but then said, "I hate you." After I stopped laughing hysterically I responded with my regular, "Love you too." He playfully rolls his eyes in response to my joke.

A few moments later, they called the first group to start boarding. I packed up my laptop, unplugged my phone, and put it in my back pocket. They called the next group and Max and I got in line.

We were almost on the actual plane and I got a moment of just pure happiness. I graduated university, I have a job, my friends are happy, I'm stable and most importantly, right now I'm about to go on a trip with my best friend AND I get to see my family. 

I turned around once the line stopped moving and smiled at him. He smiled back and I giggle and turned around. Time for a 5-hour flight, I'm actually excited about this one.

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